Aussie Outlaw
Personally, rather than a stab in the back weapon, i prefer to use it in combat.

When i come across a squad I'll fire my rifle and pistol dry, then charge with knife. The beauty of it is often in the confusion, i'll get the kill, reload my weapons and live to fight another day.

The only people i do knife in the back are snipers... arch enemy

Is there anyone else out there who uses their knife like me?
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
wish I could use a knife, even a butter knife would do, I can't seem to get any kills with it.  Need to get 7 by end of month. Tried but came back with gun, in Kark there's too many t00bing going on, can't even get close.
Aussie Outlaw
Do it on Sharqi. Karkand is no-no.
+0|7068|Orlando, FL
going for your knife badge on karkand will net you nothing more than a bunch of

NoSkeelN00b [m230] You
NoSkeelNoob is no more
Aussie Outlaw
God i hate GLs.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield

ayb wrote:

going for your knife badge on karkand will net you nothing more than a bunch of

NoSkeelN00b [m230] You
NoSkeelNoob is no more
Oh man this is so true!! I am laughing and crying at the same time! oh shit.. Anyway I tried Shark, Mash and Kark, didn't have any luck, seem like they always find me when I'm sniping or seems like I have someones tail and another sees me. I did take in consideration of using Medic, Spec and Sniper for thier quickness. Of course there are more skilled daggers out there.
Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
i mostly die when i switch to my pistol and half way through the clip but sometimes i was able to do the same tactic

anyway on tuesday i eliminated 5 ppl in a row with my knife but i entered the round late and there wasnt enough time to get my damn knife badge. but 11-0 round with sniper was fun anyway
Try getting it on dark maps 
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Dark maps?? Is that the China Stalemate or whatever? tried that but it was hard to find people without getting found.
|*|D.n.C|*| Hicks
I got my knife badge on Sharqi, mostly between the City Entrance and the Surveillance Post.  I also got my pistol badge there.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Sharqi is the way to go, look for snipers, check up roofs.
Thats how I got Vet.
I got vet pistol in Karkand
+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
I can't wait to use flashbangs against the noob tubers in Karkand!  They will running into walls and other objects, it will be easy prey to knife them in the back and get my expert knife badge! Mua hahaha...

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

The only people i do knife in the back are snipers... arch enemy
Knifing snipers just never seems enough to me.  You should be able to kick their dead bodies too.
+1|7042|Eindhoven, Netherlands
So Sharqi is best map to get ur knife badge then?

Found out it isnt very easy to get it, i guess im down to gettin last to badges and most difficult ones aswell.

Knife and Explosives. got vet Pistol and that whasnt very hard, hey i even got it 2 times lol, resieved it and didnt got loaded up in my stats, so did it second time (went alot faster aswell)

I play this game basicly for them badges,medals,ribbons,ranks etc, without it its just an normal any day game, and no im not a stats whore, i just like to play for it, gives some extra credit for all that hard work.

anywho of to find Sharqi map and get me that knife badge

no no no - Karkand IS the best for the knife badges -I got BOTH of mine there. You just have to go totally crazy in the middle alley at the Hotel spawn. Also, if you run out ammo at the same time as your opponent in close quarters, NEVER bunnyhop around like they do while reloading: this is what the knife is FOR (as well as sniper assassinating, of course) - Charge close bunnyhoppers with knife, instakill.
oh - and I got my explosive at K as well, also at the hotel spawn: line the outside wall with c4 and wait for the n00b armour to roll up and try to spawn-rape. THAT'S satisfying - killing spawncampers is better than sneaking up on snipers imho
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
I knife in combat when range of enemy is 50m or less.

Otherwise I use Sniper Rifle.
Alpha as fuck.
Aussie Outlaw

RasorX wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

The only people i do knife in the back are snipers... arch enemy
Knifing snipers just never seems enough to me.  You should be able to kick their dead bodies too.
LOL, hell yeah.
+1|7042|Orlando, FL
The closest I got to my expert knife badge was 17, just ONE kill shy. It's freakin aggravating. Not to mention the number it does to your K/D ratio. Ungh.
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

lol, i rarely rarely run out of rifle ammo so i'm never in this situation
The New Evolution in gaming...
+14|7070|Cardiff, Wales
Got my basic at Karkand, most of my clan mate who was support on top of the buildings by Market, or someone on the mounted gun there. Also in that round got someone who had the name about being a KnifeKiller

Cool thing, this weekend my clan is having a compo (for clan members only) in a Knife Fight Elimination Series for £10   Will be fighting in the pit by Square and the TOW
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Okay thanks everyone about the Basic Knife, it wasn't that hard at all, went to Karkand and started for fun. My basic aim was to go for the spawn alleyways. Well my first round I was 203'd to death with 3 knife kills and 25 deaths; a little frustrated but next game I took out the gun more often. By the six round I had my 7th and 8th knife kills with 124 tickets left, so I put it away because I was still like 10 kills and 2000000 deaths seemed like.

Heres how I did it on Kark, went to right and ran (was Medic) to first alley way, even if I saw someone I kept moving to the next one, as soon as I saw someone (not facing me) I ran after him. It's amazing how ppl have blinders on, did more chasing than stabbing.  Everyone said good going after I stabbed them, I guess they knew either I was going for the badge or knew I was chasing them. I got 3 kills this way, rinse and repeated.

Thanks everyone for thier advice. 
The New Evolution in gaming...
+14|7070|Cardiff, Wales
Congrats mate, join the club
+1|7042|Eindhoven, Netherlands
Ive got the Badge yesterday on Sharqi, between construction site and that base on top of that hill.
It sure is good fun to knife the enemy when they come rolling off that hill

Good fun that is, didnt try to shoot just knife, a couple mins and lots of deaths later i got it

Now i got all the basics, explosives the hardest one, now onto all vet badges

Dont know who posted it in this topic about 203 noobs on K, didnt know what u where on about but found out this morning lol

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield you know.... 203 fest, and now Karkand in turning into a 203 AND Flash Bang fest!

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