dude blazin jus wonderin but how many hours do you play a day? and how old are you lol
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- Who has the most knife kills??? me???
just wanna say im impressed with nastie_butler the world number 4 guy. check his best round for usmc
Last edited by =[4th]=$chofield (19 years, 3 months ago)
Lol. You're sooooo not the real blazin.
i think the other guy was just BlaZinRyan_Mercury wrote:
Interesting. I recall a Blazin.uk replying to the thread related to you reaching 2nd Lt or something. And yet, you just registered today. I am quite sure it was the same nickname, unless one of the two of you isn't the real guy. You both sound a bit different, something smells fishy.
but how can the guy in these threads saying he is blazin.uk play a lan game with his cuzin who is from canada?????????????????????????
pretty sad really
sounds like someone has a bit of jealousy and wanting to be in the top 10=[4th]=$chofield wrote:
all you top 10 guys are idiots with no jobs and no social life, look at ur hours.. if i had that many hours work it our i would have been a seargent major of the corps by now what i got hmm... 272 and i got 46989 global you have 1000 hours with 223k global? well i estimate... you suck whaha
p.s get yourself out and about in manchester or leeds or somthin and get pissed blazin.
man this all turned into whos dicks bigger and the posting became really lame.
P.S. who cares who it is...
P.S. who cares who it is...
BlaZiN... why is your sign up email mystery_girl...
Oh because you're not really him, gg.
Oh because you're not really him, gg.
nevermind me...I just didnt read the whole tread before I typed. Consider this post deleted
Last edited by Superaap (19 years, 3 months ago)
lol nice one trigger, you should be a detectiveTriggerHappy998 wrote:
BlaZiN... why is your sign up email mystery_girl...
Oh because you're not really him, gg.
Last edited by Green-Lynx (19 years, 3 months ago)
Hey, I already asked him how he could be on these forums and playing at the same time? Sounds fishy to me.Green-Lynx wrote:
lol nice one trigger, you should be a detectiveTriggerHappy998 wrote:
BlaZiN... why is your sign up email mystery_girl...
Oh because you're not really him, gg.
well you should be a detective to then
Dare I say it?....TriggerHappy998 wrote:
BlaZiN... why is your sign up email mystery_girl...
Oh because you're not really him, gg.
Bhoys, I know Blazin, we speak on vent ina server we play on. I know what he does for work. Blazin, unless he was absolutely stupid knacked/drunk, would never post such egotistical shite..Blazin is no braggart, nor would he ever post childish shite such as this.
There is no way that this is him. Blazin, is a right stand-up guy WITH A RALE JOB! I'll ask him when i log on ina few.
when he gets home and if on vent , i'll be sure to let him know..But he's the type to not even care ( however he'll be offended by the poor use of grammar in his name.)
There is no way that this is him. Blazin, is a right stand-up guy WITH A RALE JOB! I'll ask him when i log on ina few.
when he gets home and if on vent , i'll be sure to let him know..But he's the type to not even care ( however he'll be offended by the poor use of grammar in his name.)
Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (19 years, 3 months ago)
considering where the real Blazin is from, it would seem overly obvious that this wasn't him, based on their poor English. I wonder if the other guy was the real deal, or just another idiot wanting to be #1?
95% sure this isn't the real one.
Your just some 12 year old fucktard trolling for attention, arnt you? Fuck off asswipe, your lies fool no one.BlaZiN.uk wrote:
If you were in first u would get pissed off too on how many people think that ur not the real guy
If it is Blazin hes not a stat padder for sure as none of his fav kills/deaths are the same players Nor Clan , just wondered how u get so many reveives last time i looked u were around 45000 . Wonder how many per hour tht works out i Cant be bothered looking but god u must play wth some newbies who cant fight there way out of a Wet Paper bag
dude NO WAY
From: Boston-Rep. of Ireland
Registered: 2005-09-27
E-mail PM Website Re: Who has the most knife kills??? me???Bhoys, I know Blazin, we speak on vent in game, I know what he does for work. Blazin, unless he was absolutely stupid knacked/drunk, would never post such egotistical shite..There is no way that this is him. Blazin, is a right stand-up guy WITH A RALE JOB! I'll ask him when i log on ina few.
He's not back from his duties, when he gets home and on, i'll be sure to let him know..But he's the type to not even care ( however he'll be offended by the poor use of grammar in his name.)
AGAIN NO way Blazin is a bloke wth a real 40 hour a week job he plays to much everyday so to me its a couple of guys using the same account
From: Boston-Rep. of Ireland
Registered: 2005-09-27
E-mail PM Website Re: Who has the most knife kills??? me???Bhoys, I know Blazin, we speak on vent in game, I know what he does for work. Blazin, unless he was absolutely stupid knacked/drunk, would never post such egotistical shite..There is no way that this is him. Blazin, is a right stand-up guy WITH A RALE JOB! I'll ask him when i log on ina few.
He's not back from his duties, when he gets home and on, i'll be sure to let him know..But he's the type to not even care ( however he'll be offended by the poor use of grammar in his name.)
AGAIN NO way Blazin is a bloke wth a real 40 hour a week job he plays to much everyday so to me its a couple of guys using the same account
That guy is your cousin? Give him this message:BlaZiN.uk wrote:
and my good cuzin`s son plays BF2 aswell but he only goes on like twice a week cuz he doesent have BF2 on his computer so he comes here to play on mine somtimes we like to play LAN cuz i have two but hes starting to piss me off cuz ive been trying to get my golden knife badge for a ..well ..long time now and he has it befor me! Gah his account names like CANADIAN_rocker or something
Stop posting dumb things in these forums. Try and use half-correct spelling, and a shred of grammar. Also, we don't need to hear his life story about how he wants to be a jet pilot but is failing school or something.
On another note: Nice to meet you.
well if ur 'THE' Blazin.uk then ur kill/death ratio sucks heavily
Assumptions aren't necessary, slanderous and unfair.ud bslapper wrote:
dude NO WAY
From: Boston-Rep. of Ireland
Registered: 2005-09-27
E-mail PM Website Re: Who has the most knife kills??? me???Bhoys, I know Blazin, we speak on vent in game, I know what he does for work. Blazin, unless he was absolutely stupid knacked/drunk, would never post such egotistical shite..There is no way that this is him. Blazin, is a right stand-up guy WITH A RALE JOB! I'll ask him when i log on ina few.
He's not back from his duties, when he gets home and on, i'll be sure to let him know..But he's the type to not even care ( however he'll be offended by the poor use of grammar in his name.)
AGAIN NO way Blazin is a bloke wth a real 40 hour a week job he plays to much everyday so to me its a couple of guys using the same account
Last edited by [GDC]SinnFein (19 years, 3 months ago)
OK dude You tell me What actual REAl LIFE PLAYER ON HERE works a full week and can play as many hours as him ?
Is it not possible to pause playing BF2 to browse forums?RME_JICO wrote:
Blazin, what time is it by you, and how can you be playing online and in these forums at the same time, that is weird? Someone must be using your account, lol.
And MOJO|Holle has almost 2000 knife kills, so hes up there in the elite.
nah not wth idle kicker in servers now
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- Who has the most knife kills??? me???