i lag and so i cant shoot for crap ( on laggy servers ) so i revive. and do anyof u whining idiots actually use that stupid medics unlock IT SUX! if we revive u just get the hell up and run. and cover us. and if u need health and we r fixing u DONT RUN AWAY!!!!! WE CANT RUN FOREVER!!!!

so stop ur whining about medics we do our job, u do urs

we dont tell u hoe to do urs, so dont tell us how to do ours.
Aussie Outlaw
^ O.... kay.
"It's Recharging!"
Aint like we got alot of time to 'clear the area', especially if it's a tank just around the corner and you can't simply jump up and run. If you obviously arn't ready to jump up and run the 2ND time you get revived, then that's your problem.

We could die at any moment trying to revive you so you can get the fuck up, be thankful we even try, especially if you are assault or special ops.

God knows how much time we would save if we could see a countdown of how many seconds left next to each persons name.

Bert10099 wrote:

I love medics, we all love medics, they run through waves and waves of bullets just to med you.  Most of the time, but anyway.....

What pisses me off to no end is when I encounter a group of enemies, get shot, and a med revives me.  But he dosen't clear the area of enemies.  Soooo, I get killed, get revived, then killed again by some enemy behind the corner.  LISTEN TO ME dumbass medics:  I appreciate you medding me, but DON'T med me if there are a bunch of enemies around.  I'll just get killed again.  I get killed, Mr. "Hero" medic comes along to revive me, does so, and I get killed 1 second later because an enemy was right next to us.  ALSO.  DON'T med me while I am next to an enemy tank/APC/etc.  I'll just get killed again.

I hate you dumbass medics.

Know what I'm talkin' about?
I really don't see what your problem is.  If you're revived it does not count as a death.  Even if the medic revives you 20 times when you finally die or the medic dies and cannot revive you again it still only counts as 1 death.  I never play as a medic but I have never minded a revive.

Also don't you have to click and call out for a medic in order to be revived?
Aussie Outlaw
True, Slick - but the medic can see the situation better and they can make better judgement on it.

Generally I jump up and survive after a revive, but occasionaly some medic keeps reviving me and i get blown away. Resulting in a collective 1 minute spawn time... thats annoying.
+0|7069|Ventura, CA
Stasiek said,
"Re: Revive in the face of danger

if you don't want to get revived then access the map/spawn screen and wait till the timer runs out."

I agree
Like with all things, it needs to be a judgement call. You need to gauge your chance for success.

Desired outcome: You revive the teammate and undo a potential ticket loss

Undesired outcome: You die attempting to revive and both of you are ticket losses

Acceptable outcome: You die but get the revive off just before doing so, and the teammate kills or escapes.

So you have to gauge what your chances are. You can't make a blanket statement of "never res while there are enemy around" because there are times when ressing is the smart thing. One time I turned a corner to see 3 dead teammates who fell to the hand of two enemies hiding behind a piece of blockade. There was no way I could attack the enemies myself, it was 2on1 and they had entrenchments. Considering they had just fired their guns and it was logical to assume they were probably reloading, I took the risk, dashed to the first teammate, and flopped on him just as they started firing on me. Revive worked, I got up and hid quickly behind a corner, and the teammate I just revived started retaliating. Teammate distracted the two, and I ran out again and revived the other two teammates. Enemy killed the first teammate, but two new revives killed them, and I re-revived the original teammate.

Risk was high, but so was the reward, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Of course if it's a hopeless situation, like an APC sitting right on top of you, there is no point, as you are always going to get the undesired outcome which is double ticket loss. But in general, if you are a grunt complaining about actually receiving medical aid, you need to give your head a shake. It's so rare that there is even a mediocre medic, let alone a good one helping the team that you unfortunately have to take what you can get.
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

I kinda like dumb medics, when they're on the other team.  Cap a guy, medic runs out and revives him, then I kill them both.  That's the easiest 3 kills in 10 seconds you'll ever get. 

Sud wrote:

Considering they had just fired their guns and it was logical to assume they were probably reloading, I took the risk, dashed to the first teammate, and flopped on him just as they started firing on me. Revive worked, I got up and hid quickly behind a corner, and the teammate I just revived started retaliating.
Why do medics "flop" you can revive while you are standing plus you can move faster and easier. I love it when medics flop because I know I can just fire my rounds into the wad of bodies and hit something.

I shouldn't say anything because often times I least get 1 of the 2 after a flop, giving me a free kill. But I was just wondering because when I was medic I would drop health leading back to cover run out revive standing up and then run back. I made sure to try and drop 2 bags so my teammate can run over it on his way out.

Last edited by nating75 (2005-11-21 15:29:20)


Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

I kinda like dumb medics, when they're on the other team.  Cap a guy, medic runs out and revives him, then I kill them both.  That's the easiest 3 kills in 10 seconds you'll ever get. 
I've done the 3 kill thing many times. The extra 2 kills are so cheap I feel dirty afterwards. But, a kill's a kill.

Last edited by nating75 (2005-11-21 15:31:11)

i feel ya, man.

What would be nice is a big button that says "DNR".  I hate spawn-die-spawn-die-spawn-die etc. gets on my nerves.

Also if you want to spawn on other side of the map, or you don't have any ammo.. There are loads of reasons you don't want ressusitated (sp)... yet the medics keep charging in...

Medics flop because the easiest revive is done from the prone position. You still have to hold still for a split second, so you might as well expose the least amount of body as possible. As soon as you hear that zap though you should be up and moving the very instant.

Last edited by Sud (2005-11-21 22:20:39)

it is annoying to get revived in the middle of a fire fight just to die again and again i too wish medics would try yo kill the enemy before giving me aid as i usually dont want to respawn there anyway
Flying Solo
+98|7084|Canada, Ont
I dont mind anouther chance a living...unless for sure theres an APC there and I can't do anything about it. I hate it when I die and Medics don't even try to save me...I mean come on...my K/D ratio man... MY K/D RATIO!!!!!
I really only play several Kits.  I play in this order.  Support, Medic, Assault, Anti Tank.  When I play support or medic, I always drop shitloads of med/ammo bags.  Secondly, I think the L85 isn't the greatest rifle, and I only rely on it when Im not on the USMC side.  The M16 is prolly the best rifle in the game I think, I prefer its power and precision accuracy to the G3, and AK's.  I may kill a few peeps when in a firefight, but If revive. get your ass up and run.  Just cause you got killed, don be like ok I will wait to spawn.  Keep yourself on your toes and ready to go.  Be happy medics are there and do their jobs. 
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI

the_heart_attack wrote:

i dont have a prob with that becaase id rather he revive me ten times and take a chance that we will both survive than risk getting killed straight up and no one being alive, because when you think about it if he revives you a couple of times and it doesnt pay off its still only one death to your tally. the only time i hate being revived is when i wana swap kits!
I have found you can swap kits when you die and then are revived which makes it bad for anybody around if you decide to switch to support.
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|7044|Uhh... erm...
I've started playing as a Medic recently, and when a guy is gunned down and there are enemies nearby, I know I suck at shooting, so I try to revive him so he can shoot them for me. Another thing is that Medics are always worried that the guy will respawn when they're clearing the area. Think about it.
I say - the greed of my enemies is my ally. Greedy little medics... I like when they go to revive  a dead mate and they both get killed by a grenade. Argh... it is one of the best feelings in the game. The only thing i like more is taking down aircraft and mining tanks. Like I only yesterday found out that you can actually blow up AT mine with hand grenade! I put a mine behind tank, hoping that he will retreat at some points - but he didn't. I get annoyed and threw a grenade hoping that it will make him turn and chase me. BANG, I set off the mine

Cure that - medic.

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