just noticed a few of the pics floating about the forums have aeg's in them so it got me thinking
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- how many airsofters and none airsofters in game
how many play airsoft in real life
yes | 52% | 52% - 11 | ||||
no | 47% | 47% - 10 | ||||
Total: 21 |
what is airsoft?
fake guns that shoot little plastic pellets at people

It hurts like shit.
yeah but its wicked fun

...and has nothing to do whatsoever with BF2. Thread will be move to Community:Not BF2S, Not BF2
no airsofter btw. It's forbidden in germany.
no airsofter btw. It's forbidden in germany.
There are three main types of Airsoft Gun's;
Manual Operated - Mainly Pistols and Shotguns
Gas Operated - Mainly SMG's and Pistols even some Grenade Launchers
Electric Operated - Mainly Assault Rifels and very veak Pistols
Manual Operated - Mainly Pistols and Shotguns
Gas Operated - Mainly SMG's and Pistols even some Grenade Launchers
Electric Operated - Mainly Assault Rifels and very veak Pistols
Last edited by WilhelmSissener (2005-11-21 10:41:45)
Used to play with the Mini ones, but they were weak. What are the most powerful guns?
u dont really get the most powerful ones in the uk, as we are restricted to 328fps for aeg and 500 fps single action, but with something like a tenaka sniper rifle which is gas powered u can gewt it powerful enough to put a person down for real with a good shoot, i have had ppl ko'ed with my 500fps sniper,
there are some real monsters of guns out there for us to play with though including a rail gun , u know like on the blackhawk. just put a search in for airsoft ull find most the stuff out there.
there are some real monsters of guns out there for us to play with though including a rail gun , u know like on the blackhawk. just put a search in for airsoft ull find most the stuff out there.
Why are they Restricted?shingara wrote:
u dont really get the most powerful ones in the uk, as we are restricted to 328fps for aeg and 500 fps single action, but with something like a tenaka sniper rifle which is gas powered u can gewt it powerful enough to put a person down for real with a good shoot, i have had ppl ko'ed with my 500fps sniper,
there are some real monsters of guns out there for us to play with though including a rail gun , u know like on the blackhawk. just put a search in for airsoft ull find most the stuff out there.
Why is it forbiden? I thought they were Toys?B.Schuss wrote:
...and has nothing to do whatsoever with BF2. Thread will be move to Community:Not BF2S, Not BF2
no airsofter btw. It's forbidden in germany.
well for one they hurt like hell, and 2 they can and do do serious damage, ive knocked someone out clean before with my sniper rifle because it hit them in the head, it was a completely accidental and fluck shoot as he tried to duck behind a wall when i was shooting him in the chest but the bb hit hiom in the temple and he was down like a sack of spuds for about ten mins, i gotta say he wasnt right happy but it goes with the territory.Horseman 77 wrote:
Why are they Restricted?shingara wrote:
u dont really get the most powerful ones in the uk, as we are restricted to 328fps for aeg and 500 fps single action, but with something like a tenaka sniper rifle which is gas powered u can gewt it powerful enough to put a person down for real with a good shoot, i have had ppl ko'ed with my 500fps sniper,
there are some real monsters of guns out there for us to play with though including a rail gun , u know like on the blackhawk. just put a search in for airsoft ull find most the stuff out there.
it can be a dangerous sport and one of my mates actually had to goto hospital for a what was almost real bullet wound by some gimp who came on our site with a completely overpowered gas sniper rifle when we crono'ed it it was running nearly 900fps, it knocked my mate off his feet and he had to have the bb dug out of his chest, it didnt help that we sneaked up on the sniper and he panicked and shoot at nearly point blank range, to say i droped 2 flash bangs on him and he was deaf and blind for about ten mins after was an understatment but it stopped him gettting his head kicked in.
Sorry guys airsoft is just dumb, and how can you say it's a game it's probably a sport by now.
People play this as a group, but you always get one of the bullies from grade school. Someone stupid always modifies their gun for fast fps or harder bullets by freezing them etc. Your just waiting to lose an eye.
It's sort of like hacks in BF2 someone must always cheat to be better to make up for their own inferority complex.
Paintball on the other hand although similar has less chance of injury. I use to play alot until it became mainstream people buy their own guns etc... Last time I was out probably 8 years ago. Some little shit had a very powerful semi-auto gun and a CO2 back pack, which he admitted to turning it up in the feild. Greater range greater unessary pain and an unfair advantage, we were all using pumps.
Long of the short a bunch of us confronted him about it between rounds tried to get him to use the same pump action to make things fair. He concluded that we were just candy asses. We ganged up and found this guy in the feild, painted him and then painted him again and again about 50 times at close range. He got the point and left.
I've seen a guy get hit in the face with a paintball (yes your suppose to wear helmet, he wasn't, and there is the mercy rule/which rarely works) anyways bruised and broke the skin but nothing hospital wise or permanent.
Airsoft ... is it worth losing an eye or a permanent scar??? Sure your saying right now this guy is a wimp... hardly. I've dislocated and relocated my shoulder twice in one game of hockey and completed the game. Stictched my own wounds (I'm talking deep wounds that actually require stitching, if you do within the hour there isn't much pain). Spent the night outdoors in -30 degree weather. Chased down and killed a wounded deer with a knife (Seriously stupid, but I was young).
All I'm saying is try explaining to your future wife or co-worker when your 40-years old. "Oh that scar / missing eye / ..." I was playing a game were a bunch of guys running around shooting themselves with plastic bullets and one ... Just think about it.
Paint ball isn't as bad the bullets are larger/ slower (some)/ softer, they can hurt but rarely make perment scars. They also make a nice be paint mark, you can tell who is hit.
I've watched ER trama US TV every once in a while you see some in the ER (THIS IS REAL) becuase of injuries. Generally to the head, ears, eyes...
Sorry guys its good paramillitary trainning but not worth it, better than using really bullets yes. ASk yourself if it's worth it. I think the only reason people play airsoft is b/c the guns are slightly cheaper as is the ammo. Like anything else cheaper isn't better, and do you want to play with the type of people that can't afford 100 dollars in paint pellets?
Also it seems to be huge in the US and the community is a tight knit group so I'm sure I'm going to get flamed.
I'd like people to actually tell me why airsoft is better than paintball ( I am a paint ball fan if you can keep it fair), I think it's just another marketing tactic, as was laser-tag.
People play this as a group, but you always get one of the bullies from grade school. Someone stupid always modifies their gun for fast fps or harder bullets by freezing them etc. Your just waiting to lose an eye.
It's sort of like hacks in BF2 someone must always cheat to be better to make up for their own inferority complex.
Paintball on the other hand although similar has less chance of injury. I use to play alot until it became mainstream people buy their own guns etc... Last time I was out probably 8 years ago. Some little shit had a very powerful semi-auto gun and a CO2 back pack, which he admitted to turning it up in the feild. Greater range greater unessary pain and an unfair advantage, we were all using pumps.
Long of the short a bunch of us confronted him about it between rounds tried to get him to use the same pump action to make things fair. He concluded that we were just candy asses. We ganged up and found this guy in the feild, painted him and then painted him again and again about 50 times at close range. He got the point and left.
I've seen a guy get hit in the face with a paintball (yes your suppose to wear helmet, he wasn't, and there is the mercy rule/which rarely works) anyways bruised and broke the skin but nothing hospital wise or permanent.
Airsoft ... is it worth losing an eye or a permanent scar??? Sure your saying right now this guy is a wimp... hardly. I've dislocated and relocated my shoulder twice in one game of hockey and completed the game. Stictched my own wounds (I'm talking deep wounds that actually require stitching, if you do within the hour there isn't much pain). Spent the night outdoors in -30 degree weather. Chased down and killed a wounded deer with a knife (Seriously stupid, but I was young).
All I'm saying is try explaining to your future wife or co-worker when your 40-years old. "Oh that scar / missing eye / ..." I was playing a game were a bunch of guys running around shooting themselves with plastic bullets and one ... Just think about it.
Paint ball isn't as bad the bullets are larger/ slower (some)/ softer, they can hurt but rarely make perment scars. They also make a nice be paint mark, you can tell who is hit.
I've watched ER trama US TV every once in a while you see some in the ER (THIS IS REAL) becuase of injuries. Generally to the head, ears, eyes...
Sorry guys its good paramillitary trainning but not worth it, better than using really bullets yes. ASk yourself if it's worth it. I think the only reason people play airsoft is b/c the guns are slightly cheaper as is the ammo. Like anything else cheaper isn't better, and do you want to play with the type of people that can't afford 100 dollars in paint pellets?
Also it seems to be huge in the US and the community is a tight knit group so I'm sure I'm going to get flamed.
I'd like people to actually tell me why airsoft is better than paintball ( I am a paint ball fan if you can keep it fair), I think it's just another marketing tactic, as was laser-tag.
1) airsoft u have to wear glasses or facemasks, so no lost eyes or scared facesvjs wrote:
Sorry guys airsoft is just dumb, and how can you say it's a game it's probably a sport by now.
People play this as a group, but you always get one of the bullies from grade school. Someone stupid always modifies their gun for fast fps or harder bullets by freezing them etc. Your just waiting to lose an eye.
It's sort of like hacks in BF2 someone must always cheat to be better to make up for their own inferority complex.
Paintball on the other hand although similar has less chance of injury. I use to play alot until it became mainstream people buy their own guns etc... Last time I was out probably 8 years ago. Some little shit had a very powerful semi-auto gun and a CO2 back pack, which he admitted to turning it up in the feild. Greater range greater unessary pain and an unfair advantage, we were all using pumps.
Long of the short a bunch of us confronted him about it between rounds tried to get him to use the same pump action to make things fair. He concluded that we were just candy asses. We ganged up and found this guy in the feild, painted him and then painted him again and again about 50 times at close range. He got the point and left.
I've seen a guy get hit in the face with a paintball (yes your suppose to wear helmet, he wasn't, and there is the mercy rule/which rarely works) anyways bruised and broke the skin but nothing hospital wise or permanent.
Airsoft ... is it worth losing an eye or a permanent scar??? Sure your saying right now this guy is a wimp... hardly. I've dislocated and relocated my shoulder twice in one game of hockey and completed the game. Stictched my own wounds (I'm talking deep wounds that actually require stitching, if you do within the hour there isn't much pain). Spent the night outdoors in -30 degree weather. Chased down and killed a wounded deer with a knife (Seriously stupid, but I was young).
All I'm saying is try explaining to your future wife or co-worker when your 40-years old. "Oh that scar / missing eye / ..." I was playing a game were a bunch of guys running around shooting themselves with plastic bullets and one ... Just think about it.
Paint ball isn't as bad the bullets are larger/ slower (some)/ softer, they can hurt but rarely make perment scars. They also make a nice be paint mark, you can tell who is hit.
I've watched ER trama US TV every once in a while you see some in the ER (THIS IS REAL) becuase of injuries. Generally to the head, ears, eyes...
Sorry guys its good paramillitary trainning but not worth it, better than using really bullets yes. ASk yourself if it's worth it. I think the only reason people play airsoft is b/c the guns are slightly cheaper as is the ammo. Like anything else cheaper isn't better, and do you want to play with the type of people that can't afford 100 dollars in paint pellets?
Also it seems to be huge in the US and the community is a tight knit group so I'm sure I'm going to get flamed.
I'd like people to actually tell me why airsoft is better than paintball ( I am a paint ball fan if you can keep it fair), I think it's just another marketing tactic, as was laser-tag.
2) paintball is cheaper than airsoft (well it is in this country) apart from the ammo dont cost as much but then again do you use about 5000-7000 paintballs per match day cos i use that many bb's
3) they are more realistic wepons in airsoft and u can get guns that have the blowback/recoil, nothing like the real thing but still a kick
4) its fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun, if i want to dislocate my sholder and put it back in and get cuts that need stitches ill go find the biggest guy i can find and tell him his wife slept with me last night, and he had a tiny todger.
and any future wife or gf whatever will see u and thyen make there decision as is, and there is the age old rule, they dont have to know everything about ye past do they now
Last edited by shingara (2005-11-23 17:58:22)
4) That was my point I didn't want to come across as a suck. I don't care about the pain just permanent disfigurements.shingara wrote:
4) its fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun, if i want to dislocate my sholder and put it back in and get cuts that need stitches ill go find the biggest guy i can find and tell him his wife slept with me last night, and he had a tiny todger.
I havn't played yet but for the crap you here about airsoft it's suppose to be very dangerous and prone to injury. So what you are telling me is that these stories are put out by groups like MADD. Same sort of people jump up and down about alcohol killing brain cells in teenagers. A medical issue that is suddenly solved at age 21???
I've played painball quite a bit, 7000 rounds that's alot. The most I ever used was a couple 1000 and that was from dawn into the night. But then again I date back to the pump actions.
Sure wife etc... I'm more interested in work, losing that 100k sales or PR job b/c people don't want to look you in face.shingara wrote:
and any future wife or gf whatever will see u and thyen make there decision as is, and there is the age old rule, they dont have to know everything about ye past do they now
Sure everyone wear's protective equipment, helmet, face sheilds, googles, pads, so its safe.
Just like seatbelts, air bags, crumple zones, safety sheilds, warning on hair-driers and poison bottles.
This is why no one ever dies in a car accident or chews their fingers off in a drill press, and why the poison center nolonger exists right.
There are two ways of looking at things...
You wear protection so that your not hurt, or you wear protection because something is potentially dangerous.
When I played paint ball all I use to wear were goggles and coveralls in field matches. No more visor fogging, pads crumpling in the bushes, you could move faster and sweat less. Now it seems like people are wearing body armour...
I think it was alot more fun when paint only travelled about 200 fps with pumps. You range was something like 30 yards unless you wanted to arc balls. You could talk to others flank people and play under natural cover.
thats it im not driving my car again. going swiming,riding my mountain bike, playing football, using a pencil, getting out of bed in the morning, sleeping, dreaming.
and ps, if u want u only have to wear sunglasses if it pleases u. here take a look http://www.lightfighter-airsoft.com/
and ps, if u want u only have to wear sunglasses if it pleases u. here take a look http://www.lightfighter-airsoft.com/
Last edited by shingara (2005-12-06 11:15:17)
Yes i will play airsoft and i need a little money to buy my G36C. And then i guess i will dress like a German or a British SAS.
sweet! its me!

I want to do that this year with most of the guys from my class, it's amazingly fun - they use it here in holland / belgium as training excersises in the army aswell, blocking out whole towns / making replica battlefields etc
it's amazing.
it's amazing.
inane little opines
No way. Some thread revival.
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