ok so im playing on ranked "Strike at Karkand 24/7 UCS" yesterday, i was MEC and we were pushed back all the way to the last base (64 player) needless to say we were gettin the snot beat out of us. im in the warehouse flag up in the rafters when suddenly theres an explosion right next to me that wings me. i look over only to see my teamate EveryoneSucksButMe just standing there looking at me. sudenly he pulls out his knife and starts chasing me around. now im not one to tk, so i try to out run him. eventually he gets bored and just shoots me. but the strangest thing is that no punish tk option shoed up. so i start yelling at him via chat. I respawn right next to him and he does it again. still no punish TK option. this happens like 4 or 5 more times to me while he does it to his other teamates as well. eventually we get the admin to kick him off the server.
Now ive heard there are clan servers taht dont let you punish clan members or somthin, but im not sure. plus if he was a clan member on the server why would he be kicked? also, i tried to look up his stats afterwards but it wouldnt let me cuz he has less than 100 points, but on BFHQ it did. hes only a private and signed up that day with a global score of 0. which leads me to believe that he was only testing out the hack. that pretty much just ruined my whole bf2 experience taht day
heres a copy of the scoreboard before he got kicked

so what do you all think? glitch? hack? or am i just crazy?
Now ive heard there are clan servers taht dont let you punish clan members or somthin, but im not sure. plus if he was a clan member on the server why would he be kicked? also, i tried to look up his stats afterwards but it wouldnt let me cuz he has less than 100 points, but on BFHQ it did. hes only a private and signed up that day with a global score of 0. which leads me to believe that he was only testing out the hack. that pretty much just ruined my whole bf2 experience taht day
heres a copy of the scoreboard before he got kicked

so what do you all think? glitch? hack? or am i just crazy?