Bell wrote:
souljar wrote:
(4) I got a feeling that anybody that classes this as being a "whininy baby problem" is because they in fact are one of the smacktards doing this during play . I myself don't need to act like a n00b .
You will find me in 24/7 Wake ! most of the time when i play , if you want to see who is the real "badboy" in the plane buddy !
What relevance would that have (if true) ? errrrrr what !
That is your right to think as you please, I wont acheive anything by denying it, nor shall I try to. Thee only times I will do so is in vengance, e.g if I have been previously tk for it, it's a vicious circle but hey who care's it's only -4 point's. In any case, I 9/10 dont need to, as finding thee spot to get it isnt hard. Also, by what you mean as being 'badboy' in a plane, I have no doubt your good in a J-10, practically anyone who goes in that thing will be top player of the round, however I would like to see your skill's in the F-35, if you can impress me in that, I will be glad to come back here and say, yah your ace (not bloody likely though) but since youve been crying about the imbalance, I would wager you SUCK in the F-35.
If they all spawn on the airfield, why dont u use that brain of yours, take the f-35 and bomb there runway, is that so difficult?
If you cant understand the relevance thing then, I laugh at you *points and laughs*
I done the whole keep the the j-10,s on the ground thing so many times its just the same as raping the carrier , do you think i don't know tactics ? just gets boring after a while , i can keep two j-10,s 3 sets of A.A the chopper and a load of vehicles pinned all game long if i wanted with the f-35 .
One j-10 ain't that hard to deal with in the air , you just gotta use your MG on them coz the missiles are not worth shit on them things but two j-10,s is a bit tricky , especially when you got a half decent pilot in them .
The best thing to do is never let them get a lock on you because when they do it,s game over ! chaff don't make me laugh !
I been gaming long enough to find all the angles trust me but anybody who trys to tell me it,s a fair game when comes to a J-10 v,s anything is stupid .
I cant tell you how many times i have had people telling me there better than me it,s just your in a j-10 , blah blah blah like i don't know there unbalanced .
Sort the balance out then we see wont we
You lost me on the relevance thing a while back sorry what was your point ?
As for the come back from the mama thing , i just never really felt that bothered by that comment , it did make me laugh though . I was thinking you must be the 12 year old you were talking about earlier on and a reply to something so petty would just make me look like one too .
I did that shit back in school buddy and that was a long time ago !
If you wish to witness my skills first hand feel free to join me on 24/7 Wake!! were i play quite a bit and tell me who you are and why your there and i promise i will go all out to totally destroy you big time .
I doubt you gonna do that though are you lol
So , in your ass bell-end and bring it bitch !
Last edited by souljar (2006-08-01 15:05:26)