in front of my knife
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- What is the best sniping place in the game?
I'll have to remember that 1Bratwurstschnecke wrote:
in front of my knife
Your imagination? The north and south gas stations are on diametrically-opposite corners on Mashtuur...sharpshot19 wrote:
..and my spot is we as centered as they get for mashtuur.. plenty of action...can run between 4 flags pretty easily the only long hikes are to the hill...and each gas station...and arty haha...not a chance at hitting me...and cartillery...i love when that lands next to me lol..still not a chance at ever hitting me with it though lol....have fun figuring this spot out
Yeah, there is that. When I played with it on low I'd occasionally see a cast shadow... look up, no blue name, aha!Ilocano wrote:
I'm tempted to play without shadows, but seeing enemy shadows have saved me quite a few times.
Dynamic Shadows off. Don't make the mistake of turning Dynamic Light off! You need that for muzzle flash. I had that off for at least the first three months of play... any wonder I was such a noob.Ilocano wrote:
I've got everything on High settings. What settings are required for "no shadows"?
Geez, isn't it bad when you play a map dozens of times and you still can't remember the names of the flags?! Backyard.Sgt.Zubie wrote:
There is a spot on Mastuur, it's a medium sized bush on the hillside overlooking where the tank spawns(I can't remember the name of the Cp where the tank spawns)...
I prefer to try to stay dynamic and use the rooftops to the west, plus you have good views in multiple directions. If you have a bit of luck and use pop-up tactics you can last long enough up there to run out of ammo.Sgt.Zubie wrote:
Basically any spot overlooking this CP is good killing.
Dalian Plant or Kubra dam..... lots of room,
On this video, does anyone know the steps to do the jump around 3 min... I cant get the last part. … ttlefield2 … ttlefield2
Last edited by Mafiaz (2006-07-21 15:03:59)
i know the crane on Sharqi can be a real bad spot but i still got kill streak of 27 kills from up there!! would have got more but the commander wouldn't drop us any supplies on the end of the crane, got shot on the way down for ammo!!!
The best place I like to snipe is when I'm right next to the enemy assult team where they can see me!
The SF maps (esp. Warlord and Ghost Town) are ideal for sniping, esp. since you can go to "unreachable" places using the zipline. Across the road from the TV station is a favourite spot, in one of those balconies. If you're REALLY sneaky, you can balance on the edge and jump across to the neighbour balcony when you've popped the same guy 10 times and he's about to FINALLY find you.
Another SF tip: put the gas mask on, very useful for hiding in dark spots while wearing dark SAS or SPETZ uniforms. Plus, you'll feel like Darth Vader hunting your victims...
Another SF tip: put the gas mask on, very useful for hiding in dark spots while wearing dark SAS or SPETZ uniforms. Plus, you'll feel like Darth Vader hunting your victims...
Last edited by valli (2006-07-22 08:57:47)
yeah come on give away all your secrets so we get owned when we are sniping!!!
Yes, you'll have to adapt and find new spots then! Sucks, I know...
Some things about this situation;romanov_666 wrote:
i know the crane on Sharqi can be a real bad spot but i still got kill streak of 27 kills from up there!! would have got more but the commander wouldn't drop us any supplies on the end of the crane, got shot on the way down for ammo!!!
At the end of the crane is an open flat platform, use the T "command functions" to place the Supply Drop there and then use V to voip the commander and let them know the situation. Trouble is the crate gives your position away.
Or get one of your boys to suicide and respawn on you as support. Then they can resupply everyone else up there.
I think this thread benefits other snipers more than non-snipers. Some of us just like to share our "fun" spots. It is in fact just a wrote:
yeah come on give away all your secrets so we get owned when we are sniping!!!
Last edited by Ilocano (2006-07-25 10:29:33)
I prefer jumping on top of enemy tanks and taking a ride with them. I've killed a few enemies riding prone on top. You just gotta watch out for friendlies with sraw, eryx, and c4.
i pinch
My all time fav place.. the building across from the construction site and crane on gulf. My friend and i went on ts together, he put a claymore in the walkway from the road.. and one in grass behind trees. I put mine at the top of the ladder to get to the roof and on the way to the top of the building. If you're good with an l96a1 you can easily get the hotel, village fort, rock fort, and olive hill. I find this best suited for neutral flags when the enemy is tryin to cap. I aim about "a waist" heigh above their heads, and BOOM HEADSHOT +2 4M3.I mean.. take the height of the infantry.. aim about how their height above their head.. it usually works.. hard to explain in text.. ill make a vid sometime.
I looked through the post and didn't see this one posted. It's my personal favorite and I'm sharing it with all of you because you can never seem to find me. Look in the image of the karkand map Karkand and directly to the right of the marker for the Hotel flag, there is a road which has some bushes. Hide in the second one and you can pick off all the troops running down the hill. Tanks and apc's never see you. If you have an M95, you can usually take out drivers that pass by with their humvees by shooting them through the glass. It is pretty much safe sniper heaven unless someone is looking really hard, or they see your muzzle flash.
Okay, I've read all these reposnses and here is is my admittedly semi-noob (veteran) sniper commentary:
If you are playing a team full of arrogant yahoos, or just plain noobs, you can snipe from the crane on Sharqi. You can nail them lying prone by the Construction CP flag, you can pop them trying to take the hotel, you can actually throw grenades at the other spot (city entrance?) and you can cap them spawning at the alleyway.
You can also go to the building between the Hotel and the water tower on Sharqi and pop spawners and anyone attacking the hotel.
The building between the hotel and the TV station is a nice spot for capping morons standing up on the TV tower.
The building between the construction site and the TV station is good for making sure your boys have a run at the construction flag.
On Karkand I have only a few spots really.
1. The usual spot on top of the Square.
2. The building between the Square and the burbs. (Good only for defending the burbs and clocking people at the Square)
3. The building by the East wall just South of the Square. (good only for taking out people sniping from #1)
4. The roof of either bulding by the Factory (the one you jump from the crane to or the one you jump to from the smokestacks)
5. The space between the two stacks of wood between the cement factory and the train accident. (Love this one)
The truth of the matter is that I've found that any loser spot is great if you aren't facing an experienced Sniper who knows where to look for you. IF you are facing a team full of medics or support or jackholes you can snipe from your momma's teet, but if you are against a team that has a solid sniper, no spot is safe, he knows every spot you know or can figure it out, you just have to be better.
If you are playing a team full of arrogant yahoos, or just plain noobs, you can snipe from the crane on Sharqi. You can nail them lying prone by the Construction CP flag, you can pop them trying to take the hotel, you can actually throw grenades at the other spot (city entrance?) and you can cap them spawning at the alleyway.
You can also go to the building between the Hotel and the water tower on Sharqi and pop spawners and anyone attacking the hotel.
The building between the hotel and the TV station is a nice spot for capping morons standing up on the TV tower.
The building between the construction site and the TV station is good for making sure your boys have a run at the construction flag.
On Karkand I have only a few spots really.
1. The usual spot on top of the Square.
2. The building between the Square and the burbs. (Good only for defending the burbs and clocking people at the Square)
3. The building by the East wall just South of the Square. (good only for taking out people sniping from #1)
4. The roof of either bulding by the Factory (the one you jump from the crane to or the one you jump to from the smokestacks)
5. The space between the two stacks of wood between the cement factory and the train accident. (Love this one)
The truth of the matter is that I've found that any loser spot is great if you aren't facing an experienced Sniper who knows where to look for you. IF you are facing a team full of medics or support or jackholes you can snipe from your momma's teet, but if you are against a team that has a solid sniper, no spot is safe, he knows every spot you know or can figure it out, you just have to be better.
Last edited by Dersmikner (2006-07-25 20:28:14)
I found another couple of good ones:
Ghost Town - I was thinking along the lines of The Karkand Hopper for this one...

The south west (bottom left) spawn point, the "Attack Chopper" spawn closest to the SAS, there is a tall building just to the north (above). The building north of *that* has a ladder which goes to the top. In itself it is a good sniper point - only one regular access point, limited visibility north and south, good view east. However, if you jump onto the aircon, then the stairwell roof, you can make it all the way onto the higher building to the south, directly north of the chopper pad flag.
You can defend the pad against anyone trying to cap it, spot-up SAS vehicles and call arty. You can pick-off snipers on the bank of the river etc. And for that you don't even need to be a sniper. I did it as medic. And from that roof you can throw first aid kits or ammo onto the roof where the flag is.
As a sniper you also have an unrivalled view east, south, southeast and down. The view to the north is a little blocked but meh, if it were perfect like that tower, you'd never make it up there.
Iron Gator - what the hell?
Most people think of CQB when they think Iron Gator, and they are right. But I thought of claymores because I'm crap at CQB. Perfect in those corridors and stairwells. What's that got to do with sniping? Not a lot. Except we battled from the mess hall up to the F'ward Hangar Bay flag and were making a push for the Aft Hangar Bay flag... with those catwalks, crates and lockers, and everyone expecting CQB... I made a killing. Literally. I reckon the best place for snipers is where you least expect them. Especially when that is a whole map.
Ghost Town - I was thinking along the lines of The Karkand Hopper for this one...

The south west (bottom left) spawn point, the "Attack Chopper" spawn closest to the SAS, there is a tall building just to the north (above). The building north of *that* has a ladder which goes to the top. In itself it is a good sniper point - only one regular access point, limited visibility north and south, good view east. However, if you jump onto the aircon, then the stairwell roof, you can make it all the way onto the higher building to the south, directly north of the chopper pad flag.
You can defend the pad against anyone trying to cap it, spot-up SAS vehicles and call arty. You can pick-off snipers on the bank of the river etc. And for that you don't even need to be a sniper. I did it as medic. And from that roof you can throw first aid kits or ammo onto the roof where the flag is.
As a sniper you also have an unrivalled view east, south, southeast and down. The view to the north is a little blocked but meh, if it were perfect like that tower, you'd never make it up there.
Iron Gator - what the hell?
Most people think of CQB when they think Iron Gator, and they are right. But I thought of claymores because I'm crap at CQB. Perfect in those corridors and stairwells. What's that got to do with sniping? Not a lot. Except we battled from the mess hall up to the F'ward Hangar Bay flag and were making a push for the Aft Hangar Bay flag... with those catwalks, crates and lockers, and everyone expecting CQB... I made a killing. Literally. I reckon the best place for snipers is where you least expect them. Especially when that is a whole map.
Sometimes when I don't feel like getting into the CQC with the others, I play to collect enemy sniper dog tags. After playing Mashtur, Oma, Sharqi and Karkand as a sniper, you get a good feeling where the "prime" spots are. Instead of mixing it up with the lead throwers, I'll start moving around the fringes of the map and start taking out the snipers setting up shop in their "favorite" positions. Once I piss a guy off enough, we may spend the whole round hunting each other.
Happened on Oman couple of nights ago. Went from hotel to the beach and started picking off enemy snipers climbing the hill to get shots at the hotel. Finally pissed a guy off and it was time to get it on. I placed a couple clays on the hill and backed up towards the hotel. The guy runs right into a clay as he tries to reaquire me. While he's respawning, I reposition further up on the hill. I lay down and wait till I think he may be close. I stand up with my pistol drawn and there he is about 30 feet away sneaking around. He goes down again with a few well placed pistol rounds. While I wait for him to respawn, I move back to support the hotel which is being capped by the enemy. After 20-30 seconds, I turn back to the hill and see him creeping around the base to get a shot. Boom! Another kill.
By then, the hotel is in enemy hands. I think to myself that if I was in his shoes, I would spawn on hotel and try to get me from behind. So I relocate to an overlook to cover the approaches from the hotel. A couple of seconds later, his head appears over the wall looking for me in my old area and... Boom!
He got his manhood back a few minutes later when he knifed me when I got distracted trying to help retake the hotel. I know I'll get flamed for not "helping' the team more to win but sometimes I remember its a game and I paid good money to play in any way that makes me happy. I still got 14 kills in the round with two deaths which at least doesn't make me a negative for the team.
Happened on Oman couple of nights ago. Went from hotel to the beach and started picking off enemy snipers climbing the hill to get shots at the hotel. Finally pissed a guy off and it was time to get it on. I placed a couple clays on the hill and backed up towards the hotel. The guy runs right into a clay as he tries to reaquire me. While he's respawning, I reposition further up on the hill. I lay down and wait till I think he may be close. I stand up with my pistol drawn and there he is about 30 feet away sneaking around. He goes down again with a few well placed pistol rounds. While I wait for him to respawn, I move back to support the hotel which is being capped by the enemy. After 20-30 seconds, I turn back to the hill and see him creeping around the base to get a shot. Boom! Another kill.
By then, the hotel is in enemy hands. I think to myself that if I was in his shoes, I would spawn on hotel and try to get me from behind. So I relocate to an overlook to cover the approaches from the hotel. A couple of seconds later, his head appears over the wall looking for me in my old area and... Boom!
He got his manhood back a few minutes later when he knifed me when I got distracted trying to help retake the hotel. I know I'll get flamed for not "helping' the team more to win but sometimes I remember its a game and I paid good money to play in any way that makes me happy. I still got 14 kills in the round with two deaths which at least doesn't make me a negative for the team.
well everyone claims the sharqi crane is the quick route to bum rape, but I've had great rounds up there of like 22-1 and other such shite
i was once told that pressing alt and F4 would send you straight to the best sniper spots.
Last edited by mavrick 3399 (2006-08-01 07:32:33)
when the only USMC base left on sharqi is tv station, go up the crane n snipe the silhouettes right from the very end of the crane
There are two possible reasons for this:bennisboy wrote:
well everyone claims the sharqi crane is the quick route to bum rape, but I've had great rounds up there of like 22-1 and other such shite
I'm on your team helping with attrition of the enemy snipers;
I'm not on the opposite team LOL
As Sharqi in now my bitch I now know that there isn't a good spot on the crane where an enemy sniper can get good vistas while still being hard/very hard to get... it's an either/or situation unfortunately, so one takes one's chances.
Yeah, that can work. Only problem is you're very exposed to return fire if an enemy sniper is not on the roof; but if your team is on the ball USMC will be getting massacred on the ground so it can be worth it. It is a less-common spot though, so someone who's likely go sniper just to get some payback may not look there, expecting enemy snipers on the three or four suitable rooftops and the second floors within constuction site.bennisboy wrote:
when the only USMC base left on sharqi is tv station, go up the crane n snipe the silhouettes right from the very end of the crane
Errr.... I wouldn't. You effectively took an enemy sniper out of the game. There is no telling how many tickets you saved your team doing that.Sharkerlen wrote:
He got his manhood back a few minutes later when he knifed me when I got distracted trying to help retake the hotel. I know I'll get flamed for not "helping' the team more to win but sometimes I remember its a game and I paid good money to play in any way that makes me happy. I still got 14 kills in the round with two deaths which at least doesn't make me a negative for the team.
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- What is the best sniping place in the game?