I have no problems with it. Here's a run though:

1) It's 24/7 karkand, now a lot of other servers od that, but frequently they sometimes become a random server, this one updates weekly

2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.

3) people seem to have a sense of teamwork, I've only seen like 3 tk's there, and ammo and heal resupplies are frequent

I knwo you may think it's just like every server, well I liek this one. Deal with it
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

What's the name? I play a lot of Karkand, and the one that I like is Moders 24/7 Karkand...
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

I have no problems with it. Here's a run though:

2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.
I am just wondering what you think when an Idiot runs over mines that you have laid for the incomming tank on the UAV, they jump in a jeep and without thinking drive at top speed right over your mines?

What must be done about the terrible person using mines?

Or what about the guy who climbs the ladder with the red warning knowing that a sniper is probably up on a building and has put a claymore down?

What should be done about that terrible sniper?
^They get punished for the teamkill, duh. Yuor not making any sense, on that server, you tk someone, you get punished. i don't have complaints, i've only seen 3 teams killsi n about 25 games there.

Oh, and the server name is the Slaughter House, it only takes 24 people but I like Karkand with medium sets. I have the Ip if you want it
+1|7051|Broomfield, Colorado

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.
What is the benefit of that? Something already *is* done. Team damage loses you two points. A team kill loses you four. Rarely is anything beyond that necessary.

The main problem with the punish system in most instances is that it unfairly punishes those who made an innocent mistake (or must suffer the actions of an idiot who walked into their mine or wandered under the rear of their vehicle) -- and those who intentionally TK don't care how many points they lose. It's a badge of honor to them and if needed, they'll just create new accounts.
One Shot, One Kill
+4|7107|Canberra, Australia
So you are saying that if some idiot runs over your mine on your own team, you deserve to be punished for there stupidity?
+8|7054|Long Island, NY

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.
Yeah, so what's the name of this server.  I don't ever want to play on it.
Me too, sounds like the server you're on about is gayer than wristbands
Base Rapist
Good server to grief on... take teamdamage and see how many you can get kicked.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
i used to play on there, and it takes about 15 team kills to get kicked off.
The Kid
I'm about to be in the "recruit" process of being a TSH member.  Howver, I've played with n00b in the server.  It isn't insta-punish, it's insta-forgive.

P.S.  You should come on it more, I haven't seen you around.
The_Lone_N00b <------ The name says it all .. I am sure he is the type to punish everyone and anyone but mostly for his own stupidity . .. And by seeing his stats he must be one of the jelious people that hate the guys that kick butt in game always RUNNING him over not walking over but running over he noob self. Haven almost double the amount of deaths over his kills.
   I would love to have him on the oppsite team as me. Knowning I would have so many team kills if he was on my side so it sounds. But being able to kill him over and over for my kills needed for my next badge.
The Kid
Creeping Death:  So what?  Not everyone is good at the game.  It may surprise you, but until I had 3000 kills and 4000 deaths, I didn't get a positive K/D ratio in most games.  Now, I get it in 98% of my games.

And no, he was both on my team and on the opposing team.  He has a mic and uses VOIP, a real team player, he tries his best, and he isn't a half bad commander.

Maybe you should get to know people before calling them out on something as trivial as stats.

Edit:  I just looked at your stats, death.  You have about 14:30 hours of your 17:30 hours as a lone wolf.  And you call him a noob?  You haven't even played as commander, and you call him a noob?

Now you REALLY should have thought about what you should have said before calling him out.

Last edited by RedFiercare (2005-11-22 08:16:16)

I got my lone wolf before I go into a clan ..Which I left because the leader was a stat padding tank/plane whore. Called him on it got kicked .. its okay again many seem not to see the truth in what people say about them.
But now im working on my squad leader stat. looking at it you shold see a major increase in this stat since i always play as a squad leader now days until my 100 hours are up.

  he just seems to be a person that would punish over his own mistakes, running over friendly mines. walking into claymores and anything else people punish for. SUCH A TEAM PLAYER. I call these people that punish for THIER MISTAKE jelious just totaly jelious of us better players.
The Kid

You haven't played with him, and I have.  I can vouch that he's a good team member, where you look at stats.

BTW, it says you haven't been squad leader for at least a month in your stats, so GTFO.
Your looking at the wrong stats for me . . . your looking at a creepingdeath only .. look at{BK}CreepingDeath/ and see what you really dont know ..
again I just hate newbs that punish for every little mistakes they make
and him by saying this :
2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.<------- just shows that he likes to punish people for whatever he can even if it was his mistake or not. . . and I say to people like this " your a JELIOUS NEWB NOOB ". .
+0|7045|San Rafael, CA

The_Lone_N00b wrote:

2) All teamkills are forced punishes. Many people would reject that, I don't care. You killed a teammate, accidentental or not, something must be done.
Sounds like a great place to run into a bunch of griefers. 

I've seen plenty of people who join servers specifically to get other people on their team to kill them so they can punish.  They'll walk in front of friendly vehicles, drive over mines, set off claymores, etc.  What's the fun in TKing anymore and screwing up your stats when you can get other people to TK you and screw up theirs?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Can I carry my knife in there, I want my basic knife soooooooooo bad!

That's why I don't waste energy on laying mines or claymores on Kark, even tho I had a best engy day laying mines at thier main, didn't know how I got up there without getting shot. But I get punished for everything now matter what so it doesn't matter. I did forgive alot this week as I read some of these post, just don't have it in my heart to punish even tho I said I would do it no matter what... Sorry just can't punish for my stupidity on the Battlefield.
LOL just thinking about this again ..
If you could punish on a real battlefield .. over an over you have heard about the past wars where there was a lot of friendly fire with life lost. one that sticks in my mind was the first gulf war where the helo pilot took out that whole convoy of troops ..  They are all pushing that button punishing that pilot . .
Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
Anyone that has ALOT More Hours In Karkand Then All Other Maps... You Suck, Thats All There Is To It...You Simple Don't Know How To Play The Other 90% Of The Game And You Suck.
well . . .  myself i go to a server that is the lowest ping i can find  . .i have no control on what map they play.
as i am sure u can c in my stats... wake island it says is my fovrite map but i just play whatever they are at the time.
The Kid

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

Anyone that has ALOT More Hours In Karkand Then All Other Maps... You Suck, Thats All There Is To It...You Simple Don't Know How To Play The Other 90% Of The Game And You Suck.
OK.  So I like to eat beef.  Should I stop eating beef because there are other things to eat?  I don't think so.  Do what you like, play what you like.
Base Rapist

CreepingDeath wrote:

well . . .  myself i go to a server that is the lowest ping i can find  . .i have no control on what map they play.
as i am sure u can c in my stats... wake island it says is my fovrite map but i just play whatever they are at the time.
I prefer to play a map over and over when I go in game. The main problem is there is like 95% of the 24/7 one map servers play Karkand.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA
I'm happy you have found a server to call 'home'. I have nothing to "deal with". Get over yourself.

As far as the auto punishing, doesnt matter to me, other games like SOCOM there is no choice - its an automatic deduction regardless.

Dont let the numbers interfere with the game.

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