Hi People,

Hope someone can help with this as it's doing my head in now.

After trying (& repeatedly failing) to get my veteran explosives badge using mines & c4 I thought I'd have a go with claymore's.  I've notched up a couple of rounds now with 30+ kills using the claymore's and still haven't got the award.  I have checked the UBAR & my stats and all I need is 20 or more kills in a round.  Can you actually get this award using claymore's??

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by brookesc (2006-08-03 17:21:26)

+136|6822|Minnesota eh
yes u can, idk what ur doing wrong, go to the palace on warlord and lay clays like crazy, it will come
Nice 1, I haven't gone for it on that map yet, will give it a try.
karkand,full 64 server,mec,be suicidal claywhore guy = expert explosives after 2 rounds trying.
worked for me anyway lol i ended the round with 40 odd pure clay kills,just dont give a shit about dying & you'l get it no probs.

p.s. dont do it on sharqi servers as i play on them a lot & i hate claymores lol.
good luck.
She looked 18 to me officer
c4 on flags and claymores on traveled routes..... and some luck.

Last edited by Stealth42o (2006-08-03 17:52:38)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7154|Cologne, Germany

moved to BF2:Help
aka Nekrodamus
+52|7045|Germany, near Koblenz
Once again (): Only when the kill message reads "brookesc [c4/mine/clay] victim" the kill counts as an explosive kill.

When you lay down f.e. an antitank mine and then enter any vehicle (incl. aa and ground defense) your kill message will read "brookesc [vehicle] victim" and this kill counts as a road kill with this type of vehicles.

After you have died or took up another kit your mines / clays will disapear after a while. While they are still visible, they are still active and can kill people but only the first part of this time will bring you an explosive kill! The rest of this period you will just read "brookesc [killed] victim" which means a non specified kill for your actual kit.

Therefore you should keep in mind while going for the badge: No vehicles and no kit switching at all! And don't have a look at the kills, just keep on until the drum roll comes.

Last edited by DerGraueWolf (2006-08-04 02:31:31)

+164|7078|Normal, IL
also, you didnt post a link to your stats, but you need a minimum overall total kills with explosives before you can get the awards, on top of the round requirements.

a tip, i got my expert one on warlord as a sniper with claymores. it is a evil, evil map for claymores as several flags can be completely kept from being captured without getting rid of the claymores first. it only took me two tries to get it, you should have similar luck.
+5|6956|so cal
yea u might need 2 combine like some c4 some claymore and some at mine
Blow shit up.  Worked for me.
Good to be back.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Plant C4

Wait for enemy

Press button

Repeat 20 times

Cheeky Keen
+329|6869|Kent, UK
spam the clays on kark or warlord, easy badge
got mine on kark, was only going fo basic but carried on to Vet. Would have got Expert too but didn't have enough global explosive kills :-(
Stand still I need to shoot you
1. Jihad jeeping  (put C4 on jeep and run into tanks APC etc. you get deaths but it works)
2. Mine roads that are used a lot.
3. Get with a friend or someone who will help you and get on karkan be MEC and mine the finces and keep putting more down when they explode

That all I have to say

Last edited by JohnTx12 (2006-08-04 14:22:54)

Infantry/Conquest - Serversetting: ff 0 - Karkand-vodnik/hummer - place 1-2 c4 on the front or, anywhere, then if ur close to an infantry or armor, press f3 - then trigger, u wont be killed cause teamdamage is off, repeat that

Last edited by ToiletTrooper (2006-08-04 14:27:56)

+3|6790|Sydney, AU
Claymore + Karkand ftw.

I got veteran and expert in the same round on karkand with the claymore. You just need to know the key spots to place them.

I generally got 2/3 kills per claymore, racked up veteran badge with 150 tickets to go, then expert was easy.

Claymore on karkand or learn to C4 throw. I personally did the latter (not throwing in the classic sense, just planted it at someones feet and ran off. Detonated while they were comprehending what was about to happen to them.
+3|6790|Sydney, AU

Defiance wrote:

Claymore on karkand or learn to C4 throw. I personally did the latter (not throwing in the classic sense, just planted it at someones feet and ran off. Detonated while they were comprehending what was about to happen to them.
I tried that method, it just frustrated the hell out of me.. Claymore I feel is more effect on a compacted map like Karkand.
Done at last, thanks to all for the advice.

I became a claym(whore) on 64 player Karkand - sorry to those who got repeatedly killed!!

Any tips on veteran ground defense, which maps and positions have you found most effective?
I won my veteran ground defense on the Midnight Sun map playing PLA.  Had a ball doing it too.  Sat on a TOW that was located that the front entrance to the base on the American side of map.  Cant reall the name of the flag but this flag is directly across from the uncappable chinese base.  This base gets taken over repeatedly by both teams.  Once the Chinese capture it you need to camp on that TOW mount and wait.  In no time your teammates will abandon the base for more actitivity and you will most likely remain the sole owner of the flag and base. 

Now comes the fun.  The American tanks will roll your way.  Line up the tanks and kill them easily.  Keep a watch out for infrantry coming down from the ridge to your right as you face forward.  Nail anyone that comes close, jeeps, buggies, snipers, infantry, tanks and AA.  Take them all out.  I got my veteran in no time at all and had a alot of fun.  You will still see me camping the TOW sights around that map as they can easily take out choppers as well as armor!!!
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"
How about planting c4 in all alleyways in kark and at the explosable opening at usmc uncap base lots a people i know got it like that
+39|6950|OREEGONE, USA
As Insurgents on Warlord, C4/claymore the tv station flag then zipline to balcony in the adjacent building.  Lots of kills there.  Or just C4 suicide anything that moves.

brookesc wrote:

Done at last, thanks to all for the advice.

I became a claym(whore) on 64 player Karkand - sorry to those who got repeatedly killed!!

Any tips on veteran ground defense, which maps and positions have you found most effective?
Be commander on a 64 map, grab a ground defence and kill 20 guys with arty.
Nice trick, might resort to that yet!!

I'll have a shot at doing it the 'honorable' way on the midnight sun map as suggested first.
Good to have a backup plan though, thanks for the advice.

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