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+2|7067|Medicland, sthlm

OK, so I posted a topic about not getting my corporal rank and another unlock, even though I had alot of extra points.

Hopped on a server, played a little, not going too well, several deaths and no points. Then, I nail someone with my L85. Point! Promoted to corporal! Sweet! Nice! I love it!

Hop off to BFHQ. Hmmm... What to choose, what to choose...

Giving some thought to the matter, I'm between the PKM and DAO. DAO would make my AT game better, but there's something about that PKM... Since I was a machinegunner during my army days, the lure of the PKM felt enticing, even though I had sucked severely ingame as support. Finally, I go for the PKM...

And my God...

It's absolutely wonderful! I lay on a few rooftops, well concealed and rain down belt after belt upon the advancing enemy. Not scoring too many kills, but their panickyish running around makes me laugh. I absolutely love it. This is the ultimate support weapon. The sound of it makes me go mmmmmmmm. Decent accuracy, a massive punch, and endless ammo. Every machinegunners dream!

My game has severely improved in quality. I love the PKM. Excellent unlock.
First of all, congrats for you being promoted...
About the PKM: I prefer m249saw coz the rate of fire and accuracy of the pkm is worse, well maybe it is my fault, but i could do more points with the saw. PKM is good if two or more guys are going with it and they stick together, but if they do so: God save the enemy!
+0|7079|United States
Wow, sounds good, dude. For my next upgrad, I'm gettin' the PKM. I don't want the M95 or the Jackhammer (engeneers weapon.)
pkm ftw! I once hid in a bush next to a brigde and I took out about 5 guys in a row with machingun fire. suprisingly they didn't even see me even though the gun makes you almost deaf
quick question: which vehicles can the pkm damage? I know it damages buggy's but I also try spraying at choppers when they fly by but they don't even seen to notice they are being shot at?
It has to do damage on helis too, coz the G36C surely damages helis....
Got His War On
+37|7087|Golden, CO
The PKM is definetly sexy, and I prefer it over all the other MGs.  However, I still think that the DAO-12 or G36C are better overall weapons.

I do love the PKM though...
why do you like the G36C. It has the same power as the basic weapons (Ak-74U is more powerful), and the basics are just as accurate, but the G36C doesnt have a scope
+0|7068|Orlando, FL
pkm having a lower rof than the m249 works to it's advantage. the saw is basically a flashing neon sign that says "40mm grenade needed here!" and the rpk-74 & pkm are actually more accurate than the type 95 and m249 when firing multiple shots (realistically, have you EVER fired single shots with an lmg?).

g36c: the higher accuracy and lower min deviation positional deviation(s) and recoil far outweigh the piddly 3 per shot damage advantage the ak-74u has. and that red dot scope on the m4 and the ak-74u is annoying to me personally.

Last edited by ayb (2005-11-17 14:46:05)

Mad dawg
Yea ayb. I agree with the G36C. I use it to snipe. I love the PKM its really strong and u can take out multiple guys at a time unlike most guns where its like one guy and u already have to reload. But personally if ur on the US team on karkand i would reccomend using the assult and the granade launcher. Ive had some of my best rounds with that. So if ur ever on the US team just think about the assult.
Yes the assault works great on Karkand...its no secret.  But thats all anyone ever uses there.  I just try to avoid that map because of it.  Stick to bullets to bullets, its alot better that way.

Grenade launchers suck, nothing more frustrating than rounding the corner and BOOM...your dead, and you cant even get 2 shots off before it happens.
Haha, I was at one point ranked 747 in the world for LMG all thanks to the PKM, fire the pkm in bursts of 2 or 3 and you can ever snipe with it.  Or when those pesky nade whores jump in front of you, clip em in the face or balls with the pkm and make em do backflips!!!!!  PKM is the best LMG in the game.  No doubt
lol, God save the enemy, u mean Allah? Paradise.. Xd
The PKM is a great LMG in RL, and is fairly accurately modeled here. I prefer the M-60 to it and wish they would add it. The M-60 does roughly the same damage maybe a bit more since the NATO 7.62mm round is a bit bigger. The deal with the 60 is Accuracy, I will put it up at 300m with any M-249.
Mass Media Casualty

When I finally get promoted I believe I'll be eligable for four unlocks. I've decided on the G363, the Jackhammer, and the L85A1, with a glance at the G3. I am an avid Sniper, so already have the M95. Should I get the PKM as well?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
1 Unlock per rank grasshopper.
Mass Media Casualty

Yes, and I get promoted four times.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Support is where it's at. Two words: INFINITE AMMO. High rate of fire, and you can spray without worrying about that big red zero. I also have M95 so I can kill snipers, because they piss me off, and the Medic unlock because the USMC burst fire pisses me off . Next I'm gonna get the DAO-12. Support, anti-tank, and medic are my favorites.

P.S. Engineers are useless unless you wanna take a tank. G36 isn't that much better than the M4 or the AK-74U, and the chinese one is about the same. G3 is ok but it only has 20 ammo, and no noob tube!

Last edited by ApathyCrusade (2005-11-22 14:45:18)

+0|7045|San Rafael, CA

(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

First of all, congrats for you being promoted...
About the PKM: I prefer m249saw coz the rate of fire and accuracy of the pkm is worse, well maybe it is my fault, but i could do more points with the saw. PKM is good if two or more guys are going with it and they stick together, but if they do so: God save the enemy!
I got pretty frustrated with the M249 when I would light people up with it and I'd see the hit indicator go off over and over but they weren't dropping!  With the PKM, they go down nice and obedient like.  A definite upgrade!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Please. Assault on karkand? It seems I'm the only one who HATES using that class on karkand. I assault on other maps i.e. Gulf of Oman, Dragon Valley, but SO NOT KARKAND. I'd rather find a nice spot and pick off the dumb assaults.

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