I can't seem to send PMs at the moment - worked fine earlier, but trying to reply to one and it keeps coming back with : "At least 60 seconds have to pass between sends. Please wait a little while and try send the message again."
I have waited at least 60 seconds. It still doesn't work. In fact, I hadn't even done anything else this session before writing and trying to send reply.
EDIT: And, of course, now it worked. Still could be something to look into Chuy - is there an issue if replying to a PM is first thing you do in a session maybe?
I have waited at least 60 seconds. It still doesn't work. In fact, I hadn't even done anything else this session before writing and trying to send reply.
EDIT: And, of course, now it worked. Still could be something to look into Chuy - is there an issue if replying to a PM is first thing you do in a session maybe?
Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2006-08-02 18:41:54)