+0|7051|Vallejo, CA
Have you ever just tried to get in a plane or helli and the idiot wont take off or just stands there spamming "BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT!" because they are a douch and want ONLY their friend in the plane/helli? Well to you who do that and dont give up, f u! I hate that I have even done it on occasion but I don't persist if they dont get the message or are stubborn after like 30 seconds then i let them stay but i mean i have been in one for like i'd say 5 minutes and the dude wouldnt take off. I wasnt about to give in to that jerk face! He even got to the point of taking off and instantly crashing to get me out....THEN when we were waiting again he ran up and blasted me from behind when the helli respawned!!!! Then if that wasnt bad enough i just try to tk him next time i see him waiting for the helli, so he comes back and gets me 1 more time...then i finally get the pilot seat in the helli....who do i see turned spec-ops spaming "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Yeah right.....I got the helli and as soon as i do i see C4 flying at me haha! well i got out and tk'd him for even tryin that crap along with his friend who tk'd me a bit too (the one he wanted in HIS personal helli i guess) anyways to you people who'd go to the lengths of tk'ing and raping someone over and over just because they want to play in the helli fail at life!

Last edited by myselfalex (2005-11-15 13:39:46)

lol what a fucking bitch.
People (like you and your friends) always ruin multiplayer gaming.
what about when they fly the chopper rite to the edge of the map and let u die then they go pik up their friend.
maybe they are on vent / ts .. maybe they work well together .. maybe they have a stratagy .. maybe youre the fuckin twat for sitting there being stubborn ...your scores arent the greatest and while i cant speak for them i personally hate it when some fucker who cant gun for shit is blockign my friend in teamspeak from getting in when we would be much better ...a basic problem with bf2 that retards that cant use equipment compete for it anyways ...

*edit looked at your chopper score and yes you should stay away from the chopper till you practice*

they were right to try to block you from it...whether they knew you sucked with the chopper or not ^^

Last edited by chitlin (2005-11-15 22:56:24)

No one can get better without trying. As for you wimps that scream "bail out ! bail out "

If you give your reason for screamin like " me and my clanmate are going to own in this heli. Bail out please. "
I agree with that. Not a relentless barage of " Get out ! " for no reason. Give me a reason and I will bail.

So Fk you bit#$%^ that cry without reason. Get your TK's and burn in your own personal hell.
I sense so much hostility in all these replies. I'm scared
The Soup Nazi
+18|7101|North Lauderdale, FL
i was having a particularly good round on Sharqui last week playing as a gunner for the MEC attack chopper.  my pilot and i had started our own squad so that we could talk to each other on VOIP and we ran the place from the start of the round until about 50 tickets to go.  at about that time, we got shot down by AA missles coming from 2 different placements and we both respawned at the MEC helipad.  i was thinking that we could finish out the round together, but there was a teammate waiting there for the chopper to respawn.

as soon as the chopper spawned, my squadmate took the pilot seat and the other teammate (who was not in our squad) took the gunner position.  i had already accrued 90 points that round as gunner and was hoping to hit 100+, but i guess it wasn't meant to be.  so instead of being a douche, i hopped in one of the vodniks and was surprised to see that my squadmate had gotten out of the chopper and got in the vodnik gunner position.    he told me that he wanted to stick around since we were both able to talk to each other on VOIP rather than piloting for some chump who was going lonewolf.  good teamwork! 

we drove off towards the mainland and capped a couple flags together and we both ended up with over 100 points (and MEC won the round by 120 tickets) despite not having the chopper.  good times were had by all... this would be a perfect example of why BF2 needs a native buddy list.  i'd love to fly (or even ground-pound) with this guy again.
Do us all a favour, uninstall the game and never play it again, I can't stand the little spackers like you tking each other in the carrier all round so you can fly. Face it, you're as bad as he was
+9|7062|Philly PA USA
You know this game is a lot better from 8 to 3. when the kiddies are in school   
+-2|7115|The Seventh Circle of Hell
Ya know, instead of doing the things you did, and then coming onto the boards and bitching about it, you COULD HAVE been doing something more constructive for your team. All that TKing and being stubborn has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the team. Dildos like you ruin the game for the rest of us. I mean crap, if there's someone there at the pad already, GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO. And that's not to just you, clownshoe. That's to all the other little asshats that TK for vehicles, or crowd the pads trying to get in. If you join a game, and you see the chopper's up, most likely the guys flying it want it again if/when they get shot down. So shut your cock-holster, and play elsewhere.

chitlin wrote:

maybe they are on vent / ts .. maybe they work well together .. maybe they have a stratagy .. maybe youre the fuckin twat for sitting there being stubborn ...your scores arent the greatest and while i cant speak for them i personally hate it when some fucker who cant gun for shit is blockign my friend in teamspeak from getting in when we would be much better ...a basic problem with bf2 that retards that cant use equipment compete for it anyways ...

*edit looked at your chopper score and yes you should stay away from the chopper till you practice*

they were right to try to block you from it...whether they knew you sucked with the chopper or not ^^

Joeskeppi wrote:

Do us all a favour, uninstall the game and never play it again, I can't stand the little spackers like you tking each other in the carrier all round so you can fly. Face it, you're as bad as he was.
+23|7063|PDX Metro Area, OR, US, SOL
So, I was in a BAD mood the other day and majorly flamed...but I still think you should be courteous and get out of a vehicle so folks can play sucks, i suppose, but you either get over it or get to another server. Being a jerk about it doesn't do anyone any good.

Moreover, the folks who ASK you to bail out should be quick to thank you for your courtesy. It's a game afterall and we should be civil about it.

I don't pilot planes/helos unless no one else is...I've only capped 2 bases with a helo, but at least I have, I suppose...
In my time of playing there have been a few players who I absolutly want in my co-pilot seat. Mostly becuase I trust them. THere have been several times when I have been the pilot and I see a target and I want my co-pilot to take it out, yet it never happens. The worst round I had with was on Cleen Sweep. When the Commander of all people jumped in my SU-34. So after a few min the US took the airfield and I could no longer get bombs. The commander just sat there dropping in arty and supplies whenever he could be bothered and didnt even attempt to use the 20 some laser guided missles on any targets. I just hate it when someone jumps in and they are totally useless, I dont deliberatly crash into a tree. I give them 1 and only 1 chance. If they suck I will ask em not to enter.

myselfalex wrote:

Have you ever just tried to get in a plane or helli and the idiot wont take off or just stands there spamming "BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT! BAIL OUT!" because they are a douch and want ONLY their friend in the plane/helli? Well to you who do that and dont give up, f u! I hate that I have even done it on occasion but I don't persist if they dont get the message or are stubborn after like 30 seconds then i let them stay but i mean i have been in one for like i'd say 5 minutes and the dude wouldnt take off. I wasnt about to give in to that jerk face! He even got to the point of taking off and instantly crashing to get me out....THEN when we were waiting again he ran up and blasted me from behind when the helli respawned!!!! Then if that wasnt bad enough i just try to tk him next time i see him waiting for the helli, so he comes back and gets me 1 more time...then i finally get the pilot seat in the helli....who do i see turned spec-ops spaming "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Yeah right.....I got the helli and as soon as i do i see C4 flying at me haha! well i got out and tk'd him for even tryin that crap along with his friend who tk'd me a bit too (the one he wanted in HIS personal helli i guess) anyways to you people who'd go to the lengths of tk'ing and raping someone over and over just because they want to play in the helli fail at life!
And all the while you kiddies are bickering and throwing temper tantrums the enemy takes all of your spawn points and you lose the game for the rest of your team.  For this reason alone I wish there were more maps that had no air whatsoever.

I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy for any player that absolutely MUST have air, and this includes you as well since you wouldn't just get out and go cap some points.  You are just as bad, if not worse, than the person you are describing in this message.
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Man, there have been a lot of threads about this lately...
My $.02:
I agree that two people who are used to working as a team will probably be more effective than two people who don't know each other.  Also, being in the same squad or using Vent or TS can also make a difference.  That being said, if you are playing on a ranked server, no one has special rights when it comes to using vehicles in this game, whether they be tanks, helos, jets...
If I jump in the gunner seat of a helo or jet and all I get is "Bail Out!" "Bail Out!" with no explanation, I'm not budging.  If the pilot types out an explanation that I find reasonable, I'll most likely jump out.
As to the argument "If your not good enough, go practice in Single Player", I find that to be a copout.  I only get an hour or two to play BF2 each day (if that), so I don't want to waste what time I do get playing SP.  Besides, I'd bet that the majority of people who use that argument didn't follow their own advice when they started flying/gunning/whatever.  They just joined a ranked server and jumped in the jet.
All you people who get in to gun and can't fly a plane.  You all have no business being in that position unless your working with a pilot on vent/ts.  To get better at it, go play on an unranked server, let the experienced pilots do there thing.  I can't stand the tking for vehicles, it drives me crazy.  Also, im a pilot of heli, and jets, mostly jets, when i get some asshat in my gunner seat and if i take the time to type to him, we are already dead.  Taking time to type sucks, so if someone asks you to bail, just bail, and GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO.  Im always on ts with my buds, sometimes they use me as a mobile spawn, if an asstard is in that seat well, you can't do it.  But he doesn't want to get out, cause hes' owning with the missile, it drives me crazy.

Please asshats who can't fly jets or helis, please take your game back to walmart and pick up a xbox or ps2, get the fuck off my obstacle!!
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

=KHA=Pryvate_Pyle wrote:

All you people who get in to gun and can't fly a plane.  You all have no business being in that position unless your working with a pilot on vent/ts.  To get better at it, go play on an unranked server, let the experienced pilots do there thing.  I can't stand the tking for vehicles, it drives me crazy.  Also, im a pilot of heli, and jets, mostly jets, when i get some asshat in my gunner seat and if i take the time to type to him, we are already dead.  Taking time to type sucks, so if someone asks you to bail, just bail, and GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO.  Im always on ts with my buds, sometimes they use me as a mobile spawn, if an asstard is in that seat well, you can't do it.  But he doesn't want to get out, cause hes' owning with the missile, it drives me crazy.

Please asshats who can't fly jets or helis, please take your game back to walmart and pick up a xbox or ps2, get the fuck off my obstacle!!
/off topic

WOW your medals caught my eye, nice job man!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

=KHA=Pryvate_Pyle wrote:

All you people who get in to gun and can't fly a plane.  You all have no business being in that position unless your working with a pilot on vent/ts.  To get better at it, go play on an unranked server, let the experienced pilots do there thing.  I can't stand the tking for vehicles, it drives me crazy.  Also, im a pilot of heli, and jets, mostly jets, when i get some asshat in my gunner seat and if i take the time to type to him, we are already dead.  Taking time to type sucks, so if someone asks you to bail, just bail, and GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO.  Im always on ts with my buds, sometimes they use me as a mobile spawn, if an asstard is in that seat well, you can't do it.  But he doesn't want to get out, cause hes' owning with the missile, it drives me crazy.

Please asshats who can't fly jets or helis, please take your game back to walmart and pick up a xbox or ps2, get the fuck off my obstacle!!
Comepletely agree with you, no more annoying is anything than when a private hops in your gunner seat when your freind who knows what he is doing cant get in, and the person your flying with is still figuring out how to reload his gun.
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA

=KHA=Pryvate_Pyle wrote:

Im always on ts with my buds, sometimes they use me as a mobile spawn, if an asstard is in that seat well, you can't do it.  But he doesn't want to get out, cause hes' owning with the missile, it drives me crazy.
I'm confused.  So your mad that the guy who jumped in with you won't get out because he's doing well?  Isn't that the point?  Also, if you don't want to fly with the guy, why don't you go find something else to do?  I'm sure he'll find someone else who wants to fly with him.  What gives you authority over the helo or jet?
if a person asks or i see the clan tags as the same, i'll go ahead and let them fly together.  no big deal.

it does suck though when you get into a helicopter and nobody wants to be your gunner for fear of you being a lousy pilot.

Possum61 wrote:

You know this game is a lot better from 8 to 3. when the kiddies are in school   
What's so bad about kids? I'm 13 and I play like anyone else. I know that I suck at flying, so I usually never fly, unless it is once in a blue moon, so I try to fly alone. The only think I fly is the black hawk or the other variations of it.
Im a good chopper pilot I think and usually I have 3-5 mates in my ventrilo server. So almost every day I fly with my friends and its very annoying when somebody just gets in and sits in the gunner position and wont leave even I yell 'Bail out!' usually we get pissed bcos its 500% better teamwork for the whole team if there is a skilled pilot and gunner supporting flag capping, helping the ground units etc.. And its not possible if theres some idiot who doesnt even see the half of the enemy units on the ground.

Festina.       Ps. Sorry about the bad english
+0|7092|Phoenix, AZ
I'm with the people that say if you give me a reason to get out, I generally will. But just yelling "Get Out", gimme a break. I like to gun, am a horrible pilot, I know it, so I don't fly. But I think I'm a pretty good gunner. I just have absolutely no respect for TKing for vehicles, screaming get out, bailing out while flying or dumping someone in the Out of Bounds. I also have no respect for retribution TKing.

I also have had situations where a pilot and I have been kicking ass and taking names on a server, but then die and someone gets to the chopper before I do and wants to gun. I let them have their turn.

Last edited by unforgiven5150 (2005-11-16 13:43:43)

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