$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I've been playing more and more as commander and squad leader lately and I gotta tell you, nothing irritates me more than noobsters that won't follow my orders.

I would like to see a system implemented where teamwork is actually measure by how well you follow orders in addition to helping the team out with supplies and such. Here's a couple of examples of how this could work.

// 1. I'm squad leader and I see that a couple of enemies are about to capture a nearby flag so I order all my
squad to go and defend that flag. I get to the flag, take maybe one guy out before I get killed and I go to map to see what my teammates are about to do, and SURPRISE, they are all at different flags. One of them is even scratching his ass at our main base.

As it stands, I can't do anything about it now and that just pisses me off. What I envision is for example, 3 mins after I gave my order, the game checks the proximity of the players to the flag I ordered them to. If they're not within range, it gives me the option to punish the troops by taking away maybe -1 teamwork points. I get to choose if i need to punish because maybe one of the troops is actually tied down back there or something like that. //

// 2. I'm commander and I am trying to protect the back flags in Karkand. As it stands now, my only true resources as commander are the UAV, the Scan, and the Artillery. I could sit and give orders all day and maybe one or two troops will follow them. I would like to be able to order a squad to a certain flag because I see that the enemy is trying to make it there, or because it's important for them to defend that site at all cost.

Squad leaders should have some control over what they want to do so they don't necessarily have to accept my order to go defend the flag. But they should be required to respond to my order with a "no" or otherwise I don't know if they are paying attention to me. However, if every order I send they deny, they should lose -1 teamwork points after 3 no's or some set limit.

If after accepting my order, they don't follow them with proximity checks as stated before or whatever, they should lose some teamwork points. If they decide it's time to move to another flag, they have to actively switch their commands so that no punish will occur.

The commander has the Scan feature for a reason, which lets him view the entire battlefield and has much more recon info than any squad leader can. That's why the commander should be trusted when he says "Hey, get your ass to the back flag, they are about to take it." //

These two are just some basic examples of what I want, I'm sure a bigger better system could be implemented for this purpose. I would just like to be able to control my army better while I am commander, because after all, that is my true role.

People who don't like this could still stay as lone wolves, not having to follow orders, not having to answer to anyone... but they won't reap the benefits of being on a squad. If you decide to join a squad, you must take that role and do what is asked of you, otherwise there is no point to this command structure in BF2.
I'd definitely be in to this - the only downside is that a failsafe needs to be implemented to prevent some clown from going commander and turning the game into his own personal 3 ring circus.

I'd also like some way for a squad leader to get back into the action with his squad. Like how a squad member can respawn at his leader, the leader should be able to spawn back to any surviving members of the squad to help keep the attack going.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI
You have some very good points, but i would like to point out (devils advocate) that in the heat of battle there is nothing more anoying than ten commands right after another to "attack this location" when my squad and several others have already coordinated an attack or "get repairs to this location" when there are no engineers in my squad.  I have also found out as a commander just because you get a green checkmark next to the squad leader doesnt mean the rest of his squad is going to follow that order.  The game is built for teamwork and i personally love strong leaders and commanders who know what they are doing.  But as a commander you cant see everything and know what each soldier is going through at the moment when you issue an order.  As a commander i envision myself as more of an advisor.  You are there to let your troops know what is going on that they cant see, not so much as to boss them around.  Its a just a game.
Well if there is a genuine need there shouldn't be any issue with you ordering one of your troops to change kits (or grab an engineer kit off the ground). Though you can usually facilitate your own command asset repairs by dropping a box. Commanders should be engineers too in case they need to do their own repairs.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI

Sud wrote:

Well if there is a genuine need there shouldn't be any issue with you ordering one of your troops to change kits (or grab an engineer kit off the ground). Though you can usually facilitate your own command asset repairs by dropping a box. Commanders should be engineers too in case they need to do their own repairs.
Mass Media Casualty

More punishing options *sigh*.
Although i too get pissed off when people don't follow orders, I wish that they'd tell me. i tell someone to do something, they're all "Yes sir," and "Ten-four" but then they dick around somewhere else. If they want to dick around somewhere else, that's fine, but then turn down my order! I was playing Kubra dam the other day and I ordered Alpha squad to defend a position. He did, but then he didn't move for the entire game. I think he was a Sniper.
[Blinking eyes thing]
I always folow orders IF they make sence. I dont folow orders about defending a "locked CP"  across the map or something like that.
I'm rarely sqaudleader cus in 90% my sqaud just runs around like lone wolfs anyway.

Sud wrote:

Though you can usually facilitate your own command asset repairs by dropping a box. Commanders should be engineers too in case they need to do their own repairs.
true, but I'd rather drop that crate to a sniper taking out tons of guys or a squad who has been in a blazing gun fight to take a flag.  #1 - most of the squads I see don't have a medic in them - how else are they going to heal up...  it's not like CoD2 where you can just hide out for a few seconds and get back to normal.  #2 - you always have those guys that C4 your UAV and then just hang around waiting for the crate so that they can load up again and just pull the trigger - a total waste of the crate.  Either go out and kill the guy yourself THEN drop the crate, or have a squad of 1 or 2 guys protecting them for you. 
How about rather punishing disobediance, rewarding obediance. If you order someone to go take a flag, and they do it they get and extra point when you commend them (within reason, say you can't commend someone more than once every X interval to prevent stat padding.)
what if some smacktard becomes comm. and and tells u to defend an enemy carrier? u cant do that. if u try to get there, u will likely be killed first. what if there is no available transport. some good points though...
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

frvwfr2 wrote:

what if some smacktard becomes comm. and and tells u to defend an enemy carrier? u cant do that. if u try to get there, u will likely be killed first. what if there is no available transport. some good points though...
While that would be easy to compensate for (AI code knows that it is not possible to defend an enemy carrier), I understand what you're aiming at. Sure it's hard to get every case right and know who is playing for real and who is being a smacktard.

However, with some good AI coding that would be taken care of. I would just like it if the game encouraged more teamwork rather than stay as it is. Considering this is one of the first runs towards a global ranking system and the teamwork strategy DICE came up with is pretty cool, I think they have done a great job so far. I would like to see further games implement teamwork requirements better (like my suggestion up here), while ensuring that everyone can get a chance to play however they want.

And just off the top of my head, maybe if Squad leader orders you to defend a flag, but you happen to be capping another flag farther away, the game will recognize that you are still helping your team out and forgive you that time around. But then again, you wouldn't have to worry about this sort of stuff if you stuck with your squad leader as you are supposed to be doing anyway...

I also encourage the Commander - Squad Leader relationship to be held on a more loose basis. Basically you shouldn't have to follow every single commander order, but still be accountable for ignored orders. For example, if commander tells you to defend a flag because he sees enemies going to try and capture it, and you choose to ignore that order, the game can take away 1 teampoint if and only if the enemy is succesful at capturing the flag. This way, you can also survey the battlefield and decide how likely it is for that to happen. You can also get teampoints for actually following an order and accomplishing a task that helps the team.

It's not like a -1 is something to fret about, but it can encourage people to work better together.

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