This is kidna a spurn of the moment thing with the inspiration from this post...
Although it maybe quite true that the whole thing is staged, but if it isn't what do you think?
I see a kid (teenager to be politically correct) who is just very passionate in Halo 2, and verbalizes his frustrations with loads of flamatory language. Does this make him a person who is violent or prone to violence?
I'm pretty sure that certain lawmakers would watch this video and see that this is a true indication of games promoting violence and violent behavoir.
On the flip side of the coin, it could be a way for a angry person to vent their frustrations is a medium which isn't harmful to society.
All to often we hear on the news abotu what critics have to say or what the gaming industry has in response but we hardly ever hear mentioned in mainstream media about what the gamers themselves have to say about the topic. It almost seems as if we are the sheep and need shepards to mandate our gaming experience. If we feel that this should not be, then by virtue of the 'democratic' system we need to represent ourselves in the gaming business.
Does anyone know of an interest group that represents gamers themselves. We are the consumers after all, and without us the industry would never exist. We are the demand, and isn't it time for us to be more involved in the process?
But in the end, like voting and participating in government, a usual reason/excuse is that we all have our own things to worry about and gaming isn't on the top of that list. Well i refute that answer with the notion that when you fall back on soemthings in your life, other things follow. Think of it as shaping better behavoirs to your overall self? i dunno...just being melodramatic....
Although it maybe quite true that the whole thing is staged, but if it isn't what do you think?
I see a kid (teenager to be politically correct) who is just very passionate in Halo 2, and verbalizes his frustrations with loads of flamatory language. Does this make him a person who is violent or prone to violence?
I'm pretty sure that certain lawmakers would watch this video and see that this is a true indication of games promoting violence and violent behavoir.
On the flip side of the coin, it could be a way for a angry person to vent their frustrations is a medium which isn't harmful to society.
All to often we hear on the news abotu what critics have to say or what the gaming industry has in response but we hardly ever hear mentioned in mainstream media about what the gamers themselves have to say about the topic. It almost seems as if we are the sheep and need shepards to mandate our gaming experience. If we feel that this should not be, then by virtue of the 'democratic' system we need to represent ourselves in the gaming business.
Does anyone know of an interest group that represents gamers themselves. We are the consumers after all, and without us the industry would never exist. We are the demand, and isn't it time for us to be more involved in the process?
But in the end, like voting and participating in government, a usual reason/excuse is that we all have our own things to worry about and gaming isn't on the top of that list. Well i refute that answer with the notion that when you fall back on soemthings in your life, other things follow. Think of it as shaping better behavoirs to your overall self? i dunno...just being melodramatic....