Missing, Presumed Dead

Its not always the case, but is in about 90% of instances.

We had a 4man AT team on Road Rage in a squad, I spawned on my SL who was in a DPV with another of my squad.
So we got to one flag (the petrol station nearest to the MEC spawn), so I see the tank in front of us get occupied by an enemy (the one near the TOW), so I jump out, get on the a TOW missile at it, and as it the missile near to the tank, my SL and his DPV, with the other member of our squad spawning in it...drove in the path of the missile and all 3 of them got TKed....and the tank then proceeded to blow me up

And not one of them punished me. Was very impressed - in fact, everyone in the squad was laughing over VOIP Even more so when I still got a gold

But Ive been punished countless times for when you get in a vehicle, are driving along at high speed and some jerk decides to try and jump in, only to jump right in your path and get flattened. Especially when your vehicle is full, like a tank. Can they not see the gunner on the top? Stupid twats.

Last edited by Snake (2006-07-07 10:03:33)

Knifey McStabstab
Don't lock my topic!
One time in Karkand, there was about a 4v4 firefight in an alley. I was support so naturally I go prone and I just start unloading. Unfortunately, one of my team mates was prone in front of me so he takes about 6 rounds up the ass and then a medic trys to revive him, he took a few rounds himself. When it was said and done, I had 6 kills, but 2 of them were my teammates. Both of which punished. Even though I took the medic's kit and revived them both.
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6844|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
On Strike at Karkand, i first trow 2 nades to the fence that can be blown up, last time i did that, 1 guy went in front of me and stared at the nade while he was standing next to me. Off course, he got blown up but he punished me for TK'ing, WTF, if you stare at a nade while standing next to me, either run away or don't go near it at all, it aint my fault ur retarded
You have been blessed... with my rifle!
+43|6910|Bellmawr, NJ, US

Snake wrote:

But Ive been punished countless times for when you get in a vehicle, are driving along at high speed and some jerk decides to try and jump in, only to jump right in your path and get flattened.
My very first kick were because of this.  Ahh memories...
I place a claymore last night on Karkand, obviously visible to team mates.

Teammate steps on it, and "You were Punished for Teamkill."

Then when teammates run of your landmines....
Leader of [MacGP]
i love 2 b heligunne so i came first to da heli (wake island) and pressed F2 the 2 from da same clan come and one off them jumped in and said FILL OUT etc. the he flew to da deseter area and killed me but not him... later i took a plane the he come in a FAV and jumps out exectly before we collided i got a TK the he did somthing like that again so i get kicked away from there

SargeV1.4 wrote:

ok, I think that people are kinda confused as to what a punish does:

It does NOT cost you points. a TK is 4 points, 6 if you shot them because you'll probably get a team damage first. punish or not, it doesn't matter.

The most a punish can do is get you kicked when a server has the 'kick on so many punishes' option enabled.

On the other hand it does tell you what kind of a person they are.
Can someone verify this?  I've accidently shot a teammate and I thought I didn't have -teampoints since he forgave me.  Is the "punish" option really just a counter to boot you from the server if you get 2 or 3?  I always thought you didn't get the -4 points unless they punished.  I've been on some servers that autopunish and don't even give you the option to forgive.
the electric eel has got me by the brain banana
I drive a tank, three guys in a fav ram me from behind..

you were punished for a teamkill!
you were punished for a teamkill!
you were punished for a teamkill!
I still think my pet peeve is what I like to call the After-Thanksgiving Sale Plane Rush

For those of you who've played Wake and seen the rush for the J-10 in the beginning and gone to buy some hardware from Best Buy the day after Thanksgiving, well you know what I mean.

It's not the rush that I hate, but the sore losers that line their little bodies up in front of your wheel and hold down the page down button like it's going to make something grow bigger.

Come on, I've started off flying with a -12 because of this. I'm not the best pilot there is, but I'm not the worst either. But these fools deserve to be slapped around a bit.

But that's unfortunately pretty typical nowadays. Asshatish, but typical.

The latest punish that got me pissed was a grenade accident. There was a group of 4-5 medics clusterfucking around a friendly flag. I was a sniper, so I couldn't take all of them out with my rifle, so I chuck a grenade. I kill all of them except one, so I chuck my last grenades in there b4 switching to my pistol. *bam* 2 teammates SPAWN IN. Right on top of my grenades. They weren't there b4, but they spawned in on it. *punish* *punish*
I thought it was -2 for the tk and another -2 for the punish.

|SoW|BlackFire wrote:

I place a claymore last night on Karkand, obviously visible to team mates.

Teammate steps on it, and "You were Punished for Teamkill."

Then when teammates run of your landmines....
....  You aren't playing the latest version of Battlefield 2.

I was coming down a ramp in Karkland (the one kind of in the middle of the map) in a Vodnik.  There was a guy standing to one side of the ramp apparently letting me drive by (I was looking for a sign from him if he needed a ride but he gave none).  As soon as I get to the point where I couldn't stop he just runs right in front of me and then punishes me for running over him.

Because it was my clan's server and I have admin rights, I booted him for purposely getting TK'd to punish.
+0|6842|Los Angeles
The shit that pisses me off is when i'm are shooting at someone proned from semi-far away and some n00b runs right up to him to shoot him with a gun and i end up killing him and the guy.  You have a gun...why the hell are u running up to him to shoot?  Idiots...
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

haveyou ever been tk'ed intentionally and then the person says sorry about 100 times and you punish, then they tell the admin it was an accidental tk and you get banned, that's happened to me
Touches Himself At Night.
On a map like Kark when I throw a nade and some faggot medic is trying to revive and gets TKEd and then has the nerve to punish I just stand over his body and spray his face.

Toonces7 wrote:

Can someone verify this?  I've accidently shot a teammate and I thought I didn't have -teampoints since he forgave me.  Is the "punish" option really just a counter to boot you from the server if you get 2 or 3?  I always thought you didn't get the -4 points unless they punished.  I've been on some servers that autopunish and don't even give you the option to forgive.
Yes, it's been stated and proved too many times already.

You will always receive -4 points for a TK, regardless whether the person punishes or not.

Punish option is only to remove people who rack up TKs from the game if they receive a certain amount of punishes.  I believe the default is four.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
If I get killed by a tank or transport and it is my own falt I say "sorry" to the driver instead of punishing.  I have never had anyone else do that.

Pinto wrote:

Toonces7 wrote:

Can someone verify this?  I've accidently shot a teammate and I thought I didn't have -teampoints since he forgave me.  Is the "punish" option really just a counter to boot you from the server if you get 2 or 3?  I always thought you didn't get the -4 points unless they punished.  I've been on some servers that autopunish and don't even give you the option to forgive.
Yes, it's been stated and proved too many times already.

You will always receive -4 points for a TK, regardless whether the person punishes or not.

Punish option is only to remove people who rack up TKs from the game if they receive a certain amount of punishes.  I believe the default is four.
Thanks, that actually will help me cope with an accidental TK punish much better.  If I get punished now, so what, I get the same -4 no matter what and I won't tk more than twice accidentally in a round, so who cares?!
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6908|Las Vegas, NV USA
I was playing on Great Wall, and I was in one of the towers sniping down the length of the wall.  I was merily killing a bunch of people when I see an enemy sniper come into view, he immediately dropped to a prone position, and I perfectly line up his head.  I pull the trigger, and wouldn't you know it, a teammate decided that he too would like to perfectly line up his head at the center point of my reticle.  No sooner than was he dead that he punished me.  The worst part was that he was standing to the side of me shooting down a different direction the whole time I was killing people.  So, he not only should have known that I was shooting down that way, he should have been appreciative that I was watching his back from that direction.  But No... TK Punish.  Pfft.
Baltimore Blowfish
Tonight, on Karkand, 26-0 in a tank, backing up and hit a full vodnik of teammates.  I guess the tk kick wasn't on, cuz they all must have punished me.  Final score 29 points, 26 kills, 2 deaths.
Angry Engy
I get into the BH on Wake carrier.  A little twat named threeaces3 smashes into me, coming in from about eleven o'clock, direct from the North peninsula.  Not the best approach to the carrier, rookie!
Hey, we were all new at one point, and that's okay, but when you smash into down.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
yer der just 10 year olds i think there migrating to the forums with all the bs negative karma i get now days .. i mean i think iv got people who search my name and look at all my old threads to pick out something to neg karma me for lol its pathetic anyways +1 for ur pain
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

I'm sniping with an M95 (to balance my kit times)

I find a guy.

Line him up.

A friendly jeep with two guys drives past.

I fire, just as the jeep obscures the guy. Jeep blows up. I get two Tk's. I get two punishes.

Goddamn I was having a bad day.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6936|Little Bentcock
Was on Gulf of Oman in the MEC fighter, getting thrashed by this amazing pilot on the USMC side, I'm almost dead so I decide to ditch over our airfield and pic up a full health plane when it re-spawns. So I bail out, open my chute and our bomber flys traight into me, and he blows up, kills me, I start pushing the page up button thinking that he TK's me, not his fault he couldn't avoid, but apparently I got the TK and the asshat punishes me, I'M IN A FUCKING PARACHUTE HOW DO I AVOID A JET!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
You guys actually pay attention to that Punish system??
Cursed You
I hucked a grenade into a group of 4 MEC and 1 of my teammates.

My teammate is the ONLY one who dies.  I rush in, shoot everyone up and risk my life to revive him (ended up shock paddling someone for a kill), and he still punished me.  I revived him.. and he punished me.  And since Im training to get in a clan, I was using an M16 and seriously I'd rather have a vasectomy with a rusty chainsaw while taking a dump and pouring mustard in my eyes than use the M16...

But I have to.

Other than that I dont really have another TK story, I just drove around on severs in transports while medic.

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