Yeah, that is one thing I need to work on: quickly switching to the pistol when you run out of ammo. It works for me occasionally, but a lot of the time before I get the pistol out I get wasted.dshak wrote:
I've been playing more engineer and using the jackhammer, I just let it rip away in close quarters and find that if I switch to my pistol when my clip ends I'm rarely in that much trouble because everything around me is either dead or wounded pretty bad. I know more people don't do this because they're afraid of their pistols, the most underrated weapons in the game. They are highly accurate and do enough damage for their fire rate to be really nice weapons.
I circle strafe and since the pistol is insanely accurate from a standing, crouching or prone position you can be running circles around the guy, which is usually prone or crouching (if he's standing and has an automatic he will miss most of his shots) at which point you can cap him a few times (preferrably in the head).