Hi all - another 'new' BF2 player from Sydney, Australia. (Never played the original Battlefield.)

I had to get this off my chest, because it got me thinking after I got TK'd over this guys "community belief".

What do you guys think of Field Commanders? As in, the ones that actively participate in Combat when needed? Usually when I play as Commander, I run my SCAN, give UAV Support where needed, see if anyone needs Supplies and give a dose of Artillery to enemy camps. Usually I get all four up and going in about 30 seconds.

I'm not about to sit around and wait for the four functions to reset - I get out there and I start helping my team actively with a few kills, flag captures etc. Normally I time it well enough that by the time I'm back in Commander screen, my four functions have all just reset. (Its usually about a minute.)

I then repeat this method of play. You know; Command & Fight.

Well, this Puntz of a moron had the ghool to slam a grenade smack in my face deliberately when he saw me actively on the field. His reasoning was "Commanders shouldn't be on the field." I explained I didn't share his narrow view, but it wasn't good enough for him; he placed a mutiny vote on me.

Funny thing was - the previous match I played exactly the same and I just received my Veteran Command badge - not bad for someone who has never played Battlefield before. (I've got about 50 online hours to my nickname.)

I resigned mid-vote but he refused to take up the role. He just said he wanted me out as Commander because the way I play the role is "not in line with the community". This pissed me off to no end, naturally.

Seriously - what do you guys think?



P.S: I like to think I now have a fair idea of how to play the game considering I'm a hop, skip & a jump from Staff Sergeant - and my KD ratios are 1.3 and 1.2 respectively for Spec Ops & Assault.

Last edited by DeathCalibre (2005-11-10 09:23:46)

Instant Cereal
I haven't played much since the patch, but I was a angry little king bee.

   I hung back, did the UAV, scan, etc., schtuff, and helped to coordinate objectives for squads and locate rogue units just by the overhead view. Most people do or try to do all that schtuff, except I don't know how many actually issue orders. When the going got tough, however, sometimes I came out from my hive, grabbed a tank, and helped my team repel an attack or exterminate vermin infesting an airfield, etc.. One thing that always drew me out from my hive were Spec Ops guy(s) trying to be slick and destroy my assets. Boy I hate that.
Play how you want. If you command and fight...don't neglect the command part and for God sake, please don't fly. Flying commanders do a craptastic job.

Badcomp wrote:

Play how you want. If you command and fight...don't neglect the command part and for God sake, please don't fly. Flying commanders do a craptastic job.
Good post - and I definitely *do not* get into a plane or chopper, unless someone is picking me up. I can go back to the command screen quickly whilst being transported. It's a grey area on that one.

You're right though - a Commander shouldn't be flying or driving, but there are times when you gotta get out of the heat - or re-capture that vital point.

I mean, this guy was RAW about his belief. No Commander should be out of the Command Screen. PERIOD! Find a safe spot away from everything and just COMMAND for the whole match. Otherwise he'll TK and then mutiny you, but not take the role himself.

Funny thing was - he was quite a high rank - Sergeant Major I believe...

Last edited by DeathCalibre (2005-11-10 09:38:26)


DeathCalibre wrote:

You're right though - a Commander shouldn't be flying or driving, but there are times when you gotta get out of the heat - or re-capture that vital point..
Obviously, if your team isn't doing it, someone has to. 

The way a commander actually commands is secondary to getting the job done.  That means the supply button should be worn out from pressing it, the SatScan should be used constantly to monitor peripheral movement, and the UAV should only be out of the sky for the 5 seconds it takes to reload, and it should ALWAYS BE ABOVE HOT SPAWNS OR SPAWNS THE TEAM IS TRYING TO TAKE, NOT THE COMMANDER.

I can't stress that enough...I am so freaking sick and tired of "fighting commanders" that place the UAV directly over them no matter where they are.  I want to stick a knife in their backs.

If you can fight and get that UAV airborne constantly, answer supply requests when squads need them, and use that SatScan to locate flanking attacks at the same time, more power to you.  If you can't, hunker down someplace and command.
Got milk?
I'm not really often play as a commander, cuz this place is usually occuped. (never use mutiny) But when I'm a commander I'm almost always with a medal at the end of the round, I guess I'm not rly bad in this role. I'm not on the field and I'm working with the command screen almost all the time. Only if after scan I spot someone near me I start fighting, or repair arty and vehicles if they r near. The good thing is you dont have to fight to get points. All you have 2 do its just spot enemy on the map and if he gets killed while being spotted you get 2 points. (sry sometimes spotting work is 2 noisy LoL) Between arty strikes and satellite sweeps commander work is 2 spot the tanks and other vehicles for tour team pilots and drop supplies right on the damaged tanks(LoL) It rly helps. + if your UAV/scan is out you anyway can detect by zooming and spotting. Some ppl complain about all this spot messages saying shtup or like that, cuz they play as a lonewolfs. Once when our UAV/Scan was captured and I start spotting everything I see I was about to stop cuz thot that ppl will not like it. But ass soon Ias I stopped, Squadleader thru voip asks 2 continue spot work. So you just dont have a time to fight. I dont rly rely on the arty strikes cuz often cant get > 4 kills with it. All I do is spot. (not targets in the uav area). Prolly you will say that I'm a nub cuz of my rank or score but my commander score went up from 20 to 899 for 5 hrs I guess. I dunno is that good or bad, so Personally I dont think that commander should fight or drive vehicles. Sometimes if the tank spawns at my team's main and no1 is around I take it drive and give it to some1 from my team. After back to command screen routine. Some advises?
Personally, I agree with him that the Commander should stick to commanding.  That said, I also see your point about recovering control points and protecting assets, etc.  I'll also throw out there that if you are in the fight and get killed, your team is without a commander, and though the time may be negligible, the TIMING might be awful.

That said, it's within his right to try and mutiny against you, just as it is within yours to ignore him and not give up the position.
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
Well, if you play that way since your team's too stupid to do it themselves, fine, don't care...
Yet that guy just took it too far to make you sit down by tk'ing you...that's a little too much in my book..
In my opinion commanders should only fight in 16-player games or less where their absence in the field will be more felt.  In 32-player or higher, the commander should be paying attention to his commander screen.  Sure, getting the UAV screen going is important and you can usually get one on the hotspot in a reasonable amount of time, but the other aspects of commanding are quite likely being ignored while you are running and gunning.  If all four services are charging, you need to be watching troop movements to try and determine your next artillary placement.  You should be giving orders to your squad leaders if you see enemy troops headed to a vulnerable position.  You should see where your troops are concentrated and/or where your tanks are to make a good decision on your next supply drop.  It requires focus to be a really effective commander and (IMHO) is not a part-time job, especially on 32-player servers or higher.  This is all just my opinion, I could be wrong. 

P.S.  If you are interested in getting more points for yourself, stop killing the enemy yourself and help your teammates be better equipped to kill them.  You get no points for your kills as commander but you get points for theirs.
When I'm playing commander, I tend to hang back at our critical base (the one that spawns planes, armor, arty, etc.) and defend as an engineer, AT, or spec ops.  I find that if I'm in the field I lose some of my responsiveness, especially if I get killed.  Futhermore, other players are unlikely to defend critical assets.  And let's face it, if a team takes over all the choppers and planes, the opposition is screwed.
+7|7070|Boulder, CO
Do the best you can. I've seen flying commanders that do a fine job, most people can't and so they've ended up pissing alot of ppl off. It's pointless to have a jet as cmdr if you're not commanding or helping the ground troops. I almost always command and fight but I don't go on the offense unless my team is pushing them back so hard that I don't need to defend the back base. If it's a back and forth match tho I just stay near my equipment and wait for someone to sneak through. I totally agree with the original poster tho, the ones that bitch about roaming commanders are the ones that can't do it themselves. It is however not a difficult undertaking.
Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
just wanted to add another aspect to the discussion.
on maps where your base can be taken its sometimes, even on bigger maps, inevitable to fight as a commander. first to stay alive nad second to keep your assets save, cause they will blow up evertything twice when they capture your base, and keep a save haven on the far side of the map.
i tend to be mostly in the command screen, not playin a lot commander myself, and only fight when i see my team needs help on vital flags or armored vehicles are unused in the base and i have some loners trying to take the closest flag.
but all in all i have enough to do in the command screen to be fully occupied with it and since the assest reload in different timings theres mostly always one loaded and ready to use
also on most occasins i played commander i had a mutiny vote against me, normally without any reason except during my noob days

as long as your team gets your support and wins it doesnt really matter.
I must say I side with those who say a Commander should command and do nothing else (although the treatment you got, DeathCalibre, is way out of line ).

The only time I have not been in Commander Screen is when I have had to defend the home flag. But then my team really sucks......hehe. Or if no one else can repair your assets.

It is a full time job to do scans, drop UAV, communicate with squads, place artillery right, make sure requests for supply are met, spot enemy, decide what squads go where and do what. 

I always feel somehow personally responsible if the team wins or loses when I am Commander. When I am in the field, only my own score really matters.

Last edited by 88mm (2005-11-10 12:16:08)

One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
I Think that your primary responsibility is to command, that being said, it something needs doing, you should help out.
i think a commander should stick to commanding. its your responsibility to protect your assets and communicate w/your squad leaders you cant do that well while your in combat.

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