Title tells all. Yes I know there was another thread about this, but this proves the other guy wasn't lying.

Last edited by TheSoprano (2006-06-30 09:57:53)
Why would some idiot run into a claymore nearly out-of-bounds?TheSoprano wrote:
you probably changed the claymore name to LADDER
Reading FTW. First post = 2 sentences.lord_tyler_486 wrote:
This has been posted before
Last edited by majorassult (2006-06-30 18:40:31)
hmm, i guess that makes sense, as when you put AT mines down, and then get in the vehicle, it counts as a vehicle kill instead of an AT mine kill (fucking game!!)k30dxedle wrote:
I don't know. Maybe it's like the "20MM GUN" things. I'll try it out tomorrow, probably where I'm on the ladder, fire artillery, then get off the ladder.
Last edited by gburndred (2006-06-30 19:24:17)
the winner.Superior Mind wrote:
This happens because ladders are coded as vehicles, and there is that glitch that happens sometimes when if u are in a vehicle and a ur mine kills some but it say u killed em with the vehicle.