This guy has the WCR If you'll notice he only plays Karkland.. a little over 600hrs. worth of it to be exact. He plays the same server I do when I get my Karkland groove on. So I'll sum him up for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of playing with him.
He Alley spawn camps with armor.. and only armor. He doesn't cap flags, just spawn camps. If the team is losing.. he'll switch just before the loss.. and then play the next round on the other team.
So.. in short.. he plays like a total ass.. its gotten to the point now that when he's on my team I just C4 him. Its only a -6 on the teamscore and thats easy to recover from so for me its worth it.
The server for those of you interested is.
Raw! West Coast
a simple Raw search will provide you with 2 servers of which are both 24/7 Karkland.. He's usually on the first one. Don't bother talking to him though, I don't think he speaks english.. with all the bad stuff thats been directed at him in the game I would hope for his sake he doesn't.