Me and some of my friends have broken away from our previous clan for personal reasons but now we need help coming up with a new Clan Name soooooo any suggestions?
Ultimate soldiers?
Nah We were thinking about -=TNA=- which would of course stand for Tits n' Ass...
Nuclear otters of Brussels
lol nah we not going with that lol
i think we're going to go with =EBS= Enemy Boat Spotted
Already done? I dunno, I'm not much of a clanner myself.
Already done? I dunno, I'm not much of a clanner myself.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
jerking jerks =p
-=2NPink1NStink=- Clan
The ladies will love it!
The ladies will love it!
My all time favorite is Team Hasselhouf or channel four news team.
jord i love your sig
i had to post that
i had to post that
|BoNeS| Brotherhood of Noble Elite Soldiers
When I used to play Soldier of Fortune II Iwas in a clan called TsR - Twisted Soul Reaperz. Mayb an idea?
One name clans sound more professional. Examples are dynamic, vitality, and illicit. Im jealous of all their names.
Ya the best names are the ones that are, like , traits/qualities. Like those above, and things like virtue, dignity, honor, etc...-=NHB=- Bananahands wrote:
One name clans sound more professional. Examples are dynamic, vitality, and illicit. Im jealous of all their names.
hm...... i got a few clans to recommend if u dont make ur own.... and
counterterrorism unit is my neighbors clan....(=TITS=) or titans is very new...3 members one of which is 10 bucks a year and u can admin....and recruitt and stuff....
but if u make one how about..... AAE above all else...taht was i clan i saw in blackhawk down a couple years ago... they ended tho..........yea i like AAE (above all else)
counterterrorism unit is my neighbors clan....(=TITS=) or titans is very new...3 members one of which is 10 bucks a year and u can admin....and recruitt and stuff....
but if u make one how about..... AAE above all else...taht was i clan i saw in blackhawk down a couple years ago... they ended tho..........yea i like AAE (above all else)
Sissy la la's
personal bs reasons pbr
clb hehehe
u kno who i am
traitors leaving for crackers bs
thank u have a nice day
clb hehehe
u kno who i am
traitors leaving for crackers bs
thank u have a nice day
Sorry, i'm bored. Now give me a +1, lol.
Sorry, i'm bored. Now give me a +1, lol.
elite whining company }ExC{
cuz you guys are the best at whining
cuz you guys are the best at whining
^ wouldnt that make it .... EWC