-=1stInF.|Slappey ....not true....their are a lot of places in the world where kids who barely can hold and AK-47 run a round killing....look at Africa and so on...
+-1|7072|Tucson, Arizona
Fuck the stupid ass language filter... The stupid fuck-tards that punish because the get blown up by friendly mines really piss me right the fuck off.. . Theses stupid bastards deserve it.  Wanna punish me for protecting the force?  FUCK YOU!  Don't run over them ass-monkey!  I lay them out for a reason.  Not for some tank hungry mother-fucker on my side to run over them, then cry because "the mines were in the way"! Fuck you!  Fuck your tank!  Fuck yourself!

Oh, and the dumb-asses on large maps with only a handful of people that INSIST on flying the whole time then wonder why we have no spawn points... DUH dumb fuck!  GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!  TAKE SOME FLAGS!  It's easy flying around unopposed, dropping bombs on nothing...  Try helping win rather then whining about those of us that actually try not tying HARD ENOUGH!  Stupid fucks...

Then the retards that are out for revive points that insist on reviving you right on the middle of hell...  KEEP YOUR DAMN PADDLES TO YOURSELF!  I have an easy enough time dying on my own!  I don't need the extra help!

What else...  This minor but it still pisses me off...  Commanders that have nothing else better to do then drop arty on the other commander... Please... Help your team.  It doesn't bother me much to spawn back in and help my troops.  Try helping them rather than wasting arty on one person.  You're not going to win a round by doing this.  Most folk that play can function just fine without a commander.  But, use your time as one to command, no to be a dumb ass.

Thank You.  Drive through.
True, but you also don't have 13 year old kids fighting either. So it is only realistic to a point.
This all depends where you come from.. here in America we tent to protect our youth from real life. kinda like the new EVERYONE wins sport events at school so no one feels like a looser  or the removal of honer roll becuse the mentally challenged kids feel bad because there name wasnt in the paper,,, but thats a rant for another place swearing is a part of life. the way these kids are growing up there going to freak out once they become an adult or should I say IF..

=IMO=Ready2Die wrote:

Personally, I find the language filter to be a very good thing. Why? Because although I have nothing against swearing in moderation, when someone goes "OMG I JUST PWNED YOU Cunt licking cock sucking mother f*cking N*GGER!!!11ONE!!" it pisses me off. The game is rated T, which means kids WILL be playing it. And even if no kids played it, recial slurs and crap like that is just socially unacceptable and should never be used in any case, even in a war game. So my clans server doesn't warn for most swears, but it will kick for racial slurs. I find that rather fair.
Why can you say cock but not fuck?  Just wondering.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7097|The Hague, Holland
If you whant to curse at sons of bitches, You have my blessing.
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA
I assume it is to protect the younger teens who play the game.  This is stupid, though.  They've been cussing since they were 10!  Hell, kids are having sex at 10 nowadays!
that swear filther thoughs is just rediculous! i've been banned from servers for saying "jesus christ" "omfg" "omg" "wtf" and "tit" now come on half the time i say this stuff by accident i'm not meaning to offend anyone it just pisses me off

Last edited by Mafia47 (19 years, 3 months ago)

+1|7059|Turku - Finland
I think I will go and have some sex soon. All this fucking is making me mad
Realy I don't have problem about faul language but some times enough is enough.
So if the game drives you people mad when you die alot then turn off the game relax, have a drink or two and then continue playing but dont fill the screen with: FUCK FUCK FUCKIN NOOB FUCKER BASE SPAWN RAPER SHIT etc. That is anoying.
Vagine Movie Thread Creator

Possum61 wrote:

does saying fcuk/fuk f u c k etc make you fell less happy then saying fuck?

Hakula wrote:

I think I will go and have some sex soon. All this fucking is making me mad
Angry sex is the best! Suck my dick bitch.
if you cant put your opinion down without cursing, then shut up.

id rather have a group of people talking politely with those funny things called "manners" but alas, instead, people would rather complain that when they curse, they get booted off of *other* peoples servers. often times servers with profanity/manners rules mentioned somewhere. or maybe thats just normal human decency, i forget...
+0|7070|Orlando, FL

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

if you cant put your opinion down without cursing, then shut up.
thank god i live in the usa, where your opinions mean about as much to me as mine probably do to you
+0|7085|Columbus, Ga.
ahahha still much <3 to ayb  - i tend to just scream it out instead of typing, since i can never seem to find the key to type fast enough
I wish you could modify PB warnings to say "That $hit is unacceptable in this phucking server... Keep you phucking comments clean motherphucker... biatch!"
I swear quite often.  But an interesting thing to note, I have a friend who never cusses very much.  And becuase he rarely does it, and only when he is mad, it really makes everyone around him pay attention. 

Basically, what I'm saying, if you cuss all the time, it kinda looses it's impact.  If you don't cuss much, and then all of a sudden you release a whole lot of swear words at once, it freaks people out.  Everyone gets real quite and "knows" how mad that person is because they never cuss.

The situation reminds me of episode of "South Park" where they counted the number of times they said the word "shit", they had a number in the bottom corner of the show, like a running tally.  I forget how many times it was, something like 150 I think.  But is basically gave the same point, if you cuss too much, it looses it's effect on other people, then when you say the word "fuck" it has no more powerful effect on people than saying the word "duck".

So, keep up the cussing, but don't overdue it too much, or the rest of us just won't notice anymore.


blacksheepcannibal wrote:

if you cant put your opinion down without cursing, then shut up.

id rather have a group of people talking politely with those funny things called "manners" but alas, instead, people would rather complain that when they curse, they get booted off of *other* peoples servers. often times servers with profanity/manners rules mentioned somewhere. or maybe thats just normal human decency, i forget...
HA HA HA HA HA  THIS IS A WAR GAME where the objective is to KILL OR BE KILLED. what is poite about that? where do manners come to play when youre trying to blow someons head off? how decent is it to try and run someone over with a tank or jeep ?   if you cant handle reading a swear word while youre hunting some poor soul down only to fill him with lead then go play sim city or something?   

excuse me sir but why do you keep tking me ? I think not  its more like  WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM?? :p
+27|7086|Atlanta, GA USA

blacksheepcannibal wrote:

if you cant put your opinion down without cursing, then shut up.

id rather have a group of people talking politely with those funny things called "manners" but alas, instead, people would rather complain that when they curse, they get booted off of *other* peoples servers. often times servers with profanity/manners rules mentioned somewhere. or maybe thats just normal human decency, i forget...
Ha Ha that is funny!  So if some guy just TKed you, do you offer to sit down and discuss it with him over a cup of coffee?

Spyx750 wrote:

does saying fcuk/fuk f u c k etc make you fell less happy then saying fuck?
fcuk is a brand of clothing where I live, with giant billboards, and people walking around in t-shirts saying "fcuk fashion", as so on.

oh, sorry, back on topic: for fucks sake, swearing in the fucking game? what the fuck do you need to do that for? Isn't the fucking violence anough for you, you arseholes? What the fuck? And if you're REALLY fucking fighting then why do you have the fucking time to type bullshit swearwords into the fucking chatbox? are you fucking serious?
Simple as this dude when you just took off from the runway and some guy kills you for the 3rd time in a row im gona say fuck. Now im not pissed at teh guy not his fault he is good but im pissed cuz i died. Who cares for some ppl its natural to say FUCK when something happens. If you dont like getting banned go to a server that doesnt ban for language or use Voip, but yes i think servers should stop banning over dumb shit like language.
PS if you think everyone who uses the 4 letter words is imature you obviously havent been near any military base or port. Grow up and take it like a man, stop being FUCKING panzy SHITS

Hr_Amdi wrote:

-=1stInF.|Slappey ....not true....their are a lot of places in the world where kids who barely can hold and AK-47 run a round killing....look at Africa and so on...
Yea, good point. Ok, how about this. When you die in real war, you don't respawn. Is that a better example?

Last edited by -=1stInF.|Slappey (19 years, 3 months ago)


PFC_Kurtz_John wrote:

PS if you think everyone who uses the 4 letter words is imature you obviously havent been near any military base or port. Grow up and take it like a man, stop being FUCKING panzy SHITS
There is a difference between cursing for a reason, and using the word casually, or for no reason. But i guess to is up to the discretion of each individual person.

-=1stInF.|Slappey wrote:

PFC_Kurtz_John wrote:

PS if you think everyone who uses the 4 letter words is imature you obviously havent been near any military base or port. Grow up and take it like a man, stop being FUCKING panzy SHITS
There is a difference between cursing for a reason, and using the word casually, or for no reason. But i guess to is up to the discretion of each individual person.
Realy good point. I could see banning if some dude was cursing as in cursing out ppl to a serious extent but most ppl are casual about it.
+153|7063|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
I hate servers like that too. I have always wanted to have over 100 points with each team. Mec, China and USMC. I have 99 with China. One time i was playing on Dragon Valley. Had 96 points or something. And alot of tickets left. I would have gotten more than 100. Was using the Heli and had a gunner. We got shot down because i wasnt paying attencion. Was a stupid mistake. So i typed: Shit!!!! Sorry, didnt see him... Wrote it to the guy who was gunner. I got kicked after that for writing SHIT! SHIT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell??? Didnt get the gold nor 3 digits with China.

In general, when i get killed alot in a single round, some people would get shocked if they heard the things i say. I live in the north part of Norway. We are "famous" for cursing. Its how we speak.

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