Since the update after every round, and I think this is for everyone, I get switched teams.. this took a little bit of getting used to too... and i can handle that, if the whole team changes..(eg. if your on MEC the first round then the second you will play with USMC..but the fact that the squad get reset after every round is just riculously stupid
I have to say the game has suffered IMO..
It is so hard to find a good squad that sticks together and uses mics.. so now even when you do find one, you have to find it again and again.. 9 times out of ten the squad is never the same the next round eg. you get 2 new guys just wanting to fly around or drive around by themselves and it just gets irritating... why didnt they just leave this alone .. IT WAS FINE.. I really dont understand.. and to be honest, I'm a bit pissed off
hopefully its only due to the servers i have been playing and if so .. i'll change.. if this is the case could you let me know of servers without this dumb feature.( in Australia).. this game is so awesome when your in a good squad.. but now.. yeh well im sure you get the idea..
I have to say the game has suffered IMO..
It is so hard to find a good squad that sticks together and uses mics.. so now even when you do find one, you have to find it again and again.. 9 times out of ten the squad is never the same the next round eg. you get 2 new guys just wanting to fly around or drive around by themselves and it just gets irritating... why didnt they just leave this alone .. IT WAS FINE.. I really dont understand.. and to be honest, I'm a bit pissed off
hopefully its only due to the servers i have been playing and if so .. i'll change.. if this is the case could you let me know of servers without this dumb feature.( in Australia).. this game is so awesome when your in a good squad.. but now.. yeh well im sure you get the idea..