@ Reizors
Couldn't retrieve your stats using that nickname on bf2s...
@ Phoenix2
There were too many "Phoenixes"... and none unique Phoenix2
@ Sgt_Bob05
Nice accuracy 26%
Very good SPM 4.3. That is explanable though. 60% of your time is shared between Karkand (medic kit aka easy points or tank/apc spawn raping... nothing to criticise, very good way to rack up points) or Wake (Airplane time... figure the rest... I'll give an idea... something involving a carrier
Anyway, nice SPM.
Infantry. 3 medium to good stats (assault rifle & LMG 1.8kdr, grenades 6.2kdr... spam spam spam
). Besides that only average or below average infantry weapons performance.
Good overall vehicle stats, except heli.
Very good plane kdr, 15. Well done.
You beat me on Overall Score, airplane kdr & SPM. That has to do with amount of time played in certain maps and airplane time. You have 150, I've around 65 hours with the jets.
Overall: 75%. Good all-rounder, very good jet pilot. Recommendations... improve infantry and heli pilot performance. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
ufff... long post.
http://bf2s.com/player/46748769/ <<<
Last edited by alav (2006-07-21 00:54:02)