+28|7054|Germany, Berlin
...10 min. ago i played the map wake island. its a good map for helicopters as it provides lots of space. anyway, i get into the appache to be the gunner, one of my favorite "jobs". this guy gets in and we fly off to kill some people.........however, this fucking idiot cant hold the heli still and flys way to fast for me to make any kills...............I HATE THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!         so we crash, and this son of a bitch blames it on me...........what an idiot...........do u guys ever experienced the same? ever had a bullshit pilot who fucks up and blames it on u?????????
Well maybe if you fired in the right direction the recoil could push the heli where he wants it to go.  Its ALL your fault.
+28|7054|Germany, Berlin
WHAT???????????????   u crazy?????   that doesnt make sense.........
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
no that guys a jerk plus their Super Cobras not apaches  and just ignore the idiot flying
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|7158|Germany / Saxony
A good gunner fires and also hits the enemy thought the wildest flights and the baddest positons or flying speeds.

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol

elbowdeeplove wrote:

Well maybe if you fired in the right direction the recoil could push the heli where he wants it to go.  Its ALL your fault.
joke dude

Eckzack wrote:

A good gunner fires and also hits the enemy thought the wildest flights and the baddest positons or flying speeds.
A bit of jerk that pilot.
I like to fly as WSO on the attack helicopters (AH) sometimes. But the fun depends on the flying skills of the pilot - he has to grasp the very concept of an AH.
There are basically two types of those ace pilots (both are good 'flyers' but only one is a good pilot). Flyer number one is the jet-jockey type. Excellent flying skills but never able to get the helicopter lined up straight so that you can fire a hellfire (a perfect single shot weapon). Had the pleasure of flying with one of those. Lots of a driver kill assists (and some infatry/gun kills or spotting) but mostly nose picking above Kubra Dam.

Type two has grasped the deadly AH concept. Same thing (Cobra, Kubra Dam) but real different experience. With SSgt "_w33dma4z3r_" (why don't praise the good?) playing WSO made sense. Excelent flying skills but also able to fly good AH profiles. Damn lot of fun to "hellfire" those tanks before he could hit them with his FFARs (but 2/3 of the time he was first anyway :-) ). But i really enjoyed it, poor guys on the ground. Kill them with FFAR/Hellfire, go to flagpoint, i get out while helo hovers, cap the flag, get back in. Simple, deadly and fun for us.

Piloting would be nice too but my joystick gets cray in those helos albeit fine in usage with jets (tried the sensitivity [corr] but didn't work).
Ah those old Janes's AH-65D Longbow days comme to mind, does anybody remember 1996?

Last edited by pogled (2005-11-13 15:04:32)

+28|7054|Germany, Berlin
yeah pogled, i know what u mean. the other day i was in the heli with a player called something like ks*......i forgot the rest of his name.......anyway, he was the best pilot i've ever seen.......could hold the heli still and made it almost too easy for me to kill...........lol
+8|7068|Ontario, Canada
I hear ya Pogled... . 2 days ago I gunned for a guy called deliverance in Dragon Valley - he was one of the guys who knew what an attack chopper was all about. He made using the missles easy - only missed about 2 shots all night with him driving. Scored well over 100 points, but had to leave game early -  lost my points and 2 awards!!

Last edited by Dr0pped (2005-11-13 12:58:32)

"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
If you're a gunner in the AH (or the MEC/PLA choppers) the most important thing to remember is that at least you weren't TKed trying to get there
+0|7092|Phoenix, AZ
I just played with 2 idiots on the SGC server. Icebyrd and something Blitz. I got in the Cobra gunner seat and I get a "Get Out". So I say "No, I was here first the other person can wait their turn". The jackass wouldn't take off. Finally he does, flies high and then jumps out. What a fucking child.
Mass Media Casualty

Yes, but I've already told the story on several other topics, and I'm not bothered o type it again.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+0|7068|Orlando, FL

[S.P.S]1on1killa wrote:

WHAT???????????????   u crazy?????   that doesnt make sense.........
webster's defines sarcasm as....
I would consider myself an excellent pilot.  I usually begin as the pilot that only lines himself up, as I strongly dislike relying on a gunner, giving him the hellfire shot and having him miss, and position the nose up slightly so I dont have any shots of my own.  Poor gunners often lead to deaths that could be avoided if the pilot would have went for the kill himself.  I end up giving the gunner some shots and if he makes them I will continue to position him on all of the armor and choppers.

Most of my flying is done with friends that I know I can count on, so with them I line them up with pretty much everything (even jets, as one of my friend manages to occasionally drop them).
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
Luckily, I'm never with any a**hole pilots...

My best experience is with nari-kun (may not be the exact name), he would give me great shots (Kabura dam) he could take anyone out, and he could give me great shots at the same time!!!!

unforgiven5150 wrote:

I just played with 2 idiots on the SGC server. Icebyrd and something Blitz. I got in the Cobra gunner seat and I get a "Get Out". So I say "No, I was here first the other person can wait their turn". The jackass wouldn't take off. Finally he does, flies high and then jumps out. What a fucking child.
I love when they do that... They don't seem to realize I can press F1 and switch to pilot...
To all of you idiot chopper pilots out there: Giving your gunner the kills is equal to giving yourself a shit-load of points so stop flying like your life depends on it and think a minute about why they made it a two-seater. Noobs.

To all the other idiots in gunner-seats: click your right-mouse button for a change.

Last edited by dD_Pirate (2005-11-13 13:33:12)

"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

dD_Pirate wrote:

To all the other idiots in gunner-seats: click your right-mouse button for a change.
Or vice versa, I don't appriciate the gunner shooting the TV missile at one infantry right before a tank rolls outta nowhere. As well as when the gunner is staring off into space while I line him up for shots, and I hover there looking like an idiot for 5 minutes while he's staring at the scenic clouds. -_-
excellent point. the best way to avoid this, of course, is to be squad mates so you can yell "no! to the left, you idiot, left!" or something to that effect
+2|7053|Yorkshire, UK
I like to fly choppers, and I like to be gunner.  It seems to me, from both sides of the coin, that a good gunner needs a good pilot.  If either one is crap then you both suffer.  They go together like beer and BF2! (no wonder I have a shitty score!)
+28|7054|Germany, Berlin
good point TryfanMan, thats so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vagine Movie Thread Creator

Eckzack wrote:

A good gunner fires and also hits the enemy thought the wildest flights and the baddest positons or flying speeds.
I like the way you're thinking, TryfanMan. Strangely tho, beer rarely helps my scoring, even if it does increase the fun - particularly if we're all mic'ed up.

If we're talking bad pilots, I was playing on Wake Island and I jump in the Blackhawk with 5 others, and our pilot takes off and flies more or less straight up. We're all wondering what the hell he's doing, when a enemy plane pickes us out (not hard considering we were more or less hovering a couple of hundred yards up) and .... boom. So we respawn, and jump in the respawned blackhawk, and it's the same frickin pilot. Others say: "Stay low this time, dude" and stuff like that. Anyway, he takes off, this time with 3 others, myself included, and does the same shit. I say: "Quit fuckin around" and he responds: "Nah ... watch this" and procedes to do barrel rolls and flips. Which is very impressive, I guess, but less so when you've got a bunch of people just trying to get to the battlezone. Eventually he crashes although we bail out beforehand. So he got 5 people killed and himself twice, just so that he could do some air tricks.

Now THAT is a bad heli pilot.

As far as gunners' roles go, I reckon the gun is more important - sure, the hellfire is a sure-kill, but when the heli is clearing a site for the ground troops to move in, and needs to hover a bit, the gunner is the one keeping it in one piece by taking out any troops trying to get to AA sites or firing off SRAWs. If the pilot is good, then the only time he's really vulnerable (on maps with no planes) is when he's not moving, and it's up to the gunner to make sure he stays alive.

While we're complimenting good pilots in what is without doubt a sea of mediocrity, I had a mission a while back with a gentleman called [AUS]Steppenwolf, I believe, and he rocked. First in a bomber, then in a Cobra, this dude was brilliant. He topped the list every time, and I finished just behind him. He lined up the aircraft perfectly, and gave me tonnes of strafing time. Hell, he even hopped out, once, and gave me a coaching lesson in bombing runs, although that was earlier on, in the bomber. That experience demonstrated that, as far as kills go, you can have your cake and eat it too. Sure, if you're looking for multiple 100+ games, then I guess you need to hog the kills, but here we both scored high 50s and 60s and had a whale of a time.
+1|7059|Leighton Barracks, Germany
i had a good pilot earlier on sharqi as MEC. well we went to the tv tower and my pilot hovers so i can get some kills, well before i know it i killed 25+ ppl. after that he tells me get out so i could take chopper on the pad. i jump out miss the roof and chute to the ground. i make my way to the flag when i notice someone started a VK against me. when it failed many more were started. shit made me mad. i mean i have played numerous times were i wsa on the recieving end of a chopper assault but no VKicks occured and last time i checked that base was cappable, so base rape? but i think it was the little chopper whores that i pissed off. BTW, this was on the FUTUREMARK Server. 

SO i guess my complaint is against the VKick starters who get piss off at good pilots/gunners(ppl love to VK me for some reason)

Last edited by 4lter_3go (2005-11-14 19:20:46)

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