The Kid
Liek totally.  Before I went to bed last night, I achieved the rank of First Sergeant (hurray!)

I unlock the G3.  Today I play in my favorite Karkand server... and what do I use?  The G3.  What are my stats?

73 kills, 36 deaths in 57 minutes.  Overall I got 178 GS.  Now, I probably would have had more kills, but my computer is dying, and I'm getting lag whenever I see smoke, get blurred by explosives, or have an explosive erupt near me.

Anyway:  I got (I think) 4 headshots standing up and running.  1 shot, 1 kill.  I ran out of ammo just once.

So let me say this:

Noobtubers, that's cool.  I used too as well.  But if you have it (the G3), use it.  It's a powerful (and accurate) weapon.  Very fantastic.
I just unlocked it today also, nice weapon, though I'd pretty much never recommend using it on full auto, as a 20 rd clip goes away pretty darn fast. There really is no need though as it only takes 3 torso shots or one head shot on a healthy soldier with body armor to kill, and you can pop those off pretty fast in single shot.
but on your stats it says your best score is only 132 true it was on kirkland.  just something i noticed.  unless you did it on an unranked server.
The Kid
Not just one round.  4 rounds.
oh ok thats cool
The Kid
No matter.  We won three of those.  my best is indeed 132, but it seems that my best hours are involuntarily 57 minutes.  I'm serious.  My highest score in 57 minutes is 229.  Probably my highest score after playing about an hour.
+8|7054|Long Island, NY
So the G3 is a good time, eh?  I'm wonderin' what I'll pick at my next rank.  I'm thinkin' either the G3 or the DAO-12.
The Kid
Ohhh.  See, all I need is the Jackhammer.  When I play AT, I always 100% use the DAO.

Spec Ops-  G36 for all.
Assault-  G3 for USMC, or if I'm naughty, I'll pick the noobtube.
Engineer-  USMC, or I don't use engineer.
Medic-  L85 if I'm on USMC
Sniper-  M95 for all
Support-  PKM for all.
+81|7083|LEEDS!!!!!, Yorkshire
i have had the G3 for a while now and in that time i had learned how to fire 3 shot bursts in full auto.
Dear God please let my karma one day reach 100, whether it be tomorrow or 1000 years in the future i want it to happen.
laff @ internetz
I don't see why people think the g3 is accurite. It's accuracy blows at anything over bad breath range.

I only use it when trying to take the Hotel on Karkland, other than that I find it useless.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I only need the G3 and the Jackhammer. Ive been wanting that G3 for quite some time now, its only a shame that the noobtube is gone .
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
How in the Hell do you get an outrageous score like that?!! I haven't hit 100 yet! Of course I play full server 64. I would unlock the G3 also if I cared. I have two badgers to get, which I could care less.
The Kid

frasierdog wrote:

I don't see why people think the g3 is accurite. It's accuracy blows at anything over bad breath range.

I only use it when trying to take the Hotel on Karkland, other than that I find it useless.
You're kidding, right?  This thing is accurate.  I hate people to complain that all guns are innacurate.  They're usually the ones that hold down the mouse button.  The more you hold it down, the less accurate it'll be.  I've beaten G36's at long range with semi-auto mode
Don't Flame
+20|7057|St. Paul, MN
I wouldn't say its inaccurate, but fraiserdog has a point, sort of. it's too technical to explain, but the way the G3 shoots is different from most assault rifles and I can totally see why some people say it's inaccurate. I don't really use it because no matter how I try to shoot it, I never seem to be able to get a bead on some1. I try full auto, semiauto, small bursts of full auto, prone standing, crouched, walking, but I never seem to be able to get a kill w/it. It usually just leves me w/ 5 kills and 15 deaths which puts me in a really bad mood.
for an explanation of why the G3 can seem problematic at times, check out the UBAR kits overview, it is extremely useful. I've learned some very useful stuff from it. If I hadn't known about it, I wouldn't have known that the QBZ-97 (chink spec ops gun) is more accurate that even the G36. what a beautiful gun what kind of garbage is this? {ripoff} it should be better
Don't Flame
+20|7057|St. Paul, MN

imdead wrote:

How in the Hell do you get an outrageous score like that?!! I haven't hit 100 yet! Of course I play full server 64. I would unlock the G3 also if I cared. I have two badgers to get, which I could care less.
rofl, I checked my best Karkand round, guess what it is...241!
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7069|The Netherlands
I only need the PKM is it very good?

G3 was my first unlock never played a lot with it but then again i don't use assault.

M95- 3 stars (good upgrade if you are MEC or China)
G36C- 4 stars ( like it but i don't feel that much of a diffrence between the normal weapons and this one)
G3- 4 stars (nice weapon can shoot through the iron fences surprised a lot people with that trick)
MK3A1 Jackhammer- 2 stars (nice if you miss your only chance with the pump action I only unlocked it for its looks)
L85A1- 4 stars (nice one but i still pick the AK101 when MEC very nice one though love it on distance)
PKM- ? stars (last one left)
DAO 12- 5 stars (great gun really love it. its much better than the SMG's don't forget to reload after each kill though)
G36G-Good overall weapon in any situation, but I miss my scope on the M4
L8- I loved it when I first got it, but now I cant kill anything with it.  But I love assault rifles so I dont use this.
DAO-use it 100% of time when using this kit.  I dont think its the best unlock, but its the biggest upgrade
Jackhammer- I never could kill with the pump so this is a decent upgrade, but I dont use this kit much.
G3-I dont play assault anymore and I havent used the G3 since I unlocked it, even though I like it. 

I plan on getting the PKM next.  I loved using it on another account I used to have, but cant play anymore for some reason, it keeps freezing when I load the game.
As for the M95, I wish I could have this unlock soon, but who knows when Ill get it.  It will be my last unllock, I wish I could have this over the L8 though because you can easily pick up an L8 anytime off of a dead body.
i love the g3, though i dont use it often because ive been playing medic alot lately
+0|7068|Orlando, FL
lowest overall accuracy of all 4. and a piddly damage increase over the ak's.

Last edited by ayb (2005-11-20 22:34:39)

I love the G3, but then ive never really used the noob tube so i cant really compare it to that.
The Kid
Here's the thing.  Statistics are strictly averages and estimates.

I find that the G3 does a helluvalot more damage than the AK, and it takes me an average of 4 shots with the G3 (on full auto) in a CQC fight with someone who doesn't jump around.  As opposed to the 6-10 of the AK.  Granted, it either takes me 6 or 9 (2-3 burst shots) to fell an opponent (with the M16), but that's when I'm sniping with the M16.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
the G3 is my next unlock if I get there before the Spec Ops Expansion comes, my advice is that of all the great guns I've found that it's the person shooting it --- doesn't matter what gun you have.  Aim high son, Aim high.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, EspaƱa
G3? Nah give me an A, give me a K, give me a 1, give me a 0, give me a 1

Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7069|The Netherlands
AK101 can't shoot through the iron fences (great on karkand there allways is someone behind that fence)
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Okay had to get this unlock to get my F2000(which I didn't get), I must agree this G3 is a monster! People say it's not accurate, maybe you're not aiming I find 3 shots, if you aim correctly kills em anywhere on the body. But when I hold down the mouse button, the aim/accuracy is crap, even though some people say the longer you hold it down the better it gets, which is by my usage, is false. Granted I've only had this awhile, and I've hooted and hollered about the others as well (L85A1) but I use this exclusively on Kark and seen quite an improvement from 3:1 in combat, even far away it's okay, not the greatest at distance, just the toobers get me alot.

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