i agree with whoever said that ur having a low point and ur just pissed off...and the guy who said that u can leave if u do see hackers...and the guy who saw the statement on the box that said "game experience may change during online play"...and the guy that called u a baby coz ur whinging...and the guy saying that ur wasting ur time and money on something thats been happening to almost everysingle computer game to date...in fact i agree with every1 else but u...yes the noob toob is gay but sh*t happens...play on...i get toobed everyday and yes i do smash shit around but i get over it...and wtf? it took u 30,000 points to realise? wow u must be a really moody player...
P.S ur an idiot
P.S.S money back for bf2 project?...and i thought i didn't have a life playing bf2...i stand totally corrected...
P.S.S.S ur an idiot...
Good Day To You
P.S ur an idiot
P.S.S money back for bf2 project?...and i thought i didn't have a life playing bf2...i stand totally corrected...
P.S.S.S ur an idiot...
Good Day To You