The Lizzard
I can just about guarantee that the terrorist to civilian death ratio in Iraq is better, and the conditions are the same (arguably worse, as the whole of Iraq must be monitored, rather than just the south like in Lebanon.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2006-07-23 05:24:52)

The Lizzard

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Believe me i dont need a history lesson. Im not a Big follower of the Bible, But one thing is for sure, It teaches MORALS, something half the people on this site LACK. The way some think Sickens me. Sickens me because Immoral Idiots like these are the future leaders of countries.
Sure, but it's not the only thing that teaches morals.
+102|6961|New York
Yah, but see there is a difference, Most of the Insurgents in Iraq hang together, making a Hit better with less civilian casualties. The only civilian deaths im seeing in the news in Iraq are from Insergents bombing them. You cant aviod Civilian deaths in lebanon when you have 10 guys fireing rockets from an apartment building houseing 100 inocent civilians. Like i said before and will say for the last time, Hezbolla are chicken shit sheep fuckers hideing behind the inocent people they claim to be fighting for!

Thank you and good night.
+102|6961|New York

Bubbalo wrote:

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Believe me i dont need a history lesson. Im not a Big follower of the Bible, But one thing is for sure, It teaches MORALS, something half the people on this site LACK. The way some think Sickens me. Sickens me because Immoral Idiots like these are the future leaders of countries.
Sure, but it's not the only thing that teaches morals.
I Know. Also, The Extreme interpretation of the Koran doesnt teach ANY morals Like the Original. Its been rewritten to give the terrorists  some sort of reasoning behind there socalled holy war.
The Lizzard
I'm confused as to what you're saying.  Are you saying:

a)  The extremist re-write of the classic Koran teaches no morals


b)  An extremist reading of the classic Koran teaches no morals


c)  I'm a nutter, and you've said something completely different.
Iraq and Lebanon its not the same at all! Lebanon its even worst situation that was in Chechnia! its country inside country, and when Hezbollah builded  theyr country on Lebanon terretory, lebanon goverment was smileing and watching and do nothing! this why israel say that lebanon is responsible for what is going on! why they didnt stoped it? they only thing they was needet to do its say "help"... why lebanon didnt asked for help? 38 fucking years... WTF!!!
The Lizzard
The terrorists are hiding among civilians in Iraq same as in Lebanon.  I don't often say this but:

You guys need to learn from the US.
+102|6961|New York

Bubbalo wrote:

I'm confused as to what you're saying.  Are you saying:

a)  The extremist re-write of the classic Koran teaches no morals


b)  An extremist reading of the classic Koran teaches no morals


c)  I'm a nutter, and you've said something completely different.
A) Final answer LOL

Bubbalo wrote:

The terrorists are hiding among civilians in Iraq same as in Lebanon.
ofcouse its not!  im sure if iraqi civilian see rockets launchers near his home he will report about it! what is not happenings in lebanon! and asking again! WHY?
The Lizzard

<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

A) Final answer LOL
So then what did you say?

lisik:  Report the RPGs to who?  We've already established that the goverment doesn't have the force of arms to do anything.
+23|6756|Me Dad's Wilkins

Bubbalo wrote:

That's a  cheap shot.  Either debate or don't, but don't go insulting people just because you don't like what they say.

rawls2 wrote:

Getting shot with a ping pong ball traveling at 3500 ft/sec as opposed to bieng  shot with a bowling ball at 3500 feet/sec. What would you rather have happen to you?
Except that in this analogy the ball bearing is the ping pong ball, as a ball bearing is smaller and lighter than a nail.

You have no idea what size nails or ball bearings used... If it is a roofing nail compared to a Wheel bearing then you're wrong on both counts.  Wheel Bearings being around the same size as a ping pong ball.

Last edited by |AIA| DAS (2006-07-23 08:34:44)


Lisik wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

The terrorists are hiding among civilians in Iraq same as in Lebanon.
ofcouse its not!  im sure if iraqi civilian see rockets launchers near his home he will report about it! what is not happenings in lebanon! and asking again! WHY?
You are being quite naive if you believe that. LOL
+11|7074|California, USA
I think the Israeli Lisik has a point. Lebanon should of asked for help when they saw this militant group forming in its country. Or did they want Hezbollah to form so it could attack Israel with out getting its hands dirty. Lebanon is ultimately responsible for what goes on its country. It is also responsible for the conflict going on now.

Bubbalo wrote:

So now the Lebanese deserve it because they aren't militarily strong enough?
Yes, Silence = consent. If they knew what was going on and did nothing they are just as guilty as Hezbollah.

Bubbalo wrote:

All anti-personnel explosives that I know of have shrapnel, a fragmentation grenade being one example.
I have no ideal what your trying to prove regarding bombs, nails, bearrings, shrapnel? What was your original point?

Last edited by rawls (2006-07-23 11:10:58)


rawls wrote:

I think the Israeli Lisik has a point. Lebanon should of asked for help when they saw this militant group forming in its country. Or did they want Hezbollah to form so it could attack Israel with out getting its hands dirty. Lebanon is ultimately responsible for what goes on its country. It is also responsible for the conflict going on now.
I think you're missing one fundamental point here. Lebanon DOES NOT RECOGNISE THE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL. It's a bit hard to ask a nation that doesn't technically exist from helping you out with a problem you have!!
+11|7074|California, USA

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls wrote:

I think the Israeli Lisik has a point. Lebanon should of asked for help when they saw this militant group forming in its country. Or did they want Hezbollah to form so it could attack Israel with out getting its hands dirty. Lebanon is ultimately responsible for what goes on its country. It is also responsible for the conflict going on now.
I think you're missing one fundamental point here. Lebanon DOES NOT RECOGNISE THE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL. It's a bit hard to ask a nation that doesn't technically exist from helping you out with a problem you have!!
Well there you go. They better start recognizing Israel because Israel is tearing them up.
BTW- Thats no excuse. The world recognizes Israel so should Lebonan.

Last edited by rawls (2006-07-23 11:23:58)


rawls wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls wrote:

I think the Israeli Lisik has a point. Lebanon should of asked for help when they saw this militant group forming in its country. Or did they want Hezbollah to form so it could attack Israel with out getting its hands dirty. Lebanon is ultimately responsible for what goes on its country. It is also responsible for the conflict going on now.
I think you're missing one fundamental point here. Lebanon DOES NOT RECOGNISE THE EXISTENCE OF ISRAEL. It's a bit hard to ask a nation that doesn't technically exist from helping you out with a problem you have!!
Well there you go. They better start recognizing Israel because Israel is tearing them up.
BTW- Thats no excuse. The world recognizes Israel so should Lebonan.
The world MINUS THE MAJORITY OF MIDDLE EASTERN NATIONS. That is the world MINUS MOST OF ISRAELS NEIGHBOURS (the people who've had to suffer at their hands as it were). Also if Israel want to talk of how the world recognises them then maybe they should recognise the requirements set down by the rest of the world on them to remove themselves fully from the illegally occupied territories of Palestine.

The following coloured countries don't recognise the right of the nation of Israel to be described as a country/nation....


Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-23 13:15:19)

Mr. Bigglesworth
What came first the chicken or the egg?

Thats what I see going on here in this forum. Israel started it, no, the other guys did. What is it going to be? You cant have it both ways. Is Israel a state or not? If they are, they have every right to engage their neighbors in battle when the neighbors are commiting acts of terror. If they are not a state, why are they still there? Surely the UN would have passed a resolution to rid Palestine of all Israelis.

Off topic: I wonder what those countries colored green have contributed to this world as far as technology, humanity, civility? Can you find out Cameron?

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-07-23 13:46:02)


rawls2 wrote:

What came first the chicken or the egg?

Thats what I see going on here in this forum. Israel started it, no, the other guys did. What is it going to be? You cant have it both ways. Is Israel a state or not? If they are, they have every right to engage their neighbors in battle when the neighbors are commiting acts of terror. If they are not a state, why are they still there? Surely the UN would have passed a resolution to rid Palestine of all Israelis.
Surely the UN would have passed a resolution, I can't believe they haven't passed one yet....LOL

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967 in the aftermath of the Six Day War. It was adopted under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter [1].

It calls for the "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict" (see semantic dispute) and the "[t]ermination of all claims or states of belligerency".

United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, declared that the 1980 Knesset law (the Jerusalem Law) declaring Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal and indivisible" capital was "null and void and must be rescinded forthwith". This resolution instructed member states to withdraw their diplomatic representation from the city as a punitive measure. Most nations with embassies in Jerusalem complied, relocating their embassies to Tel Aviv. Most countries had already located their embassies in Tel Aviv prior to resolution 478.

On another note: the most recent incident (the kidnappings by Hezbollah) was obviously initiated by Hezbollah. Israel have a right to respond but they do not have the right to respond in the way that they have. Practically all governments worldwide have condemned their response (except for the US government - who are Israel's lapdogs).

The kidnapping by Hamas is just the latest in a long line of tit-for-tat attacks that have continued since the fundamental crime committed - the driving of millions of Palestinians from their homes to create the state of Israel in Palestine.

As regards your 'what have they contributed?' comment: that comment borders on an imperious, racist attitude. Israeli lives > other humans lives? Everyone is equal my friend. How good a human you are is not proportional to your contribution to society - every person on this planet should have universal fundamental rights that are equal among all men, women, children, etc. I really don't get what you're driving at with your comment. Please enlighten me. I hate all superiour attitudes and find them deeply offensive. It's attitudes like that caused the Brits to blaze an oppressive trail of empire across the world.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-23 13:55:34)

Mr. Bigglesworth
So what is the Gaza strip and West Bank if not Palestinian territory. They have a government now. What else do they need. Every Palestinian should put down their AK's and RPG's pick up a shovel and start to build their country in the land they have now. If Israel were to see that and no more attacks, garanteed Israel will aid Palestine in its rebuilding. As long as Palestinian youths turn to hamas for guidance there will not be a Palestine. I highly doubt Israeli's army would shoot unarmed Palestinians if all Palestinians were unarmed.

Last edited by rawls2 (2006-07-23 13:53:57)


rawls2 wrote:

So what is the Gaza strip and West Bank if not Palestinian territory. They have a government now. What else do they need. Every Palestinian should put down their AK's and RPG's pick up a shovel and start to build their country in the land they have now. If Israel were to see that and no more attacks, garanteed Israel will aid Palestine in its rebuilding. As long as Palestinian youths turn to hamas for guidance there will not be a Palestine. I highly doubt Israeli's army would shoot unarmed Palestinians if all Palestinians were unarmed.
Newsflash: Israeli soldiers have been shooting unarmed civilians for many years but I guess the US media doesn't cover that in much detail. LOL

THey have a government now - what else do they need? LOL. How about trade routes with other countries, the right to a seaport, an airport, the absence of militray checkpoints on roads all throughout the west bank and gaza? It's hilarious. Have you seen maps of the west bank recently? Check them up - Israel are taking it over by stealth - dotting the entire area with settlements, making a proper Palestinian nation completely unviable. Did you ever think Israel should comply with the UN resolutions and set an example maybe?

I invite you to watch some or all of this video. Not many US citizens ever see this side of the story:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 4384920696

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-23 14:00:41)

Mr. Bigglesworth

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

So what is the Gaza strip and West Bank if not Palestinian territory. They have a government now. What else do they need. Every Palestinian should put down their AK's and RPG's pick up a shovel and start to build their country in the land they have now. If Israel were to see that and no more attacks, garanteed Israel will aid Palestine in its rebuilding. As long as Palestinian youths turn to hamas for guidance there will not be a Palestine. I highly doubt Israeli's army would shoot unarmed Palestinians if all Palestinians were unarmed.
Newsflash: Israeli soldiers have been shooting unarmed civilians for many years but I guess the US media doesn't cover that in much detail. LOL

THey have a government now - what else do they need? LOL. How about trade routes with other countries, the right to a seaport, an airport, the absence of militray checkpoints on roads all throughout the west bank and gaza? It's hilarious. Have you seen maps of the west bank recently? Check them up - Israel are taking it over by stealth - dotting the entire area with settlements, making a proper Palestinian nation completely unviable. Did you ever think Israel should comply with the UN resolutions and set an example maybe?

I invite you to watch some or all of this video. Not many US citizens ever see this side of the story:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 4384920696
You didnt get my point. If ALL Palestinians gave up their arms and picked up shovels for the purpose of building airports and sea ports the trade routes would follow. Checkpoints would dissapear and peace would ensue.

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

So what is the Gaza strip and West Bank if not Palestinian territory. They have a government now. What else do they need. Every Palestinian should put down their AK's and RPG's pick up a shovel and start to build their country in the land they have now. If Israel were to see that and no more attacks, garanteed Israel will aid Palestine in its rebuilding. As long as Palestinian youths turn to hamas for guidance there will not be a Palestine. I highly doubt Israeli's army would shoot unarmed Palestinians if all Palestinians were unarmed.
Newsflash: Israeli soldiers have been shooting unarmed civilians for many years but I guess the US media doesn't cover that in much detail. LOL

THey have a government now - what else do they need? LOL. How about trade routes with other countries, the right to a seaport, an airport, the absence of militray checkpoints on roads all throughout the west bank and gaza? It's hilarious. Have you seen maps of the west bank recently? Check them up - Israel are taking it over by stealth - dotting the entire area with settlements, making a proper Palestinian nation completely unviable. Did you ever think Israel should comply with the UN resolutions and set an example maybe?

I invite you to watch some or all of this video. Not many US citizens ever see this side of the story:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 4384920696
You didnt get my point. If ALL Palestinians gave up their arms and picked up shovels for the purpose of building airports and sea ports the trade routes would follow. Checkpoints would dissapear and peace would ensue.
They have NO REASON WHATSOEVER to trust Israel with respect to whatever promises said country might make (if any). You seem not to understand that Israel have an expansionist policy with respect to the West Bank - having stated that Ariel, Ma'ale Adumim and other settlements will remain eternal parts of Israel (including East Jerusalem). That doesn't sound like a good deal for the Palestinians. When I commented on seaports/airports you didn't realise that Israel are the ones preventing them from building such things - they bombed Gaza airport not so long ago: leaving Palestinians with little or no access to the outside world.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-07-23 14:10:20)

Mr. Bigglesworth

CameronPoe wrote:

rawls2 wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Newsflash: Israeli soldiers have been shooting unarmed civilians for many years but I guess the US media doesn't cover that in much detail. LOL

THey have a government now - what else do they need? LOL. How about trade routes with other countries, the right to a seaport, an airport, the absence of militray checkpoints on roads all throughout the west bank and gaza? It's hilarious. Have you seen maps of the west bank recently? Check them up - Israel are taking it over by stealth - dotting the entire area with settlements, making a proper Palestinian nation completely unviable. Did you ever think Israel should comply with the UN resolutions and set an example maybe?

I invite you to watch some or all of this video. Not many US citizens ever see this side of the story:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 4384920696
You didnt get my point. If ALL Palestinians gave up their arms and picked up shovels for the purpose of building airports and sea ports the trade routes would follow. Checkpoints would dissapear and peace would ensue.
They have NO REASON WHATSOEVER to trust Israel with respect to whatever promises said country might make (if any). You seem not to understand that Israel have an expansionist policy with respect to the West Bank - having stated that Ariel, Ma'ale Adumim and other settlements will remain eternal parts of Israel (including East Jerusalem). That doesn't sound like a good deal for the Palestinians. When I commented on seaports/airports you didn't realise that Israel are the ones preventing them from building such things - they bombed Gaza airport not so long ago: leaving Palestinians with little or no access to the outside world.
Why would Israel let them build those things now? So Palestinians can have a place to import weapons and fighters. The video you provided starts out by saying in 1967 Israel went to war with 3 countries. If those countries wouldnt have planned an invasion of Israel Israel wouldnt have had to capture the land they did. If Palestine has no reason to trust Israel why then should Israel trust the Palestinians?
Mr. Bigglesworth
You know watching that video makes me feel like the world has gone on. Palstine will never be again. They should just assimilate into Israeli culture and stop fighting. Do they want to live in peace and build homes or continue to fight for something that is dead?

rawls2 wrote:

Why would Israel let them build those things now? So Palestinians can have a place to import weapons and fighters. The video you provided starts out by saying in 1967 Israel went to war with 3 countries. If those countries wouldnt have planned an invasion of Israel Israel wouldnt have had to capture the land they did. If Palestine has no reason to trust Israel why then should Israel trust the Palestinians?
Therein lies the problem. That's the proverbial shit sandwich. I am pro-Palestinian because my belief is that they are the people who were fundamentally wronged (in 1948) and have been oppressed ever since. If Israel wish to be seen as a nation of common standing with the likes of other western nations then they need to start acting with decorum, morality and reasonableness. Since the creation of the state they have been unnecessarily harsh on the Palestinians. They need to kill this vicious cycle with kindness because they are the only ones with the power to do so. Whatever kind of 'government' you think Palestine have I need to inform you that it is a government in name only - thanks mainly to Israel.

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