ive been using the pkm lately and found out that when the enemy is close by the pistol will to more harm than the pkm. I actually switch over to the pistol more because sometimes it can be more deadlier (somehow?)
just more accurate i would think
I do the opposite, pistol for range whenever using anti-tank or engineer.
i use my pistol for long range, then if possible switch to my jackhammer for close combat encounters. but sometimes because of the long pull out time, i need to use my pistol in close combat. but because its accurate and fires fast, its a good all round weapon.
i dont use support much because i just find myself using the pistol instead of the pkm.
i dont use support much because i just find myself using the pistol instead of the pkm.
The fact that you can fire the pistol as fast as you can click a mouse button AND still be accurate makes the pistol one of the best weapons in the game.