$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

:: Airplane Avoidance ::
- If the missles you are avoiding come from a ground based AA site, just bank slightly either left or right, up to you, and continue on your mission. Pay no attention to the warning alarms as they are just there for decoration. If you don't like the sound of these, find an enemy aircraft and fly close to it, the AA missles will automatically retarget and take your foe out. (That is their original mission anyway). If you must, you can nose dive the AA site and shred it with your gun/bombs while your enemy craps his pants, the AA missles will just fly past you.

- If the missles you are avoiding come from a plane, pull up as hard as you can and do some crazy ass maneuver. My favorite is a Loop-de-loop, followed by a barrel roll which leads to a corkscrew, top that with a 90 deegre right turn with a 180 direction reversal, and then I finish it off with a nose dive to figure out where the hell I am going. Anything works. Repeat as needed, especially if an experienced pilot is following you. Just remember, there are no G-forces in BF2 so turn as you please.

- Flares take a long time to respawn, so use them only when you're on a critical mission and need to destroy a target with disregard to AA. For example, nose diving an AA site or bombing a flag while being chased. Then just proceed with some banking or stunt moves.

:: Transport Chopper Avoidance ::
- If you are avoiding ground fire, fly high and you will not be easily detected. Get your gunners (if you have any, after the patch no one wants to ride blackhawks) to destory the AA before they can fire. If you are alone, just release flares and do some smoooooth banking. AA will get confused by your smoooooth moves. Flares will come back soon for you to be ready for another round. As long as you are moving, AA will have a hard time hitting you. As before, find an enemy aircraft and get nearby, the AA will automatically target them instead and you will be safe.

- If you are avoiding aircraft fire, you are fucked. Basically, you're a flying tub with wings waiting to be taken out. Flares are your only hope, praying can only help (but don't expect much). I'd say your safest choice is bail and parachute to the nearest flag. If you are lucky, the enemy will ram into you because his missles don't hit you in time. Quick painless death, and you help out the team.

- Whatever you do, DO NOT hover for too long, AA will get you then. If you are moving even a little bit, you have a chance of AA just pretending to go to you, but then turning around at the last minute and finding an enemy (friend of theirs) aircraft.

:: Attack Chopper Avoidance ::
- If you are avoiding ground AA, proceed lighty with some smoooooth banking, or if you like to be more agressive, pull off some crazy ass stunts. Either way, AA is scared of attack choppers so they are just following you to please their masters. Get your gunner (please, never ride attack choppers without gunners, pick someone up for gods sake) to rape the site while you perform your stunt pilot moves. TV missles do wonders with AA sites. Use your flares to piss off the AA guy, he won't be able to target you easily, but that doesn't matter anyway, you are pretty much safe. If you MUST use your missles, nose dive towards the site while firing, but expect to get hit at least once to get that kill.

- If you are avoiding aircraft AA, use your god given agility and go into stunt pilot mode. Your biggest concern should be the machine gun fire. If you can avoid that, you can pretty much guarantee you'll be safe from AA missles. Get your gunner to fire off a tv missle as the plane passes you, you never know what might happen. If you are agile enough, planes will have a hard time hitting you.

:: General Suggestions ::
- With choppers, flares come back fast enough so use them freely. Do realize that after you use flares, you are an easier target so don't get confident and hover thinking everything is fine.

- Your BIGGEST AA threat is not the missles... rather, it's those flying jets that seem to find the best times to ram you. Ramming is the single deadliest anti-aircraft measure you can find on BF2.

- Enemies are your friends: Seriously, find an enemy in the face of AA danger and you will find yourself in a win-win situation. The enemy aircraft will be gone, and since we can be sure that whatever ass^ (read: asshat) was in that aircraft will punish the tker, you can expect the AA site to be empty pretty soon. If you like to be mean, look for full blackhawk's, they are the best target for their friendly AA mates.

- M95 troops are cocky bastards. They will shoot with hopes that their armor piercing bullets will take you out. Just a word of caution, don't remain steady OR I WILL TAKE YOU OUT. As long as you are moving, you can rest assured snipers will not harm you directly. This brings me to my next point, M95's can do a bitch of damage to the actual vehicle, so once again, do not be an easy target.

:: Conclusion ::
- Fly, fly and be merry, for as long as there is no new patch you will be pretty safe from AA fire. Just follow my friendly tips and you can be sure there will be more bitching about how "AA SUCKS OMG LOL HAXOR WTF!!!" in BF2s forums. I hope this helps all you sorry saps who actually get taken down a lot by AA fire (I truly pity you) and that this makes all of our BF2 experiences all the better. Hasta luego amigos.

Last edited by GotMex? (2005-11-07 21:09:28)

very useful & detailed, good job
+35|7084|Phoenix, Az
I'll be using this.
soup fly mod

mex, you've got two and half hours in a jet!

why are you writing guides?
Best way to avoid AA?

1.  Get in Plane
2.  Fly around
3.  ...
4.  Profit!

Sweet! First /. rip!

Good post too ;D
+-3|7059|Bristol UK

superfly_cox wrote:

mex, you've got two and half hours in a jet!

why are you writing guides?
lol pwned j00 n00b maybe he got experience from non ranked servers or maybe he has more accounts or maybe he's like top banana.............. who knows? its a good guide anway so dont just say that try it before you buy it
Umbra Acciptris
I cannot tell if this is satier or the best written AA avoidance guid I have ever seen . . . I'm thinking a bit of both.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Umbra Acciptris wrote:

I cannot tell if this is satier or the best written AA avoidance guid I have ever seen . . . I'm thinking a bit of both.
You bet it's a bit of both. I mean, with all the bitching about how much AA sucks (even I bitch), what could be better than a guide on how to avoid AA.

superfly_cox wrote:

mex, you've got two and half hours in a jet!

why are you writing guides?
True, I've only got 2.5 hrs in a jet... how much more do I need to realize that I can't be taken down by AA, and that if I pull crazy ass maneuvers, other pilots can't take me out??? And besides, I've been in AA quite some time, and I spend most of my time now inside choppers. Then again, this is supposed to be taken lightly... any noob can avoid AA as it stands.

Thx for the comments guys.
soup fly mod

nuttydave wrote:

superfly_cox wrote:

mex, you've got two and half hours in a jet!

why are you writing guides?
lol pwned j00 n00b maybe he got experience from non ranked servers or maybe he has more accounts or maybe he's like top banana.............. who knows? its a good guide anway so dont just say that try it before you buy it
hell, i don't fly so i wouldn't know a good guide from a bad one!  just wondering where he's basing his info on. 

i didn't mean to say that it was a bad guide!
+-3|7059|Bristol UK

superfly_cox wrote:

nuttydave wrote:

superfly_cox wrote:

mex, you've got two and half hours in a jet!

why are you writing guides?
lol pwned j00 n00b maybe he got experience from non ranked servers or maybe he has more accounts or maybe he's like top banana.............. who knows? its a good guide anway so dont just say that try it before you buy it
hell, i don't fly so i wouldn't know a good guide from a bad one!  just wondering where he's basing his info on. 

i didn't mean to say that it was a bad guide!
FFS no need to be so polite about it christ youll give gaming a good name and end the world because the core of forums would fall apart maybe even the fabric of time itself would collapse
Forklift Whore
+67|7080|Canader , eh?
Mex you get  ***** from my dad (5 stars) (he writes a column for PC gamer)
Aussie Outlaw
Nice guide, Mex - but you do have 70 deaths to 100 kills in jets
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

uh you can also try taking out a plane with the attack chopper missiles. Planes will most likely take a few runs at you, so quickly figure out which direction they're coming from, and face them. Next stay still so that the pilot will think it's an easy kill, when he's locked release flares, go up and fire like crazy. It only needs 2-3 to get contact to kill him. And he'll feel like shit because he got taken out by ya.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Nice guide, 5 sniper rounds outta 5
(that means you did good, have a cookie)
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7157|Bryan/College Station, TX
I love how the number one method to avoid AA is to get near an enemy air vehicle because the Missle fired by the Enemy AA will more likely hit their own teammate's vehicle than yours.

That's is one screwed up method of avoiding AA but in this broken ass game so true.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

another fun thing that sounded unrealistic but was sooo cool is when you make the Essex TK a lot.

crude drawing:
|                       |     |           _/|_
|                       | AA|         <_  =|  <-you
|_____________|___|             \|

fly right over and let go flares, flares will hit the deck and so will any AA missiles or Aircraft missiles, TK's away!

sounds unlikely, but its soo easy to do lol
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier
I have something to add to this wonderful and amusing guide:  You do have a chance if you get targeted by a jet in a transport chopper.  First, you must have a little bit of altitude, and make sure your mouse (assuming you are flying by mouse) sensitivity isn't set too high.  I forget what mine is, I'll edit this post later when I get back to my compy.  Ok, so when you hear the missile warning sound, and you know it's a jet, here's what you do: drop your flares, and then pull back until the chopper is at a good 45-degree angle (I fly transport choppers in third-person).  If you're daring, go back further, but make sure you're practically crushing the w key.  A sharp bank wouldn't hurt either.  You're bascially trying to make the jet's missiles fly past you just like the AA (yes they're almost as bad) as well as make yourself a hard target for the jet's autocannon.  I must stress that the blackhawk is the best chopper to be flying in this situation, the other two are basically bricks with rotors.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

I'd like to say that (as far as I know) it is fairly easy to take out any chopper with a Linebacker and easier (than with stationary AA) to take out a jet.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:

I have something to add to this wonderful and amusing guide:  You do have a chance if you get targeted by a jet in a transport chopper.  First, you must have a little bit of altitude, and make sure your mouse (assuming you are flying by mouse) sensitivity isn't set too high.  I forget what mine is, I'll edit this post later when I get back to my compy.  Ok, so when you hear the missile warning sound, and you know it's a jet, here's what you do: drop your flares, and then pull back until the chopper is at a good 45-degree angle (I fly transport choppers in third-person).  If you're daring, go back further, but make sure you're practically crushing the w key.  A sharp bank wouldn't hurt either.  You're bascially trying to make the jet's missiles fly past you just like the AA (yes they're almost as bad) as well as make yourself a hard target for the jet's autocannon.  I must stress that the blackhawk is the best chopper to be flying in this situation, the other two are basically bricks with rotors.
Good stuff, I agree that the blackhawk has the best chance at surviving an aerial attack. Just look at the other choppers, I hate the PLA one, it really looks like a huge blob of metal flying in the air.
[Ahazi] Kaika
The Suicidal Soldier

GotMex? wrote:

[Ahazi] Kaika wrote:

I have something to add to this wonderful and amusing guide:  You do have a chance if you get targeted by a jet in a transport chopper.  First, you must have a little bit of altitude, and make sure your mouse (assuming you are flying by mouse) sensitivity isn't set too high.  I forget what mine is, I'll edit this post later when I get back to my compy.  Ok, so when you hear the missile warning sound, and you know it's a jet, here's what you do: drop your flares, and then pull back until the chopper is at a good 45-degree angle (I fly transport choppers in third-person).  If you're daring, go back further, but make sure you're practically crushing the w key.  A sharp bank wouldn't hurt either.  You're bascially trying to make the jet's missiles fly past you just like the AA (yes they're almost as bad) as well as make yourself a hard target for the jet's autocannon.  I must stress that the blackhawk is the best chopper to be flying in this situation, the other two are basically bricks with rotors.
Good stuff, I agree that the blackhawk has the best chance at surviving an aerial attack. Just look at the other choppers, I hate the PLA one, it really looks like a huge blob of metal flying in the air.
Aye, plus, it's a lot easier to hit the PLA and MEC transport choppers, even if they all performed the same, simply because the PLA and MEC choppers have a much larger sillouette.  In addition to being streamlined a lot more, the blackhawk has that huge hole in the side where the doors are open.
Umbra Acciptris
It's not just for avoiding AA that the BH is better.  The black hawk is 100% better than every other trasport helo.  The guns are slightly weaker per hit (yea like any one notices), but with the 1,000 RPM as oposed to the 10 RPM of the other choppers it kills alot more.
It seems to have better armor, thus taking more hits (or perhaps because it is the only one I have seen other people in, it is the engineers making that illusion).
It has better manuverability.   Overall it makes the other choppers look like, as you mentioned a brick with a rotor.
Yeah, the only advantage I know of with the non-BH choppers is that they have a rear seat that an engineer can sit and repair in while gunners take down baddies down below.  Repairing the a blackhawk is hazardous to your health.
Keep in mind that if you have a good bit of altitude in a chopper, you can pull some pretty crazy stunts with these things to avoid missiles and jets alike. I mean not just hard banks and stuff like that. I, as well as many others I'm sure, can pull off barrel rolls and loop-de-loops in both the support and attack choppers and they are pretty effective at avoiding missile detection (as well as being pretty badass). So next time you hear the missile siren go off and you happen to be a hundred feet or so off the ground... just remember that the 'w' key is your friend and hold on for one fun ride!

*Also note that the aformentioned moves are a good alternative to crash-bailing if you have a stubborn gunner that doesn't want to get out. Just fly up a good distance and pull back for a loop - gets 'em every time.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Bogardanzero wrote:

Yeah, the only advantage I know of with the non-BH choppers is that they have a rear seat that an engineer can sit and repair in while gunners take down baddies down below.  Repairing the a blackhawk is hazardous to your health.
I used to love that rear seat, I would sit there and snipe people while my pilot will hover. That is until I started playing Wake and every time we get gunned from behind I get shot out... LOL.

I love that, I die, and the cam switches to death cam so you just see me falling out of the chopper all limp... and then SPLAT.

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