Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
That also raises the question, how is the accuracy calculated in this game exactly?

A hit = 100%? A miss = 0% ? What about headshots? What about shots on vehicles which damage it?
Alpha as fuck.
Nyte, I think you should spend some more time behind an LMG before you start saying what "Good" accuracy ratings are with it. I haven't played anywhere near as long as you, but I have alot more time as Support, and 20% accuracy is only FEASIBLE on CQC maps. For those of us who don't spend all day on Karkand, the average firefight is at a much greater range, and the only way Support is gonna get any hits is to send a sh*tload of bullets flying towards enemy lines.

I don't want to start a fight here, you're undoubtedly a better player than I am and would toast my ass in just about any situation, but from my experience with a LMG... I just can't agree with you.

BTW, I think the accuracy thing is #of hits (Cursor flash thing)/#of shots fired. If you kill everyone with a headshot, but always miss twice first, you've got a 33.33% accuracy.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Maybe I'll try it out. The SAW seems to be the most accurate.
Alpha as fuck.
Get C4, here!

Nyte wrote:

I don't know if the chopper mounted guns actually factors accuracy, but the support guns still should be used in a bursty manner, those leaderboard support guys have around 25% accuracy with those guns (one of them has a 33% wow, he was rank 47 last I checked, don't know name though).

But yes you are right, I should have been a bit more detailed sorry, so maybe something like this:

LMG's 20% +
Sniper 50% +
Knives 25% +
Shotguns 15% +
Submachine Guns 20% +
Pistols 20% +
AT/AA 60% +
Explosives 30% +
Defibrilator Revive 70% +
Defibrilator Killing 20% +
Grenade Launcher 50% +
Carbines 25% +
Grenades N/A (Too random)
... you're going by the leaderboard guys?  They rarely use LMGs... most have one kit that they play most of the time. 
Anyways, your idea won't fly.  Bloody silly it is.
Get C4, here!

Nyte wrote:

Maybe I'll try it out. The SAW seems to be the most accurate.
HA. pkm is most accurate.
If accuracy is so important why does this not reflect on your k/d ratio's Nyte? For example, you have an accuracy of 57.33% with sniper rifles, but only a k/d of 1.18. Could it be that tactics also play the major role?

Most people could equal your accuracy on all weapons (if they tried or even cared) but that would mean they would take more time over each shot (and would not try those near impossible shots) which in turn would reduce their k/d and their kills per round - my point being accuracy and k/d are somewhat linked.

If your trying to find out who is the best player you cant compare on accuracy or even k/d. In fact I dont believe It can even be done. So much rests on the quality of other players in your team, among other things.

Is the best medic one who kills 20 per round with a k/d over 3 with accuracy in the 30's but yet never revive's nor heal's his teammates? Or is the best medic one who goes out of his way to revive and heal his teammates despite this impacting negatively on his k/d stats?

The "best" players are those who work as a TEAM, and unfortunately in this area BF2 is sorely lacking.

P.S. How do I know you didnt get that high accuracy from spawn camping 2 inches away from the enemy on karkand? see my point?

Last edited by KimSnow (2005-11-21 14:18:47)

Don't Flame
+20|7057|St. Paul, MN
I really don't care about my accuracy. I mean I shoot my gun all the time, sometimes just for the hell of it, like point it up in the air and let some lead fly like those crazy insurgents on tv. I would probably have 28%+ accuracy if I wasn't always blasting my DAO or PKM or running around waving my knife at flagpoles and tanks and stuff.
Don't Flame
+20|7057|St. Paul, MN
oh speaking of knifing random objects, try cutting one of those gas barrels lmao. or those pesky propane tanks. . slash at those hummer wheels too! and always, always knife top gunners out of tanks, I do that all the time, it pisses people off.
soup fly mod

accuracy is irrelevant statistic...
+7|7150|California, USA
As long as the enemy dies, that's all that matters It would be better if there was an accuracy category for single shot mode, compared to 3-round burst or auto modes for assault and carbine type weapons.  Plus each weapon is different.  Well chit, defib counts towards overall accuracy, WTF!  Precise accuracy in killing in close combat situations shouldn't matter.  Maybe for a sniper sniper rifle accuracy is important, because once I see ya, your going down before you get the next shot off!

Last edited by Rakasan (2005-11-21 16:28:59)

I care about accuracy, but it plays second fiddle to getting the job done.  And if that means laying down a curtain of lead with my trusty PKM, accuracy be damned, than that's how it is.
Knife Whore

Nyte wrote:

Low accuracy (< 25 %) means that one needs improvement in aiming, ammo conservation, and a more cooler attitude in heavy gun battles.
I dont believe this is true. I have 24% accurracy and I am a pretty good player. It isn't fair in any aspect to point to one part of stats and say "Just because I have a better accuracy rating than you that means I'm better." If one has played the game a lot, you will find that it is very hard to maintain a good accuracy rate. Im sure even some of the best players have low accuracy rates, because it's very hard to hit everything even most of the time. Sure if everyone used teh sniper rifle they would have 35% accuracy...
noob on tour
Accuracy is for the poor!

I don´t really care for accuracy as most of the people as in most of the cases you just can´t be accurate.
A PKM is not an M24.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse
LOL my accuracy sucks so bad. But I couldn't care less, actually.
Horseman 77
A lot of Times I will fire to Distract or Drive away the Enemy. Or fire long range into fog if I suspect enemy attivity in that area. I dont care about stats.
n1nj41c l337ne55
+1|7058|Pittsburgh, Virginia lol
I woulndt say that accuracy is very important.
Real life example-
WW2-US Army tells its troops to conserve ammo in the field. As soon as they get to the front, the rest of the army tells them to lay down cover fire and do all sorts of sh1t wasting ammo for no apparent reason other than to get closer to winning.

So yeah. So what if you empty the assault clip into thin air arround somone. It won't matter if you've forced the enemy to A)get killed by your assault clip B) Walk into the sights of 5 PKM's C)walk next to a friendly tank D)walk into the claymore from the sniper kit you just traded for assault, or E) everything else that could happen.
Dirtier than thou

Nyte wrote:


I was wondering why no one ever mentions anything about accuracy as it is a demonstration of both skill, efficiency, and patience.

Low accuracy (< 25 %) means that one needs improvement in aiming, ammo conservation, and a more cooler attitude in heavy gun battles.

High accuracy means (> 25 %) that one has excellent aiming, efficiency, and is able to remain calm in a gunfight.

Another reason is that accuracy is the only (IMHO) REAL measurable performance indicator in this game for the following reasons:

-Kills = time-based, not a skill indicator
-Teamwork = somewhat time-based, a poor skill indicator
-Wins:Loss = Poor skill indicator due to game mechanics. When one joins the game and it ends in 1 min with you losing/winning.  Another bad side is that a amateur player can be on a winning team without actually doing much.
-K ratio = Not a skill indicator, can be easily padded with high player/urban map spawn-camp style playing.
-Average kills = Decent skill indicator, not really much bad sides I can think of.
-Score per Minute = Poor skill indicator, see K ratio
-Awards/Ranks = Poor-Decent skill indicator (Poor for the time-based awards, Decent for the awards such as War College which is not the same as Wins:Loss indicator since this is an extreme case of wins versus losses)
-Accuracy = A true skill indicator, bad side is that there can be workarounds to improve accuracy illegitmately such as cheats, and stat padding.

Not to sound boastful or anything but I believe my accuracy to be one of the best for most weapons (Shotgun, Knife, Sniper Rifle) and fairly good for everything else (overall 35%).
There's a reason your accuracy is so high......You use sniper rifles most of the time.  My accuracy overall is 22.52% which isn't bad considering the three guns I use the most are the L85, G36, and DAO.
Kitless Roof Jumper Bird
The only way to really tell someones skill is to play with them in-game and see them play with your own eyes.

Nyte wrote:

M95 is very underrated in this game, it takes care of Black Hawk pilots and MEC Chopper gunners.
you can shoot out the gunners with ANY weapon
nope. The pistol is very accurate. Most of the top ranked for pistol have way above 20% acc with it.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Whoa, talk about bringing up an old thread.

But anyways, I usually play for the win by capping flags and/or defending them.  I think I've capped/defended more flags than most people but still lacking sorely in the Wins department.

Btw, knife is your friend in close quarters combat... not pistol.
Alpha as fuck.
i seriously try to keep my accuracy up at all times, but my aim sucks, especially if im in CQC, then I end up spraying bullets all over.  If you use the PKM or other support all the time, I'd expect u to have a low accuracy though. 
I think mine hovers slightly above 20%, but im not sure.
Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
I got an Accuracy of about 26.75%

I don't shoot randomly like most people...Shooting Smiley Faces into Trees and Walls. Who cares right?

But you can easily Pad this...Get a Low Accuracy weapon and Shoot and Transport with a Enemy in it at Point-Blank.

You do minimal Damage but it counts as a hit so it raises accuracy, do with Shottys and Light Machinegun and you should get +1% or +2% to your Overall in no time. I don't do this because its a waste of time and no reason to do it...but if you feel like it'll raise your spirits, giver' tits.

BTW ...I got one of the highest of Pistol Accuracys of 34%, And im ranked 500th or so with it.

Last edited by JeSTeR_Player1 (2005-11-21 20:47:01)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

JeSTeR_Player1 wrote:

I got an Accuracy of about 26.75%

I don't shoot randomly like most people...Shooting Smiley Faces into Trees and Walls. Who cares right?

But you can easily Pad this...Get a Low Accuracy weapon and Shoot and Transport with a Enemy in it at Point-Blank.

You do minimal Damage but it counts as a hit so it raises accuracy, do with Shottys and Light Machinegun and you should get +1% or +2% to your Overall in no time. I don't do this because its a waste of time and no reason to do it...but if you feel like it'll raise your spirits, giver' tits.

BTW ...I got one of the highest of Pistol Accuracys of 34%, And im ranked 500th or so with it.
37.20% and ranked 666 as of this post.
Alpha as fuck.
Look guys, i strongly recommend you stop worrying about the above issues and concentrate on more important facets of life.  Personally, i have more important things to worry about, for example why do i keep on having sex dreams about my girlfriend's twin sister?

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