This "eanshine" bastard joined my squad and commenced to spawning on me and instantly letting off his c-4. I tried to kick him, but it wouldn't work. He claimed to be responsible for disabling the kick function. This jackass had -240 points or so from killing my whole squad over and over again before I finally had to leave the server. If you Admin a server please watch for him.
bah i h8 these types of idiots. also b on the look out 4 nobodyhasthisnameyet and k084 both constant tkers.
well since there's no record of an eanshine in bf2s i don't think you'll have to worry too much.
Ya I noticed that, but i suspect it's because his score is 0.
His acct should exist, points, no points, or negative points. He hopefully already got busted and banned.
it says it will not grab a profile that has less than 100 points.Turtle wrote:
His acct should exist, points, no points, or negative points. He hopefully already got busted and banned.
Then it must know he exists and has less than 100 points, no?Kr3G wrote:
it says it will not grab a profile that has less than 100 points.Turtle wrote:
His acct should exist, points, no points, or negative points. He hopefully already got busted and banned.