So I was playing tonight for about 15 minutes...then the game locked up (again, different than before.) Then there was audio maybe every minute or so, but the game wasn't doing anything after like 5 minutes.
I hit the reboot button.
Then I proceed to jump onto the server i was just on to join my friends via xfire.
Next thing I know, it's optimizing my shaders again. I quit out, realizing the resolution is set at 1024x768 instead of 1600x1200. Game gets stuck "unloading resources." I finally kill it with the task manager. I enter bf2 normally this time to fix the video. It's set back to the default "high" position. Then I check the audio settings and realize those are wrong too. I fix those, then I click the controls menu...ALL MY KEYS ARE MISSING.
Okay, you can fuck with my video, and my audio, those are easy enough to fix. But losing my keybindings is the straw that broke the camels back. It takes forever to set them the way I like, I don't use the standard WASD setup that is default on their setup. I also use a joystick that has 11 buttons and have to remap them to the 5 different control sections. Let's see 11 button, 2 axis, plus all the mouse/keyboard controls. That's like remapping about 200 keys. Now, that wouldn't be that bad if they key mapper in this fucking game wasn't so horrible.
It's plagued with all this "duplicate key found in your mom" and won't let you map them. They can at least tell me a little bit more info, my mom might be a big woman. Maybe a message like "This key <insert key> is already mapped to <this control> in this <section>. That's what like possibly a print statement with like 3 variables, I'm sure they can do it. Additionally, they have keymappings that don't do anything defined in their .con file. Yeah, Great. Nice polished game. I think they even have keys mapped in the game that don't do anything (boost? in vehicle controls.)
The game shouldn't even have your .con files open in write mode imo. It should be open in read only, and close the current read only file handle and open it write when you do a save operation. Then proceed to close it and read it read only again.
Or at least make backups. Something.
With crap like this no wonder people are moving to consoles.
I hit the reboot button.
Then I proceed to jump onto the server i was just on to join my friends via xfire.
Next thing I know, it's optimizing my shaders again. I quit out, realizing the resolution is set at 1024x768 instead of 1600x1200. Game gets stuck "unloading resources." I finally kill it with the task manager. I enter bf2 normally this time to fix the video. It's set back to the default "high" position. Then I check the audio settings and realize those are wrong too. I fix those, then I click the controls menu...ALL MY KEYS ARE MISSING.
Okay, you can fuck with my video, and my audio, those are easy enough to fix. But losing my keybindings is the straw that broke the camels back. It takes forever to set them the way I like, I don't use the standard WASD setup that is default on their setup. I also use a joystick that has 11 buttons and have to remap them to the 5 different control sections. Let's see 11 button, 2 axis, plus all the mouse/keyboard controls. That's like remapping about 200 keys. Now, that wouldn't be that bad if they key mapper in this fucking game wasn't so horrible.
It's plagued with all this "duplicate key found in your mom" and won't let you map them. They can at least tell me a little bit more info, my mom might be a big woman. Maybe a message like "This key <insert key> is already mapped to <this control> in this <section>. That's what like possibly a print statement with like 3 variables, I'm sure they can do it. Additionally, they have keymappings that don't do anything defined in their .con file. Yeah, Great. Nice polished game. I think they even have keys mapped in the game that don't do anything (boost? in vehicle controls.)
The game shouldn't even have your .con files open in write mode imo. It should be open in read only, and close the current read only file handle and open it write when you do a save operation. Then proceed to close it and read it read only again.
Or at least make backups. Something.
With crap like this no wonder people are moving to consoles.