k i think i have you guys beaten with this one... because it involves acouple stupid admins. rofl.

first off the one that really ticks me off.
Dilan Plant (MEC)
-for the first tk my friend in an apc ran across the runway when i was taking off in the su-34 with full throttle, i run into him and he punishes. him saying that there was an enemy by the scanner/uav.(i call bs on that one)
-2nd and 3rd tk me in the su-34, flying over a base by the sea i see 3 tanks didnt see no infrantry i let go all 5 of my bombs direct on to them kill all 3 tanks and 2 friendlys by accident. they punish.
-4th tk me in the su-34 again the admin in the fighter. both of us going high speed, me being chased by a f-35 going around that big tall building on the right side for the americans, didnt see the admin, bet ya the admin didnt see me, both at same height and speed. both colide together. he punishes.
-5th tk i was refueling my bomber with my friend inside of it in the passanger seat. the admin kicks/bans me i crash into the hills and my friend punishes me. (thats below the belt right there) and i appauligized for each one.
(this was before the patch 1.4 came out even 1.2.)
Combat medic
Worst was on Ghost town last night, some jerk ran into my APC with a FAV loaded up with C4, less then a second later, you were punished for a TK, end of the round the guy punished like 10 times no forgives.  But he was a smacktard anyway, each round he would join the other team, blow up the bridge and TK as many as possiable then switch back, he name was Thekinghomer if anyone cares...
i was just taking off in a jet and all the noobs ran on to the runway because they wanted to get me kicked.

god dammit i hate those mother fuckers!!!!!!!
I was playing mashtuur, you know the MEC starting base, on the 64 map (with the helicopter?) well okay so USMC has it, and im a sniper, so I lay claymores down. Theres NO teammates near me.... some teammys help cap the base, they avoided the claymores. So 5 seconds later they BOTH run into the claymores AT THE SAME time, 2 seconds later I get -8 points at the same time, "You were punished for a team kill."  "You were punished for a team kill." I got so pissed.
Pwned so often there's an IPO.
+29|6818|Melbourne, Australia
Ghost Town - I'm in an M1A2 and a guy on a 4-wheel ATV thing rides into the back of me while I'm stationary and punishes.

Surge - I'm on a Stinger site and take down the Spetz Attack Chopper (Hind?). The wreckage lands on someone and I get punished.

Daquic Oilfields - At the Chinese material base, I'm an engineer fixing the arty. I hop in my jeep, drive across the road and get sideswiped by a loaded helo flying at waist height down the road. I get three punishes.

Dragon Valley - I'm in an F35, heading back to the carrier. Accidentally hit a fully loaded blackhawk head-on. I get so many punishes so quickly I'm kicked before I even start falling.

Clean Sweep - USMC SpecOps. A smurf watches me wire-up one of the arty, and then run to the next, then the next (which only gets one pack). I turn around and hit the detonator just as he runs into the first arty to plant more C4. I kind of think its obvious what was about to happen but he punishes me and calls me a name. I think it was dumb noob or something.

Daquic Oilfields, at the cisterns. I was an engineer trying to kill an active enemy tank by running fore and aft to drop AT mines before it noticed me, and was then going to goad it into moving. Just then, a Jihad Jeep runs in to ram it, it sees the jeep, moves and hits my mine. The resulting explosion takes out the tank and driver, the jeep and driver, as well as me, and I get a TK punish. From someone about to commit suicide.

Maybe I deserved the F35/Dragon Valley punishes. But it wasn't deliberate.

People are so blind to the skull and crossbones and even the separate minefield indicator that I've practically stopped using Claymores and AT Mines. I get too many TKs and punishes. I seem to be the only person I know that stops at the top of a ladder and peeks over the edge for claymores. I think I'm damn lucky that I don't get TKs when friendlies drive their jeeps through holes I made in bridges.

On the other hand I have given and received some spectacular forgives too:

I'm in a tank, nose to nose with an enemy tank, both of us at a contested flag. It was tight squeeze in there. I see a SpecOps guy run out to do the C4 trick. I hit reverse to get distance. The enemy tank presses its attack on me. The explosion takes out both tanks. I instantly forgive and while respawning text the team to tell the guy he did the right thing in TK'ing me for the flag cap. It was one of those flags that gives mucho l00t in the way of equipment.

Songhua Stalemate. Trying to cap the Fish Factory. I jump underneath the loading dock, behind the palettes and see a sniper. I don't see a blue tag above him, he starts turning toward me so I empty my G36C into him without aiming. I realise too late I was SO CLOSE to him that the blue tag was too high to see. Just as I'm about to hit "sorry" he forgives me. I get the cap. That is the forgive that I judge all others by.

+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada
Hoped in a j-10, and hit the after-burner while going down the runway, only to see the "cow" PLA Transport Chopper land infront of me.. i try and dodge him, hit him, Kill myself and Tk him. He Then says "WTF Victim why did you shoot me down"

Between my rage, and his Stupidity.. i couldnt help but laugh..
+129|7030|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
Version 1.0 stingers + Fully loaded black hawk = 6 punishes for a tk I had no control over.
fuck it
I love when I am on the other side of the map and an enemy runs over my AT mine with one of my teammates too close to the vehicle and I get punished for it.

Also, I love when I am dogfighting and one of my missiles strays and hits a vehicle on the ground. That is usually only team vehicle damage, but still BS.

Last edited by iNeedUrFace4Soup (2006-07-19 20:32:39)

Psychotic Sniper Inc.
+76|6865|The Land of Claywhore
One time i joined a Kubra Dam server.So i'm USA and i spawn at the western base(not the airfield) as A/T.I take off for the nearest vehicle to go towards the dam 'cause that's where the shit was going down.I'm driving along not a person in sight and i notice a friendly car coming down the hill from our airbase.Well,they managed to lose control and go off the edge and i'll be damned if they don't crash right into me.I get charged w/ 3 team kills and an instant BAN.

I wasn't looking for any trouble but it sure found me in a hurry.

Last edited by BrOk_MoRdU (2006-07-19 20:34:01)

+67|6997|Tulln, Austria

[Project.D]-Demon wrote:

k i think i have you guys beaten with this one... because it involves acouple stupid admins. rofl.

first off the one that really ticks me off.
Dilan Plant (MEC)
-for the first tk my friend in an apc ran across the runway when i was taking off in the su-34 with full throttle, i run into him and he punishes. him saying that there was an enemy by the scanner/uav.(i call bs on that one)
-2nd and 3rd tk me in the su-34, flying over a base by the sea i see 3 tanks didnt see no infrantry i let go all 5 of my bombs direct on to them kill all 3 tanks and 2 friendlys by accident. they punish.
-4th tk me in the su-34 again the admin in the fighter. both of us going high speed, me being chased by a f-35 going around that big tall building on the right side for the americans, didnt see the admin, bet ya the admin didnt see me, both at same height and speed. both colide together. he punishes.
-5th tk i was refueling my bomber with my friend inside of it in the passanger seat. the admin kicks/bans me i crash into the hills and my friend punishes me. (thats below the belt right there) and i appauligized for each one.
(this was before the patch 1.4 came out even 1.2.)
Erm... there is no SU-34 on Dalian Plant. There's not even MEC on there. It's a USMC vs PLA map.

Judging from what you said about a tall building and the amount of tanks I guess you were talking about Gulf of Oman.
+9|6890|Doctor Evils Lair, Near You!

johnnybgood554 wrote:

They're just crybabies that can't take one for the team. Some purposely try to ruin ur score kinda like when a jeep full of teamates ram ur tank and all 3 punish u. I've missed out on my people's medallion and navy cross due to idiots like that, next time i get to 100, i'm hiding till the round ends.
Soooooo many little Tk noobs with no ideas
Whenever I am the bomber for the bomber on Kubra Dam....Doesn't matter which side it is either. Whenever I see 2 or 3 vehicles around 1 flag and there is only about 1 or 2 guys around them I try to help them out.... Turns out they are always right next to the enemy tank and they get killed as a result.  I of course say Sorry, but they always TK Punish.  I had a team score one time of around -20 because of idiots punishing me for helping them out.
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6874|Australia, NSW
was waiting for a attack chopper with a mate, chinese, airfield, wake, and i see a guy in a dpv drive past and over some teammates. the transport chopper had just spawned, and 4 people hopped in, followed by the enemy dpv ramming into it. I shot the car with 2 bullets, just as he drove into it, giving me the kill as he died, and 4 tks, all of which slammed down their page down keys.
later on i went to take off in a jet, and 2 guys run out in front and punish, and i got banned for the rest of the round losing all those negative points i had like i would have wanted them anyway.

there was another 1.3 bug earlier today, where a guy wasn't getting kicked for negative score or punishes, and it was on an internode server. the guy sat in a tank constantly killing teammates, for 2 rounds he did it, getting a -87, then an impressive -262. People put kick votes up, but none succeeded.

Last edited by Drax (2006-07-20 06:00:12)

Frosties > Cornflakes

I was thinking, how about taking something from the call of duty games, when u play online u can watch a replay of the guy who killed u (think it is 5 seconds before and the kill it's self) however this only working for friendlies, I doubt the sniper who spent ages getting into his spot will like being found out like that.  But atleast this way u would be able to see the event's that took place before the tk, so u can determine if it was or not.  I know many punish anyway, but aleast this would stem some of the punishes, since, any tk is bad, if doing this spares me one punish, I am all for it.

Though tbh, most tk's really are for vehicles, or people standing infront of them, a stray nade, or in case of a plane a over zealous pilot dropping bombs a bit to readily, atleast in a replay I can see who he was trying to kill rather than just say 'FUCKIN NOOB WATCH OUT' punish etc, I my self always forgive IF i get an apoligy within 5-10 seconds, unless it happens a lot, or it's in revenge.

maef wrote:

[Project.D]-Demon wrote:

k i think i have you guys beaten with this one... because it involves acouple stupid admins. rofl.

first off the one that really ticks me off.
Dilan Plant (MEC)
-for the first tk my friend in an apc ran across the runway when i was taking off in the su-34 with full throttle, i run into him and he punishes. him saying that there was an enemy by the scanner/uav.(i call bs on that one)
-2nd and 3rd tk me in the su-34, flying over a base by the sea i see 3 tanks didnt see no infrantry i let go all 5 of my bombs direct on to them kill all 3 tanks and 2 friendlys by accident. they punish.
-4th tk me in the su-34 again the admin in the fighter. both of us going high speed, me being chased by a f-35 going around that big tall building on the right side for the americans, didnt see the admin, bet ya the admin didnt see me, both at same height and speed. both colide together. he punishes.
-5th tk i was refueling my bomber with my friend inside of it in the passanger seat. the admin kicks/bans me i crash into the hills and my friend punishes me. (thats below the belt right there) and i appauligized for each one.
(this was before the patch 1.4 came out even 1.2.)
Erm... there is no SU-34 on Dalian Plant. There's not even MEC on there. It's a USMC vs PLA map.

Judging from what you said about a tall building and the amount of tanks I guess you were talking about Gulf of Oman.
exactly that map im srry for the confusion...
i still dont like admins that do that to you.
another bad admin story.
-shaqui penesula (srry for the spelling)
-by hotel me in the m1a2 and the admin in a HMVV i start heading towards the beach house, admin following me closely, 2 vans come barelying down the road i kill both of them, 1 of them got me and the admin behind me because i ran into him constantly to get a good shot on those vans (not knowing he was there) my tank weak almost ready to explode, me asking for an engineer or supplys, i back out trying to go to hotel to get repairs accidently hit the admins HMVV my tank explodes killing the HMVV, and killing the admin, he punishes for the TK and then kicks/bans me from the server for stealing his tank when i got there first with no one near it. i almost quit playing bf2 because of stupid admins that ive been seeing these days.

OpsChief wrote:

SargeV1.4 wrote:

ok, I think that people are kinda confused as to what a punish does:

It does NOT cost you points. a TK is 4 points, 6 if you shot them because you'll probably get a team damage first. punish or not, it doesn't matter.

The most a punish can do is get you kicked when a server has the 'kick on so many punishes' option enabled.

On the other hand it does tell you what kind of a person they are.
m8 the punishing hurts much more than the -4  lol  it is a conviction without trial, judge and jury....the guy that added that part to the game must not be an American.  *sniff* 
i bet it was some french dude
YOUR mom goes to college
Best one for me, I'm gunning in a Cobra on Gulf of Oman, see five guys on foot halling ass toward an American flag (one of my teams flags) they stop in a building for cover and my pilot lines me up on his approach (keep in mind I was fairly new at gunning, this was a while ago) I wasn't too good with tv missles then but figured I'd give it a shot.  I fired, and just before the missle hit, I see all the pretty little blue names pop up on my guided missle screen...quickly followed by:


Not to say I didn't deserve it, but it was disappointing to say the least.  I was happy my missle was on target, but not happy that I just earned negative 30 points with one click of the mouse and had to find a new server after being kicked.  Since then, I've started looking at the radar a lot more before firing.
This one time I was lifting off with a J-10 in wake because I got it instead of some other guy and a guy jumps in a Z-8, loads it fully, and as soon as I lift off he flies infront of me.

Guess how many punishes I got...

And guess why I'm banned from 1 server, heh.
+152|6840|London (At Heart)

I was flying with a friend today, I was in the MiG and he was in the Su-34, the round before I had been absoloutely destroying everything, and had a score of 80 with only 2 deaths.

However, this round was just not going my way, all my bombs seemed to miss, and I my missile just kept going for the scenic route round the map and not towards the jet they were locked on...

Anyway, after getting heavily frustrated that I had been in the air for 10 minutes and only mustered a score of -2   (two team vehichle damages), so I decided to go hunt down the enemy jets, I found one, quickly followed it, and popped into bomb mode to make it unaware of my presence, when I was lined up properly I switched into rocket mode, and fire my missiles at it, when all of a sudden my friend swoops horizontal into my missile and he was already damaged, I got 2 tks due to it being a bomber, then dodging the wreckage I go topsy and lose control and smash right into a full blackhawk, all in all, 7 TKs within a few seconds.

I wasn't best pleased as I was promptly kicked from the server.

Last edited by Shem (2006-07-21 15:42:23)

Worst is when a enemy heli flies into your heli, killing u and the gunner....and then you get a team kill....nice
Pusher of sausages Down Hallways
Someone started shouting at me ofer VOIP today.. I got the j-10 on dalian and he forced TKed himself under me. I ignored him which got him really angry for some reason, and started bitching at me for being a planewhore in my squad
Knife Whore
Probably every time I get in a jet and some sh*t head stands in front of it....OR when I kill something and the remains land on a person/jeep, killing all of them. Only when it's full of course. Punish. Usually I get back at people by driving a jeep at full speed and then jumping out before It hits them.. Very satisfying.
For all the times I have been teamkilled and I forgave or all the times I have accidentally teamkilled(and apoligised) and was not forgiven, it is nice to know there is someone left that still forgives.
Resident Dragon Fanatic
The worst is when I'm commanding, and I accidentally teamkill someone with a vehicle or gun (and this someone usually has four deaths for every kill, and did a flying leap into my line of fire).

It's not that getting punished is bad. I can live with that. But then they usually start asking for UAV or supplies. I can click "Deny" all day.
Last night on gamearena 23 (Karkand) had a great squad, lost of team work and the mics where humming, I was playing USMC engi ( going after my engi badge ) so we spawn in the right hand front spawn site and as a team work down too the front court yard in front of the Hotel spawn.

I see a bunch of mecs coming down the alley way from Hotel spawn and toss a nade ...... at wich point I see a USMC guy run in (not from my squad, a pizzahut n00b ) ..... stand on top of my nade ...... and then jump up and down ontop of my nade ............. alot ......... until the nade goes off and I get punished for TKing.

So I shottied they annoying autopunisher in the face next time I seen him, .......... likes too autopunish give him a reason for it .......

MastersMom wrote:

Best one for me, I'm gunning in a Cobra on Gulf of Oman, see five guys on foot halling ass toward an American flag (one of my teams flags) they stop in a building for cover and my pilot lines me up on his approach (keep in mind I was fairly new at gunning, this was a while ago) I wasn't too good with tv missles then but figured I'd give it a shot.  I fired, and just before the missle hit, I see all the pretty little blue names pop up on my guided missle screen...quickly followed by:


Not to say I didn't deserve it, but it was disappointing to say the least.  I was happy my missle was on target, but not happy that I just earned negative 30 points with one click of the mouse and had to find a new server after being kicked.  Since then, I've started looking at the radar a lot more before firing.
Helps ..... I got a max -70-75 team work score once .... my team had a bunch of children suiciding on claymores and AT mines ... running in front of any gun fire  and punishing so I cracked the shits ... changed kit too sniper  and started loading up spawn with claymores ... the opposing team was also spawn camping so I was getting both sides with the claymores ..... gave me the huge minus teamwork but also kept me ingame ... I think I removed the "fun" from the kiddies and next map the turds left and we could play again.

Last edited by Hurlin (2006-07-21 16:43:24)

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