
Give the Anti-Tank class, one Anti-Air round?

Yes62%62% - 18
No13%13% - 4
Unsure/Other/Explained in a Comment Below24%24% - 7
Total: 29
Base Rapist
Give the Anti-Tank class, one Anti-Air round?

I think giving the Anti-Tank class a one time use Anti-Air round could be quite useful, being able to surprise a pilot or crew from an unknown position. As is the mobile anti-air can be spotted quite easily, and the anti-air sites all mostly well known by any good pilot.

And I am not talking of making it easy to pop out either, make it be like a deployable weapon(ala like Half-Life Day of Defeat and a few other games allow you to deploy sniper bipods and the other weapons), seconday fire deploys the anti-air weapon, it takes like a couple seconds to become active. Then you can lock on to a target and fire the one round, and that round does the damage of a IGLA or stinger.
Radioactive Glo
+130|7153|A Small Isle in the Tropics

Separate class with a mobile stinger kit. That's my opinion/wish list.
BF2s' little helper
Or maybe a stinger as a new unlock for officer-classes for the anti-tank kit... 8) I'm a pilot - and I would like some more realism, even though it may make my life harder as a pilot
I have trouble crossing the street in most maps with air power on it, much less stand around and deploy something.  But I do think that something needs to be done to slow down air power.

Imo having the planes actually have to land and spend time reloading and having choppers only able to carry their intial payload and having to go back to get more.  As an infantry I have to hug a supply crate for quite the while to go from empty to full, planes can do it at just by buzzing the airfield at mach 2. 

I spend most of my time in other servers, don't have a home yet for BF2.  Basing this off the lunchboxes in the game that are just worried about there K/D ratio  and not clan matches where the one side is actually working with each other.

Last edited by Boogie (19 years, 3 months ago)

BF2s' little helper

Boogie wrote:

I have trouble crossing the street in most maps with air power on it, much less stand around and deploy something.  But I do think that something needs to be done to slow down air power.

Imo having the planes actually have to land and spend time reloading and having choppers only able to carry their intial payload and having to go back to get more.  As an infantry I have to hug a supply crate for quite the while to go from empty to full, planes can do it at just by buzzing the airfield at mach 2. 

I spend most of my time in other servers, don't have a home yet for BF2.  Basing this off the lunchboxes in the game that are just worried about there K/D ratio  and not clan matches where the one side is actually working with each other.
I agree.. even though Im a pilot..

Aircrafts (of any kind) should have to land to get rearmed and repaired - JUST like infantry have to "hug" supply crates
+0|7051|Louisville, KY
I think the engineer should get stingers. I've watched way too many times a choper rip an infantry squad apart on a wide open map (wake comes to mind). Engineers are only viable as dedicated tank whores. In an infantry squad, engineers have no place at all - they serve no purpose that other classes cannot just as well or better. In pubs, getting a tank or other vehicle is nowhere close enough to garunteed to make going engineer worthwhile and risk being relegated to ground pounding.
+2|7111|Eastern PA
Just like BF:V - The kit should be either Anti-Tank or Anti-Air . . .
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA
It would be nice to have an AA kit for taking out jets.  Currently, the only thing that can do that effectively is other jets...
However, the AT is already pretty good for taking out Helos.  I do it all the time.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

bait wrote:

I think the engineer should get stingers. I've watched way too many times a choper rip an infantry squad apart on a wide open map (wake comes to mind). Engineers are only viable as dedicated tank whores. In an infantry squad, engineers have no place at all - they serve no purpose that other classes cannot just as well or better. In pubs, getting a tank or other vehicle is nowhere close enough to garunteed to make going engineer worthwhile and risk being relegated to ground pounding.
Have you ever used the pump-action shotgun? They're really effective as one-hit one-kill weapons.
BF2s' little helper
couldnt agree more.. USMC standard shotgun.. try it on Karkand..
+0|7051|Louisville, KY

fikraag7 wrote:

bait wrote:

I think the engineer should get stingers. I've watched way too many times a choper rip an infantry squad apart on a wide open map (wake comes to mind). Engineers are only viable as dedicated tank whores. In an infantry squad, engineers have no place at all - they serve no purpose that other classes cannot just as well or better. In pubs, getting a tank or other vehicle is nowhere close enough to garunteed to make going engineer worthwhile and risk being relegated to ground pounding.
Have you ever used the pump-action shotgun? They're really effective as one-hit one-kill weapons.
Against someone who doesnt blow, youre also dead if you miss. Engineers need an expanded role, enough said.
BF2s' little helper
You may think so..

everyone always cries about engineers are bad on foot...

THEY ARENT! as an engineer - I can say (with a lot of experience to back me up) that engineers are doing just fine when it comes to infantry.

1) noone is better than an engineer in CQC (unless with a noob-tube or anti-tank-weapon)
2) long range arent their strongest side - BUT do not underestimate a pistol.. accurate as snipers you just need to hit a few times more.
3) GREAT at taking out tanks! (I've got a little trick - one where I dont have to way for the tank to move - but I'll keep that one to myself)
4) 0wn in tanks.. just drive to a safe place for 10sec and you are good to go again.. I know this dosnt belong undet infantry - but when I was listing the strong parts I thourght I'd mention it

actually I think engineers are better than most infantry - (maybe they should degrade em? just kidding )

anyways.. In all video games there are advanced ways of doing things - and there are easy ways.. fx. assault and medic are the "noob" classes (the classes where its easy to get points... assault/grenade/riffle = easy kills... medic/shockpaddles/riffle = teampoints + reasonable kills..)
and then there are the more "advanced" classes where the points dosnt just roll in in the beginning.. you have to LEARN to use them effectivly..
+45|7058|Toronto, Canada
I love being an engineer myself.  What they should have is a rifle grenade! Well that's the Enemy Territory in me speaking.  I think they are fine the way they are, but maybe give them some extra grenades.

Z-trooper wrote:

3) GREAT at taking out tanks! (I've got a little trick - one where I dont have to way for the tank to move - but I'll keep that one to myself)
I think I know what you are talking about.  The trick I use is to lay a mine down near a tank and then chuck a grenade at the mine to explode the mine and the tank goes with it. Is that the trick you were referring to?
BF2s' little helper

but then again - maybe not..

That "trick" is sick..  <--- also good for taking out grounded planes, chopper or whatever you want to destroy
I'll say that while earning my vet. Eng and repair badge.  I have a new respect for the engineer.  Its a really fun class to play during the right maps.  Karkand espically.

I find it funny thought when placing mines at tanks, that the driver will often get out of the tank.  Just like to thank all those guys for the free ride.
Ditto Mikeshw. Seperate anti-air class. Failing that, simply more mobile and stationary AA around maps, or far more effective AA. Giving Anti-tank an anti-air round doesn't seem all too fitting for them, and they'd have to carry TWO very large pieces of weaponry as I'd understand it? Ow... Well, thats looking at it from a purely realistic viewpoint at least.

An anti-air class could be rather fun, though it would be important not to make it TOO powerful, lest air get nerfed too far.

My 2 cents, and why I voted for the 3rd "other solution" category.

Last edited by =ARF=Icefox (19 years, 3 months ago)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7158|Bryan/College Station, TX
I'll just repost what I have always said about the possibility of an AA Kit.

Simply make a toggle switch on the Anti-Tank Kit that when you choose it you either choose Anti-Tank or Anti-Air. You don't get both. You have the option of switching at the choose a kit menu.

This gives you the option of having some Anti-Tank on the ground and some Anti-Air to take out choppers. Makes the Kits a dual role kit with some planning and practice.

Choppers would have to cover their asses hardcore if this kit was put into effect.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
+-1|7072|Tucson, Arizona
I would say add a MANPADS (man-portanble air defense system) unit.  Make it swappable with the anti-tank unit.  Give it the standard knife and pistol then perhaps a shotgun and a 4 round stinger kit.  Perhaps make it where it can always see aircraft without someone spotting them and without aid of UAV on the radar?
+39|7051|Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Yep that would be cool making it a little bit harder for the pilot.
Sounds good, would make my life easier at Kubra, since I found myself trying to shoot down the hovering helis with my AA/AT gun.  I actually got a few hits too, that was nice, but I was total cannon-fauder against the aircraft.
:]-[: El_Shiznit

Boogie wrote:

Imo having the planes actually have to land and spend time reloading and having choppers only able to carry their intial payload and having to go back to get more.  As an infantry I have to hug a supply crate for quite the while to go from empty to full, planes can do it at just by buzzing the airfield at mach 2.
No offense, but that is an idea that is brought up a lot, and it sucks.

Take this scenario for example.
Dalian Plant 32 size map, Chinese side.  You take off, drop some bombs and have to land for more ammo.  So you go back to the base and land the J-10 on that narrow ass runway.  Now you have to spend an unnecessary amount of time turning it around.  In all that time, the other J-10 spawns.  Now there are two options, you 1) hold up the rest of your team just because you had to reload or 2) the other pilot is an idiot like a lot of guys out there and runs into you, killing both jets and earning you a punish.

And this can happen on a lot of maps.  Daqing, Wake, etc.

Last edited by :]-[: El_Shiznit (19 years, 3 months ago)

The anti-air round should definately go with the engineer. Or an officer unlock, that is quite an idea right there.

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