This was gotten from another register forum ( … 12&p=7) that mikeshw showed me and I am sharing it with you. This fix apparently worked for a few of the forum readers and so I pass the knowledge to you. If you do not know how to do the below things I would suggest finding someone who does because I doubt very highly anyone here will be nice enough to attempt walk you through this process on a forum. Good luck all!
It was followed by this post from another person. You may need to create a Temp folder in D:\ before you set the temp to go there.radar writes...
I've finished downloading it, now my problem lies in needing to liberate 2.1GB of space on my 8GB Windows partition to give me the 3000MB free needed to install the patch! Grrr, next time I do a Windows partition, I'll be making it at least twice the size of the current one.
(speedy) writes...
Your temp directory could also be the problem if that is on a drive with limited free space.
If you are using Windows 2000,XP or 2003 then your temp directory defaults to your user folder on C:
If you have space on another drive or partition (say D: for example) then place the patch on D:\ and open a cmd window and type:
set temp=d:\
set tmp=d:\
......I didnt test this btw but should work. When you close the cmd window the system defaults back to the original tmp location.
If your C: is so limited you may want to change the tmp folder permanently to D:. TO do this just right click on my computer - properties - advanced tab - Evironment Variables button and alter the path for TEMP and TMP. The default should be "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp" but you can change this to "d:\" or whatever. I'd probably log out and on again to make sure the setting sticks.
Heh, yes another post that is a possible fix. It's a little vague how to do it so if you desphier it then it might work for you.Hello Reconz,
You need to enter each line individually, and follow the instructions carefully (eg. putting the file in D: first).
Also, it might be a good idea to replace the
set temp=d:\
set tmp=d:\
lines with (after creating a folder called temp in the D drive)
set temp=d:\temp
set tmp=d:\temp
So basically, start the install of the patch, then when you get to the install button do the following:
1. Go to start run type %temp%
2. Look in folders that have a name like {438372-2.....
3. You should see some files called Patch.exe, and some other things. Copy them all to a temporary directory lets say C:\Patch
4. Go to start->find and go to advanced options and choose search hidden folders and system folders
5. Search for PATCH.RTP it WILL BE ABOUT 275 MB'S!!!!!!!!
6. Copy Patch.rtp to your same directory as the other files
7. Go to start->run type cmd
8. go to your patch folder in command prompt
9. Type patch.exe "YOUR DIRECTORY GOES HERE"
put where battlefield 2 is, for example i would type: Patch.exe "D:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\"
10. let it run.
Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-11-23 02:57:04)
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis