ok so im playing on ranked "Strike at Karkand 24/7 UCS" yesterday, i was MEC and we were pushed back all the way to the last base (64 player) needless to say we were gettin the snot beat out of us. im in the warehouse flag up in the rafters when suddenly theres an explosion right next to me that wings me. i look over only to see my teamate EveryoneSucksButMe just standing there looking at me. sudenly he pulls out his knife and starts chasing me around. now im not one to tk, so i try to out run him. eventually he gets bored and just shoots me. but the strangest thing is that no punish tk option shoed up. so i start yelling at him via chat. I respawn right next to him and he does it again. still no punish TK option. this happens like 4 or 5 more times to me while he does it to his other teamates as well.  eventually we get the admin to kick him off the server.
Now ive heard there are clan servers taht dont let you punish clan members or somthin, but im not sure. plus if he was a clan member on the server why would he be kicked? also, i tried to look up his stats afterwards but it wouldnt let me cuz he has less than 100 points, but on BFHQ it did. hes only a private and signed up that day with a global score of 0. which leads me to believe that he was only testing out the hack. that pretty much just ruined my whole bf2 experience taht day

heres a copy of the scoreboard before he got kicked

so what do you all think? glitch? hack? or am i just crazy?
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I had the same thing.. Its weird..Really weird..
it's happened to me too, but i didn't worry too much about it. i can't say for sure as i never set up a server, but i would think you could turn punishing off.
Yellow 13
+2|7047|Plano Texas
Ive been on servers where the punish is turned off. Its kinda common
+0|7047|Los Angeles
wow i hope this isnt a hack other wise we need to stop them asap..
it can be turned off server side.

And punish doesn't do jack-shit these days.  You get -4 with or without the punish since 1.3
+0|7068|Orlando, FL
that's a might fine score you've got yourself, crusty
+9|7062|Philly PA USA
There is some lame people that play this game. They need to be skined one layer at a time 
Yellow 13
+2|7047|Plano Texas
I know alot of people that just have a tking name they use and another for them to actually play with. Punishing doesnt stop purposeful tking, because they are on purpose and the tker doesnt care. So it doesnt even matter if he is hacking cuz he dont give a shit
Yellow 13
+2|7047|Plano Texas
If people could find where other battlefield players lived there would be a huge increase in murders i think.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

ayb wrote:

that's a might fine score you've got yourself, crusty
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
this is soooooo not a hack....if you TK someone thats very obvious it just takes the points away and punishes you automatic. and the server must have had the kick turned off.

the word hack gets thrown around way to much on here!!!!!!!!

Last edited by the_heart_attack (2005-11-19 14:07:07)

Yellow 13
+2|7047|Plano Texas

Noobs explain everything slightly strange with HACK HACK HACK
its an auto punish system like they have on extra, u team kill someone and u automaticly get -4 team points, even if they are ur friend and run over ur AT mine or somthing.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse

jax wrote:

its an auto punish system like they have on extra, u team kill someone and u automaticly get -4 team points, even if they are ur friend and run over ur AT mine or somthing.

ayb wrote:

that's a might fine score you've got yourself, crusty
yea, it was a crappy day
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

Crusty wrote:

ayb wrote:

that's a might fine score you've got yourself, crusty
yea, it was a crappy day
I don't think so, I usually get that...I am amazed at the -76 score though... but of course the servers I play are packed!!
just nothing
Just a server setting. TK Punish and kick after X amount of TK's is off on that server apparently.
ok cool, so im not crazy. didnt know ranked servers can choose not to punish. still not happy about smacktards like that though
Angry Engy
the_heart_attack said "the word hack gets thrown around way to much on here!!!!!!!!"
Yellow13 said "Noobs explain everything slightly strange with HACK HACK HACK"

Sure, there is the occasional red tag glitch.  But this guy was not only red, he spent the day killing his teammates.  And his teammates were MEC, on the cypherroofus server.  And it was a brand new account.

TK happens, mistakes happen.  But -76 on a known stat-padding server?  Why is it impossible to believe that it was done on purpose?  They've recently figured out the orange tags again (after 1.03 fixed it for a while), so why not red ones?
AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI

TriggerHappy998 wrote:

Just a server setting. TK Punish and kick after X amount of TK's is off on that server apparently.
just confirming what trigger said. … 1.2:16567/  just look on the right hand side under tk punish the setting is "no punish"
Some of you are off the point...the point isnt punish is turned off...the point is the Red/Blue bug back?  I just played on Karkland and this guy was on the other teams roster when you looked at "TAB" ingame.  Then if you shot him it would say "Team Damage", then he would yell at me for shooting him. He had a red tag, and his name was on the OTHER teams roster.  Yet I would get team damage and he kept yelling at me about I was an idiot and he was on my team.  So yes, I accused him of hacking and told him not to try to pull that crap with me.  SO this went on for 10 minutes or so, and After he kept showing up near me and I killed him like 8 times, he told me he was ask to have me kicked. Just after that I noticed I was getting negative teamwork points, but I still had positive Global points. I had like 45 global and -27 teamwork...WTF.  About 30 seconds after that I was kicked.  I dont get it....and for mister "everyone cried hacks", this is kinda a weird instance, and hacking is the first thing that comes to mind.  Anyone else had this kinda thing?

Ctlatinger wrote:

Some of you are off the point...the point isnt punish is turned off...the point is the Red/Blue bug back?  I just played on Karkland and this guy was on the other teams roster when you looked at "TAB" ingame.  Then if you shot him it would say "Team Damage", then he would yell at me for shooting him. He had a red tag, and his name was on the OTHER teams roster.  Yet I would get team damage and he kept yelling at me about I was an idiot and he was on my team.  So yes, I accused him of hacking and told him not to try to pull that crap with me.  SO this went on for 10 minutes or so, and After he kept showing up near me and I killed him like 8 times, he told me he was ask to have me kicked. Just after that I noticed I was getting negative teamwork points, but I still had positive Global points. I had like 45 global and -27 teamwork...WTF.  About 30 seconds after that I was kicked.  I dont get it....and for mister "everyone cried hacks", this is kinda a weird instance, and hacking is the first thing that comes to mind.  Anyone else had this kinda thing?
yeah, i've had this a few times - especially since sf came out. it's just a variant of the red bug. i think someone else said in another thread that it is caused by people changing teams while still alive (i.e. suiciding to change teams) - the game puts you over but still registers you as a member of the opposite team in the TAB screen (hence all the comments about 'spies' that do this on purpose to make the team that their friends are fighting lose points because they keep accidentally tk'ing their own team mate etc).

EDIT: and as for the global/team points discrepency, i think i also had this on Wake, where when I blew up the enemy arty I got 'team vehicle damge!', with negative point, while still getting a positive point for destroying a strategic object, so it just balanced out, with me not getting any points. Also seen it happen to others on Wake as well, who just spam the chat box with WTF????

Last edited by oberst_enzian (2005-12-04 18:27:42)


Ctlatinger wrote:

Some of you are off the point...the point isnt punish is turned off...the point is the Red/Blue bug back?  I just played on Karkland and this guy was on the other teams roster when you looked at "TAB" ingame.  Then if you shot him it would say "Team Damage", then he would yell at me for shooting him. He had a red tag, and his name was on the OTHER teams roster.  Yet I would get team damage and he kept yelling at me about I was an idiot and he was on my team.  So yes, I accused him of hacking and told him not to try to pull that crap with me.  SO this went on for 10 minutes or so, and After he kept showing up near me and I killed him like 8 times, he told me he was ask to have me kicked. Just after that I noticed I was getting negative teamwork points, but I still had positive Global points. I had like 45 global and -27 teamwork...WTF.  About 30 seconds after that I was kicked.  I dont get it....and for mister "everyone cried hacks", this is kinda a weird instance, and hacking is the first thing that comes to mind.  Anyone else had this kinda thing?
You dont get it !!!!
This is a ingame bug where teamates show as red.   I was sure everyone who play the game and is not new know about that but the sick part of that bug is sometime an enemy will display as blue, even sometimes a whole squad and for them you are red and they dont know they show up as blue on your computer...
Anyway !!
Welcome Noob !!!
I dunno about hacks or whatnot, but I've definitely played on ranked servers, (all Karkand or Wake Island ones, actually) where I've accidently teamkilled someone, and been punished (like, without delay) and then later on, been teamkilled and not had any option to punish at all. And when I looked at the stats on one particular time, the culprit, who'd just blown up a fully loaded friendly jeep with a mine (sure, probably the drivers fault - I was just a passenger) didn't have any negative points. It was like he didn't suffer at all from the TK.

I don't know what the dealio was, but it definitely sucked great big donkey balls.

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