Ach du Sheisse!!!!
I hate it when people say idiotic things like "Your a noob" since your rank is low (you could be astronomicaly good, or you had your stats erased), or they bitch about shit that you didn't do...
So, what is your experience of a ignorant/idiotic player?  I know of bad admins, but how about players? (sorry if this has already been reviewed)
+7|7070|Boulder, CO
I think people just like the word noob, well that and demoralizing ppl they don't know to boost their ego. I got into it once with a guy that called me noob and I couldn't figure out why. I was chasing him down on oman at the constr. site and it looked like he was running for the apc so I ran around the little fence next to it to get some cover while I shot missiles at it and for some reason he went prone behind the fence and shot me as I rounded the corner. He startled me so I shot and missed since I was carrying a sraw expecting to shoot an apc. So he called me a noob... It corelates to your story sorta since I said wtf, how am I noob when I outrank you and you killed me 1 time? Some ppl just love pissing other ppl off.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Yeah the newb thing is ridiculous.  I've seen some of the things that they say newbs are doing that veterans are doing. Hey if it works, use it. Isn't that why everyone is here, to have fun?
LOL.... a friend of mine ( madwizard ) runs around w/ the grenade launcher blasting anything thats red and moves just to get people to call him a noob he gets a kick out of pissing off the
Ach du Sheisse!!!!

imdead wrote:

Yeah the newb thing is ridiculous.  I've seen some of the things that they say newbs are doing that veterans are doing. Hey if it works, use it. Isn't that why everyone is here, to have fun?
For some, its a competition, even if it's not a clan match, and they got zero tolerance, but at least some of them are admins!
Ach du Sheisse!!!!

Turtle wrote:

I think people just like the word noob, well that and demoralizing ppl they don't know to boost their ego....  Some ppl just love pissing other ppl off.
Yup, and that's dangerous, since you never know who's an admin until you get punished...Nothing's more dangerous, I find, than an undercover admin...
Be A Medic!
+2|7076|Austin TX
i love being called a n00b.  especially when im being falsely accused of something.  ive accidentally tked ppl and then they kick-vote me saying "he tked me for my kit!!!"  believe it or not, i know how to switch kits on the spawn screen too. 

the other day i was going for my explosives badge, and i was jihad-jeeping (which i normally wouldnt do in ANY situation).  i even told the guy i kept killing, "sry bro, but im going for my badge."   he says "lol, ur not gonna get it with that n00b shit!"   about half way into the round, i got my badge.
+0|7066|Brisbane Australia
jihad jeeping, is that what its called.

i find that people dont insult you based on your rank.  strange because everyone around is gunnery or better.  i find people base your ability and expectations on your actions not your rank.

tho, ive seen some really dumb Pvt1st's who drop beside me to cap a flag, turn to face me, shit their pants and TK me. i shout "Watch it numbnuts!" into the mic and the dumbasses barely ever say sorry. 
thats ok, ive done that before, forgive.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Your a noob.
Alpha as fuck.
i remember there was a guy in an APC i ran into while i was driving some people in another one. i shot at his APC and he jumped out and killed this other guy. just as he was jumping out i fire the missle and it blows up his APC. 'shame jafa u noob' he says. unfortunately because he was typing he wasnt going anywhere so i fired one shot and killed him. 'FUCK OFF JAFA U DRITY FUCKIN NOOB' he says. i say 'its the point of the game to kill each other bro, deal with it'. he then left the server. moron.
I don't think its so much that ppl are "noobs" Its just that so many ppl want the glory for themselves and lose sight of the bigger picture of this game. This game is a team-based game playing experience. If ppl would stop acting as jackasses and work together, alot of the stupidity would fly out the window. Probably alot less teamkills as well, even with the screwed up punkbuster telling you a teammate is an enemy. Mind you, I have found ppl changing teams to sabotage then changing back"BAN THE BASTARDS FOR LIFE"

               Thank you for your time
for the record... I hate the word noob. I can't use it myself without feeling like I'm 11 or 12 years old. I also don't understand what it means when someone uses the characters 'pwning' and I find it very annoying when I'm reading a thread and it says "do so and so you you will own." Own what exactly?

perhaps I'm showing my age (the ripe old age of 26). I dunno. All I know is don't mess with me, I own.

Last edited by dshak (2005-11-04 22:47:23)

I always thought newb and noob were different. 

Newb = new person, not insulting at all
Noob = Idiot, can't or won't play properly etc
+22|7061|Sharqi Peninsula
As far as stupidity of other players go, I have to say that it grinds my gears when some guy on your team who is 5 feet in front of you hops ina truck and drives away by himself when me and my squad try to get in and end up having to walk 10 minutes.  Anyone else get pissed off by this?
Yes, that happens to me all the time.  I usually just type in team chat "when i ask for a pickup, i'm not asking you to drive off."  So far it hasn't done anything though..
The Disconnected

ronin1942 wrote:

LOL.... a friend of mine ( madwizard ) runs around w/ the grenade launcher blasting anything thats red and moves just to get people to call him a noob he gets a kick out of pissing off the
they have done right by kicking your friend. i can't stand GL whores.
Hmm. The grenade launcher attachment. A usefull weapon - in a good soldiers hand. It is an excellent choice for taking out a group of enemies who have dug in (hiding behindsandbags or such) - sometimes I wish our squads regular assault would be abale to handle it properly. But a real fun killer in the hand of someone who uses it in close comat. If you are in tactical combat, have your squad well lined up and then some guy comes running you go prone in expectence of a good shootout but he does what? Charges at you and blows you and himslef to tiny bits. If he does it once and in disdress (for example bad luck while respawning) it's not that bad - but two times is one time to often.

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 11:54:02)

What really pisses me off are those guys who tk you just because you scratched (not tked) them a bit in close combat when they pop up just around the corner. I usually express my regret when doing wrong but i had aguy today who killed me for a flesh wound (I patched it up as a medic too) AFTER i appologised.
Also really annoying: Those Jhihadist SpecOps; run into your group just to blow everyone up (including themselfes). Best thing you can do is shoot at him - at least you get a damage assist.

Only beginner's behaviour but seen freuqently: You rush towards an enemy base far behind the enemy's frontline in a jeep, using the terretory to mask your cautious movments and the dumb f* at the machinegun blasts away for no reason at all.
For all of you who like to do this: This behavour is more likely to get you killed. This...
a) draws the enemy's attention to you
b) will cause the driver (jeep) to take evasive action (jeep) and thereby is more likely to cause an accindent or
c) cause the driver (APC) to stop and look for the threat what makes enemy air attacks more dangerous.

SO only shoot at identified/likely targets - not at every leaf you deem threatening! :-)

Note: Firing "salutes" is quite okay at the end of around which is pretty well won. I can distinguish joy from stupidity.

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-05 12:13:15)

[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

Kommando wrote:

jihad jeeping, is that what its called.

i find that people dont insult you based on your rank.  strange because everyone around is gunnery or better.  i find people base your ability and expectations on your actions not your rank.

tho, ive seen some really dumb Pvt1st's who drop beside me to cap a flag, turn to face me, shit their pants and TK me. i shout "Watch it numbnuts!" into the mic and the dumbasses barely ever say sorry. 
thats ok, ive done that before, forgive.
I call it suicide carbombing.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

OholibaH wrote:

ronin1942 wrote:

LOL.... a friend of mine ( madwizard ) runs around w/ the grenade launcher blasting anything thats red and moves just to get people to call him a noob he gets a kick out of pissing off the
they have done right by kicking your friend. i can't stand GL whores.
You seem to have misunderstood.  ronin said that madwizard "gets a kick out of" getting people mad, not that he gets kicked from the server.

dshak wrote:

for the record... I hate the word noob. I can't use it myself without feeling like I'm 11 or 12 years old. I also don't understand what it means when someone uses the characters 'pwning' and I find it very annoying when I'm reading a thread and it says "do so and so you you will own." Own what exactly?

perhaps I'm showing my age (the ripe old age of 26). I dunno. All I know is don't mess with me, I own.
Yep, I think it's your age  ... 26 years old and playing computer games . However, I'm 44 years old and play the same game. I too hate the word 'noob' , 'pwning' and the like, I won't use them or react to them as they mean absolutely nothing to me... but if they do start with their crap, I'll find them and ... erm, shoot them, it's all part of the game
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

thinner44 wrote:

dshak wrote:

for the record... I hate the word noob. I can't use it myself without feeling like I'm 11 or 12 years old. I also don't understand what it means when someone uses the characters 'pwning' and I find it very annoying when I'm reading a thread and it says "do so and so you you will own." Own what exactly?

perhaps I'm showing my age (the ripe old age of 26). I dunno. All I know is don't mess with me, I own.
Yep, I think it's your age  ... 26 years old and playing computer games . However, I'm 44 years old and play the same game. I too hate the word 'noob' , 'pwning' and the like, I won't use them or react to them as they mean absolutely nothing to me... but if they do start with their crap, I'll find them and ... erm, shoot them, it's all part of the game
same here (34); Didn't know there was a difference until now (ex. newb,n00b, newbie); don't like when ppl call other n00b because to me its a new person learning the game.  People get mad a someone for shooting them and then do the same thing to others. Isnt' this what the game is about....shooting each other..
noob on tour
I´ve been called noob for crashing into an enemy plane. The guy was quite good but he was also a TKing plane whore so he shortly after was kicked cause of repeated TK ^^

Another time I was called noob cause I crashed into a Black Hawk. I couldn´t have cared less in that situation as first I was MEC and so I got 6 kills for one crash and further I had lagg so I was glad that I crashed into it instead right next to it ^^
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
Well, my worst thing: people who hang in front of your plane, waiting for you to run over them, just because they didn't get the plane, they are such a**holes since they didn't get a vehicle, then they punish (if it's activated)
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA
Thinking back I havent seen anyone calling me stuff online....or complaining. But on second thought, I probably wouldnt see it if they did, cuz there is so much crap going on in the game I dont have time to read one of the many colored text lines that keep scrolling by. Ignorance is bliss sometimes.

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