We all get new guns on every increase (from L. Cpl) in rank. You hit Master Sergeant and that's it...no more upgrades. Would it not be cool though if you got above that or even too that, everyone who is a master sergeant or above would get an upgraded pistol...say a .44 Magnum...or .357 Magnum, etc...?
Or a Markov?
Or a Glock 17/18?
Or a Glock 17/18?
I like the Idea...my geuss is EA doesnt.
The weapon replacements are weapon 'alternatives', not upgrades.
I want a desert eagle...ahh, those good old CS days...
I was going to say... but noticed that B has posted... this board is for requesting features of this site, not the game this site is about. ;P
But how do you know there aren't unlocks planned for 2LT and up? I suppose Blazin.UK would've said if there was when he got it... but I think the general consensus is that he got there before EA/Dice expected him to, and caught them by suprise. Also, it's known that they've not gotten the code in for 1LT and up, but the "bones" are there, showing it's planned... and they're probably shipping it with SF (and we'll get a patch, whether we buy SF or not... in multi-player games the main version has to be patched, or it won't work well with the expansion, but if they're rolling it all together into one release, they can't put out the patch until SF is Gold).
But how do you know there aren't unlocks planned for 2LT and up? I suppose Blazin.UK would've said if there was when he got it... but I think the general consensus is that he got there before EA/Dice expected him to, and caught them by suprise. Also, it's known that they've not gotten the code in for 1LT and up, but the "bones" are there, showing it's planned... and they're probably shipping it with SF (and we'll get a patch, whether we buy SF or not... in multi-player games the main version has to be patched, or it won't work well with the expansion, but if they're rolling it all together into one release, they can't put out the patch until SF is Gold).
true. I was so deep into CS memories that I overlooked that.Lazarus Tag'lim wrote:
I was going to say... but noticed that B has posted... this board is for requesting features of this site, not the game this site is about. ;P
But how do you know there aren't unlocks planned for 2LT and up? I suppose Blazin.UK would've said if there was when he got it... but I think the general consensus is that he got there before EA/Dice expected him to, and caught them by suprise. Also, it's known that they've not gotten the code in for 1LT and up, but the "bones" are there, showing it's planned... and they're probably shipping it with SF (and we'll get a patch, whether we buy SF or not... in multi-player games the main version has to be patched, or it won't work well with the expansion, but if they're rolling it all together into one release, they can't put out the patch until SF is Gold).
thread will be moved to BF2:Chatter
Or add-ons for your current weapons/unlocks. Like an ACOG on your M249, or whatever.
they should give the privates an airsoft gun
I want Silver Talon from SOF2
boom heads00t.
boom heads00t.
I want a few throwing knives and a shoulder mounted stinger missile like in the DC mod.
I'd like a FN 57 or a Colt...maybe a MP7 PDW as a sidearm
Upgrades for the weapons really would add a new dimension to the game
Upgrades for the weapons really would add a new dimension to the game
How about throwing knives?
Howsabout a Laser spotting device for guiding in all the ordinance from the bombers? You'd have to organize it with the pilot. You might piss off alot of pilots when their bombs suddenly veer in a different direction and miss completely. TK's would be affected, but kill assists would be nice there.
SOPMOD your shit ..... PIMP YOUR TANKS!!!!.. too far there sorry
roflr00fus wrote:
they should give the privates an airsoft gun

They need like one of those guns that that are getting field tested, like the XM-8
yeah a glock 17 a 9mm thats what i want to carry on the battlefield not a .45 or a .357 or a DE .44 mag; come on give me something with a lil horsepower behind it!!Jeckelcopy wrote:
Or a Markov?
Or a Glock 17/18?
Last edited by Doomsday (2005-11-08 20:57:08)
roflJeckelcopy wrote:
Or a Markov?
Or a Glock 17/18?
lmaoB.Schuss wrote:
I want a desert eagle...ahh, those good old CS days...