I just wanted to give you a warning about this sever.
-ELITE_Sports/-e-sports ranke
This server sucks everybody on it punishes, I waited my turn finaly got a plane and guess what three off my so called team mates jump in front as i was taking off.
Three teamkills and three punishes later, i'm kick from the server for a negertive score. I mean the server had a 10TK limit before kick, not that i team kill on purpose, just kicked for the negertive score, because of Three plane whoring Tw*ts.
F**k all admins as well or they just didn't give a f**k.
ELITE like f**k it is.
What a bunch of punishing C*nts
Hell i know this goes on but i just wanted to give you guys the heads-up on this server, so you don't go on it.
Also has anyone thought about posting up all these crap servers or even starting a website about them?

-ELITE_Sports/-e-sports ranke
This server sucks everybody on it punishes, I waited my turn finaly got a plane and guess what three off my so called team mates jump in front as i was taking off.
Three teamkills and three punishes later, i'm kick from the server for a negertive score. I mean the server had a 10TK limit before kick, not that i team kill on purpose, just kicked for the negertive score, because of Three plane whoring Tw*ts.
F**k all admins as well or they just didn't give a f**k.
ELITE like f**k it is.
What a bunch of punishing C*nts
Hell i know this goes on but i just wanted to give you guys the heads-up on this server, so you don't go on it.
Also has anyone thought about posting up all these crap servers or even starting a website about them?

Last edited by paranoid101 (2005-11-23 08:50:06)