Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Just want some info on weapon unlocks; like which one is the best to unlock first (ex. DAO). I now have to play for unlocks again since I was just playing for fun, these unlocks look really cool.
haven't tried them all yet, all I know is after one round lst night it let me unlock 5 new guns while I was still 25000 points away from my next rank up>>>?????

I also got a badge for using a zip line, which might be the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time.
The Last Man Standing
When you buy special forces and play, you should get your unlocks for free, depending on what rank you are, or well, thats what happened to my friends anyway.  But if I might say, the G36E (I think) the new medic gun is amazing.  It combines the accuracy of the G36C and the possibly L85A1 as well as the damage making it a real killer.  However, it doesnt have the scope, so for those of you who do enjoy sniping with the L85A1, it probably isnt for you.

Last edited by Paladus902 (2005-11-23 10:34:39)

1rst: The F2000 assault... you get a great gun and flash bang... I can already hear... "noob bang" loll
2nd: Spec Ops and Support unlock are even
3rd: Medic G36E
MP7  engineer unlock high fire rate and ok power but it only has iron sites.
it IS the noob bang, and here's why... I spent half of last night BLIND, and most of the time it was my own damn teammates winging those things around recklessly blindling themselves and everyone in the area. if used right they are awesome... I fear they won't be used right that much
NJG HukaMaster

dshak wrote:

it IS the noob bang, and here's why... I spent half of last night BLIND, and most of the time it was my own damn teammates winging those things around recklessly blindling themselves and everyone in the area. if used right they are awesome... I fear they won't be used right that much
Sounds like CS.  Its a good way to punish the Idiots though, but I shant speek I may be one

Last edited by NJG HukaMaster (2005-11-23 11:17:48)

Crazy has a mind of its own

dshak wrote:

it IS the noob bang, and here's why... I spent half of last night BLIND, and most of the time it was my own damn teammates winging those things around recklessly blindling themselves and everyone in the area. if used right they are awesome... I fear they won't be used right that much
Just bought SF, havent had a chance to play it yet, but OMFG, that sucks about the flash bangs, what an oportunity for FukTards it irritate their entire team!! I know its unrealistic, but for playabilty the flash bangs should not effect friendlies.
Yellow 13
+2|7047|Plano Texas
A  guys last night blinded all of us over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and

It was quite funny hearing my teamates screaming in rage as the enemy ran our blind asses doown
Looks like someone was sitting on a supply box loll
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I can't seem to get an unlock I've played a while long before it registers?
Truthfully they are all pretty good. If you play one of the 4 classes with new weapons I would get that one first. The F2000 and G36E are very nice upgrades from the first unlock. The SCAR-L is nice but the G36C might be better close quarters. The MP7 is decent if you don't like shotguns (it can only hold 20 rounds though which sucks).
I have to say the G36E is now my favorite weapon. If you use the medic kit at all, unlock it for sure. Outstanding accuracy and good damage. Sure it's only burst, but you can't have everything. However, at the same time, the burst definately helps you conserve ammo. Unlike the real version, the BF2 G36E has an MP5esq hooded post sighting system. This makes it especially easy to mow down your enemies at medium range; but as you can imagine it's not as precise as the L85 at extreme long range. Even so, I find it more effective than the L85 at long range because of it's increased damage. It's an outstanding weapon, I really have no complaints.

The F2000 is a good gun as well. The red dot style sight (yes I realize that it's not actually red nor all that much of a dot) is kinda goofy looking, but I guess it's worth it. You'll get called names for using the grenade launcher. It's a definate improvement over the M16A2/M203, but the jury is still out on the AK-101/GP-30 combo. Either way the sighting system is an upgrade for longer ranges. A solid upgrade if you have the points: you'll be grenade n00bing for hours.

As for the MG36, I was unimpressed. Didn't seem accurate enough for the decrease in damage. Stick with the PMK.

The MP7 is a change of pace from the shotguns of the engineer kit, but the damage is too low and clip too small to make it worth one of your first unlocks.

The SCAR-L seems nice, but you've already got the G36K. It does have a red dot, but I was unimpressed.

In conclusion, if you ever play medic, unlock the G36E right away. It's just plain great. If you dont mind the comments, the F2000 is a good choice too.
What is it with the unlocks being the Brits' standard equipment?
Mass Media Casualty

Why isn't there a new Sniper unlock? I'd love to be able to utilise another rifle for long distance headhunting.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Destroy Noob Cannons
I want a new sniper unlock. <_<

I had 4 unlocks waiting for me.. so I went ahead and unlocked the G3 to finish off the BF2 unlocks. then I unlocked the MP7(I love that thing) the SCAR-L(or whatever that specops gun is.. I thought it said SCAR H), then... uhh.. I have one left. and I can't make a choice... I can choose between the MG36C, F2000, and G36E... I probably play support more than Medic and Assault. but I freakin love that F2000. Help me decide!
the only thing I like is the 3 round burst option on some of the unlocks, but its not like you couldn't just fire in controlled bursts to begin with.

I'm kind of pissed they didn't give the MEC SF and Insurgents an AK with a laser dot scope, that would have been gravy. I think the middle east units got shafted on the unlocks. though the RPG seems to be a much better weapon than the other shoulder fire missles. they fire fast and with little smoke trail.
Personally, I can't see why the didn't include a sniper upgrade. I would have picked that up straight away.

What it SHOULD have been is this:

Damage of a SVD round.
Range/Reloading of an M24

Does this seem familiar? It should, it sounds like a sniper out of many games. PSG-1 silenced I believe.

The damage minus balances the silencer, as we all know that a silenced sniper is one hard MOFO to spot and/or find. The rest of his gear would be the same.

I was also disappointed to find out that NONE of the SF items come over to BF2 anymore. I can see possibly dropping the tear gas, but they should have kept the hooks/lines. Bad choice on EA's part, but then again, it's EA, what did we expect? Less mistakes? Ha!

[QUESTION]One question though, I started playing, and my views on upgrades were that you get them PER badge. This is false, or so say the gurus in here. I am a Staff Sergeant, but I only received 2 upgrades. Is this correct? If not, why aren't they kicking in?[/QUESTION]

And if that IS correct. Bah! That's horrible. They should give you more upgrades, or at least make it where you can unlock the SF weapons without needing to have the previous unlocks. EA really screwed up making this game in more ways than one, I feel cheated out of my money somewhat.

Slaythem wrote:

I want a new sniper unlock. <_<

I had 4 unlocks waiting for me.. so I went ahead and unlocked the G3 to finish off the BF2 unlocks. then I unlocked the MP7(I love that thing) the SCAR-L(or whatever that specops gun is.. I thought it said SCAR H), then... uhh.. I have one left. and I can't make a choice... I can choose between the MG36C, F2000, and G36E... I probably play support more than Medic and Assault. but I freakin love that F2000. Help me decide!
Hmm, I know, hard choice. Personally,  between the MG36, and the PKM, they are quite even.

3 shots kills.
100 rounds.
Overheats around continous fire at 50 shots.
Somewhat accurate.

4-5 shot kills.
Fires faster than the PKM.
130 rounds. (Correct?)
Overheats around 60 shots.
Quite accurate.

Personally, I wouldn't waste the unlock like I did on the MG36. It's a solid upgrade, but why waste the unlock when you have a perfectly good support weapon on hand? The PKM. Go F2000 buddy. You'll definately like it.

Last edited by Jewbat (2005-11-24 01:49:17)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

VSS Vintorez is a more SF-style weapon; but that's semi auto. So is a PSG-1.

There are very few if any suppressed bolt action rifles.
Really? Hmm, thought there might have been, I'm not up to par on all the rifles in the world, so I only thought of a few that came to mind.
Destroy Noob Cannons
I picked up the MG36. the burst fire sold me. and I never play assault so yeah I didn't choose the F2000.. itll be my next unlock.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2005-11-24 02:20:28)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Well I made a couple mistakes with unlocks so far.... Seems like everybody loves the new Medic gun (as I was told in a couple games), I unlocked it and didn't like it, it's basically the old unlock for spec ops with a 3 shot bursts ( find myself not used to the 3 shot bursts; get hung up) and the Spec Ops gun is, in my opinion, useless.  This is what I should've unlocked: G3 (since I need this) then the F2000, Flash Bang (you know everyone is going to use this in which people call n00b t00l) and up in the air for the fourth unlock. But instead I did the G3; Spec Ops; Medic and I think I messed up somewhere because it only gave me 3
+0|7057|Vienna- Austria
well.. dont take the G36K if u have the G36C as specops... take the scar-l  its most usefull more accurate than m-4 and better aiming sometimes than g36c...
Sounds good i get the assault one.
soup fly mod

I almost never play assault but the F2000 is gonna change that around!  Shoots great in small bursts.  Got grenade launcher.  Can snipe with it on single shot mode.  And it seems to be quite powerful.  Don't use it for continuous fire cause it gets quite inaccurate.

I can't understand why someone would unlock the mp7.  Its horrible!  20 rounds and its not accurate or powerful.  Even though I play engineer all the time I will not get this.  And for some reason on my unlock screen (when you have to choose your new unlocks), the mp7 shows up with a medic cross next to it but i'm sure that's a glitch.

I like the SCAR-L.  Great weapon for sniping.  Works real good in single shot mode.  Haven't gotten real good results with it at close range but I may consider unlocking it (even though i got G36C) to use on boards that are more spread out like Gulf of Oman.  Probably my second favorite of the new unlocks.

The new G36 is just like the old one for spec ops but with burst mode.  If you play medic alot then I guess its worth it.

Don't think the MG36 is worth the upgrade if you've already got PKM.

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