Why was this thread closed with the following message:

Okay, we get it, you're pissed off. I'm closing this thread until you cool down.
Actually, that was one of the more civilized threads in this entire section and it's a legitimate complaint. Even so, did I read this section's description wrong or anything?

Need to bitch and moan? We feel ya.
I respectfully ask you (the moderator) to re-open the topic (and close/delete this one instead) since I think it's a valid and useful discussion. If you feel it doesn't belong in this section, please move it (again, I ask this with the utmost respect - in no way is this meant as a flame).
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet
who cares its over
LOL i didnt have a chance to respond to his ( You people could bitch about everthing.
) comment....  errrummm this is a complain forum  lol of course we all complain here  THATS WHAT THIS FORUM IS CALLED   lol
Agreed, the topic was relevant and valid to the scope of the forum.

Reopen it please.

wow TPhai that has got to be the worst record I have ever laid my eyes upon

Last edited by Sud (2005-11-23 14:22:54)

whatever... we're screwed and no one cares.
Be A Medic!
+2|7076|Austin TX

Sud wrote:

wow TPhai that has got to be the worst record I have ever laid my eyes upon
good point.  if my k/d was below .3 i would try to flame ppl too. 

also, complaining and cooling down dont really go hand-in-hand.
I`d spend 30 bucks for a BF2 NUKE.  that would be a BLAST ( pun intended ).  but Ive got enough TKs already...  it would be an auto kick every time you used it. i can just see it now,, I take off in my jet fly over enemy ground drop the device.. ( i play 64 pl servers ) i`d get 32 kills and 31 TKs  lol

ClarkVent wrote:

Need to bitch and moan? We feel ya.
I respectfully ask you (the moderator) to re-open the topic (and close/delete this one instead) since I think it's a valid and useful discussion. If you feel it doesn't belong in this section, please move it (again, I ask this with the utmost respect - in no way is this meant as a flame).
You bitched and moaned. Your expressed your opinion and vented to the world. Did you need more than that? A lively (...) debate about who's screwing who?

You said your piece, had a go with a few people and I think we can call it quits now. As fun as it is to bitch and moan, I have that section their only because if I didn't these posts would litter the rest of the forums.  Sometimes you just need to scream, and I understand that.

Neither I, nor (AFAIK) any of the members here, can actually *do* anything about this except agree/disagree -- which in this particular situation don't really do anything but add post count. Was their something *more* that you were perticularily burning to express that your 10 paragraphs already didn't?

If you wanted to go beyond just complaining, let me address your core issue:

And these people have an (unfair) advantage over people who didn't buy SF
I can't actually confirm it, but so far I have found the "extra" unlock to actually be rather balanced. The flash grenades being the only major exception. The zip/grappel don't carry over. I have to do more research into this, but I imagine the stats for the "SF Unlocks" will not be much different than any of the regular unlocks.
Angry Engy
Yeah, I don't see any reason to close that other thread.  Wasn't even that bad, it was at maybe 90 degrees, not 451.

I have d/l the patch but held off on install, listening to others experiences first.  Now I'm thinking I will never install.  I don't want Special Forces, particularly.  Some new maps would be cool, but the idiots will have a "600 watt" hack within a week - i'll be squinting in the dark, and they'll be seeing me like it's Zatar.  I'll be fine with continuing to play vanilla BF2.  And since the 1.12 patch seems to be mostly about stitching BF2 and BF2:SF together, I won't be needing it.

I've had enough of EA and their bullshit.  If it's not one thing, it's a hundred.  If failing to patch costs me the ability to continue playing the game, it'll cost them a user and future customer.
The Last Man Standing
If a thread is closed, its closed, at least you had your say, but at the end of the day, its the Admin's decision, and we do not have the right to countermand it.  Now, anyone fancy a game of BF2?

chuyskywalker wrote:

You bitched and moaned. Your expressed your opinion and vented to the world. Did you need more than that? A lively (...) debate about who's screwing who?

You said your piece, had a go with a few people and I think we can call it quits now. As fun as it is to bitch and moan, I have that section their only because if I didn't these posts would litter the rest of the forums.  Sometimes you just need to scream, and I understand that.
I thought it was rather civilized, compared to just about any other thread in this section, some of which have been going on for page after page. This thread was closed after only 19 replies or so. If you feel the thread needs to close before it hits page two then that's your right as a moderator. But I don't see anything in that thread that warrants the quick lock it got.

Neither I, nor (AFAIK) any of the members here, can actually *do* anything about this except agree/disagree -- which in this particular situation don't really do anything but add post count.
Again, like just about all other threads in this section.

Was their something *more* that you were perticularily burning to express that your 10 paragraphs already didn't?
My post was too elaborate? Sorry, next time I will cut down on the word count. And yes, I was hoping I could actually get some of my questions answered, like why the official EA Europe ranked servers only play "Strike at Karkand" since the patch. I was hoping people could explain why I had to download a 280Mb patch that didn't solve any of the current issues and only introduced a few more. And I was hoping to read about other people's feelings about this patch. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I simply don't understand what's going on, maybe I should simply quit my "bitching and moaning" and play another game. But I really liked BF2 before the patch. Hence a thread about it.

If you wanted to go beyond just complaining, let me address your core issue:

And these people have an (unfair) advantage over people who didn't buy SF
I can't actually confirm it, but so far I have found the "extra" unlock to actually be rather balanced. The flash grenades being the only major exception. The zip/grappel don't carry over. I have to do more research into this, but I imagine the stats for the "SF Unlocks" will not be much different than any of the regular unlocks.
Well good, that's your opinion. My opinion is a bit different. And apparantly, so is a lot of other's.

Again, this is not a flame. I will respect your final decision as a moderator. So if you tell me your final decision is to keep it closed, I will keep my mouth shut from now on (I promise ). Hell, I own and run a (non-game) forum myself with 12,000 members and about 3000-5000 new posts each day. I know you sometimes have to close threads to keep things in order. But again, I really don't think anything in that thread warrants it to be closed so quickly.

And my apologies for again an elaborate post. I can't express myself in any other way than to make sure I get my point across (I also hit the Preview button about 30 times and check for spelling and grammar - I'm funny in that aspect).
The Forum Alien
+89|7119|The planet Tophet

Sud wrote:

Agreed, the topic was relevant and valid to the scope of the forum.

Reopen it please.

wow TPhai that has got to be the worst record I have ever laid my eyes upon
thanks i feel so special
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

Rick_O_Shea678 wrote:

Yeah, I don't see any reason to close that other thread.  Wasn't even that bad, it was at maybe 90 degrees, not 451.

I have d/l the patch but held off on install, listening to others experiences first.  Now I'm thinking I will never install.  I don't want Special Forces, particularly.  Some new maps would be cool, but the idiots will have a "600 watt" hack within a week - i'll be squinting in the dark, and they'll be seeing me like it's Zatar.  I'll be fine with continuing to play vanilla BF2.  And since the 1.12 patch seems to be mostly about stitching BF2 and BF2:SF together, I won't be needing it.

I've had enough of EA and their bullshit.  If it's not one thing, it's a hundred.  If failing to patch costs me the ability to continue playing the game, it'll cost them a user and future customer.
if you dont patch you will run out of servers to play on.
damned if you do, damned if you don't ...
Suicide Operations
Well -- I'll second ClarkVent's opinion here after reading the original thread and this one here.

The original thread was one of the more remarkable posts around here -- elaborate, well-founded and substantial.

I don't understand why people close those threads, but at the same time ask and order not to open a thousand threads about the same topic -- and I think that more than a few share ClarkVent's problems and concerns.

There should be enough space in the database for a good discussion.

My 2ยข.
My god, I want to roll my version back

The new guns, I'm sure they're fun and all that, but my god, those broken flashbangs have GOT to go.

Grenades are already small and hard enough to see (especially in grassy terrain), but at least if you can get some distance away from one thrown at you you're ok.

Flashbang goes off, nowhere near me, and I'm completely whited out for 15 seconds? Geez a little powerful you think?

Imagine how ridiculous those things are vs groups. With a standard grenade chucked into the midst of 4 or more people, you may get 1-2 at most if they're alert. With a flashbang, the whole group must be handed to you on a platter.

Well, I'll be avoiding the expansion for sure just on account of that.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys

Kr3G wrote:

Sud wrote:

wow TPhai that has got to be the worst record I have ever laid my eyes upon
good point.  if my k/d was below .3 i would try to flame ppl too. 

also, complaining and cooling down dont really go hand-in-hand.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Interesting how 'With all due respect (Because you are mod/admin)'. I don't believe in treating anyone differently whether they're mod/admin/member/guest etc. If there's something on your chest that you would blow off at someone that doesn't have the rights to ban you, you're a shameless hypocrite.
"It's Recharging!"
All these SF complaints are giving me a headache, this is worse than when the 1.03 patch came out for crying out loud. You people KNEW what to expect from EA. Give it a rest. I hope all the other pointless threads that no one can do anything about also get closed.

Including this one.

Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2005-11-23 18:52:51)

You bitched and moaned. Your expressed your opinion and vented to the world. Did you need more than that? A lively (...) debate about who's screwing who?
If that's your only criteria and explanation for closing it, methinks you have a LOT of threads to close in this forum.

Stop BSing us and at least be honest. Obviously something in that post pissed you off. We're not stupid. Why don't you just let him know what rubbed you the wrong way and perhaps he can edit it out? As you point out, all these posts are just complaints, and there is no practical thing that anyone can actually do about them because EA neither interacts with nor cares about the playerbase, so why deny him what every other thread is allowed to have?

polarbearz wrote:

Interesting how 'With all due respect (Because you are mod/admin)'. I don't believe in treating anyone differently whether they're mod/admin/member/guest etc. If there's something on your chest that you would blow off at someone that doesn't have the rights to ban you, you're a shameless hypocrite.
Well, I do (believe in treating mods/admins differently). I'm not "afraid" of being banned because simply put, I don't care. After all, this is an internet-forum and I can perfectly live my life without access to it. I treat them differently because I know how difficult it can be to moderate a forum. I also know it's time volunteerly spent, and therefore they should receive some respect.

Unless of course they abuse their moderator "powers". In such a case they will not receive any respect from me at all and I will actually treat them worse than ordinary members.

I also treat police-officers differently than ordinary civilians. Not because I'm afraid of being jailed, but because I know how difficult the job is. If that makes me a suck-up, so be it.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

ClarkVent wrote:

I also treat police-officers differently than ordinary civilians. Not because I'm afraid of being jailed, but because I know how difficult the job is. If that makes me a suck-up, so be it.
And I <3 you for saying that.
just nothing

ClarkVent wrote:

polarbearz wrote:

Interesting how 'With all due respect (Because you are mod/admin)'. I don't believe in treating anyone differently whether they're mod/admin/member/guest etc. If there's something on your chest that you would blow off at someone that doesn't have the rights to ban you, you're a shameless hypocrite.
Well, I do (believe in treating mods/admins differently). I'm not "afraid" of being banned because simply put, I don't care. After all, this is an internet-forum and I can perfectly live my life without access to it. I treat them differently because I know how difficult it can be to moderate a forum. I also know it's time volunteerly spent, and therefore they should receive some respect.

Unless of course they abuse their moderator "powers". In such a case they will not receive any respect from me at all and I will actually treat them worse than ordinary members.

I also treat police-officers differently than ordinary civilians. Not because I'm afraid of being jailed, but because I know how difficult the job is. If that makes me a suck-up, so be it.
What makes you think we need (or want) your respect?
+0|7068|Orlando, FL

Sud wrote:

Agreed, the topic was relevant and valid to the scope of the forum.

Reopen it please.

wow TPhai that has got to be the worst record I have ever laid my eyes upon
everywhere i go youre moping around like someone pissed in your corn flakes. not only does he have 10 times as much playtime as you, a good chunk of that as commander. and if we all spent all our time in tanks im sure we'd have 1337 H4X0R kdr's like you. you're a tank whore, a karkand whore, and a malcontent so just be quiet before i have to take my belt off.

Last edited by ayb (2005-11-24 07:21:36)


TriggerHappy998 wrote:

What makes you think we need (or want) your respect?

I don't remember peeing in your cornflakes lately. But, to answer your question, you have proven to me you indeed do not deserve my respect. You are simply a stuck up moderator who's obviously not fit for the job. You will not answer my questions, and you are being rude and arrogant while I have been (IMO) polite and courteous in my questions. Must be the "status" that comes with the job that has gone to your head. We'll see if you have the balls to leave this thread open and/or leave my post unedited.

Time to move on I guess. So no need to worry about my "elaborate" posts anymore, nor my bitching and moaning in your Bitch and Moan forum. Thank you for making a new member feel really welcome. (insert rolling eyes smiley here)

To all others, if I get BF2 to work again, perhaps we'll meet in the game. (and remember kids, that's all it is, a game )

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