I've noticed a couple of my posts going missing in the last week. I'm not going to experiment with loads of postings to reproduce the issue, but I think it's to do with two consecutive posters editing their posts.
I posted one thread "Un-freakin'-believable" which I edited, but then disappeared. =Robin-Hood= had PM'd me about making a more constructive title, but by the time he went back to check it, it was gone.
Today, I had posted a thread "Holy Crap! Melee in 1.4!" and had made a second post further down in the thread which I edited, but has mysteriously disappeared.
Feel free to care/not care, but being the diligent forum member I am, thought I'd let you know.
I posted one thread "Un-freakin'-believable" which I edited, but then disappeared. =Robin-Hood= had PM'd me about making a more constructive title, but by the time he went back to check it, it was gone.
Today, I had posted a thread "Holy Crap! Melee in 1.4!" and had made a second post further down in the thread which I edited, but has mysteriously disappeared.
Feel free to care/not care, but being the diligent forum member I am, thought I'd let you know.