I would like to express my utter hate for EA. I just cannot get over how many problems there was with the orignal BF@ yet they come out with a an expansion just as a bloody money grab so some person can buy another Bently

1. The pathc seem ot have extreme issue juts by browsing the forums... Mainly that it does not install properly and is juts overall utterly retarded

2. SF is a piece of shit filled with bigs that should have been ironed out first in BF2\

thank you for your time
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
You know there's a whole forum for complaining.
At least I haven’t seen any spelling mistakes in battlefield 2.

Kobrakai wrote:

At least I haven’t seen any spelling mistakes in battlefield 2.
I have.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

You have to watch out for all of the 'bigs' in SF...

Oh, and... [moved to the proper forum!]

Kobrakai wrote:

At least I haven’t seen any spelling mistakes in battlefield 2.
not looking closely enough mate, they're there
They got the the Iron gator map labeled wrong, the hangar bays names need to be switched.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
What bugs?  Runs fine on my system (The USER is always the one complaining because the computer simply can't do likewise to the user).

99.9% of problems related to user.

Fucking bwned.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

Fucking bwned.
you think so? even if sf doesn't have bugs in it, it is still total bullshit that they didn't spend their time and resources to fix bf2 first. Prime example being the red/blue bug, which I get MORE now since the patch came out. How is that shit the user's fault mate?
HAHA you fool if its the users fault then why do they send out patches.. it is common knowledge that this game is filled with bugs. And plase wnoughwith the gamer talk, i beg of you to speak proper english..
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
What red/blue bug?
Alpha as fuck.
Be A Medic!
+2|7076|Austin TX
what is wnoughwith?  proper english?

you fail.  they got your 80$.  they dont care if ur unhappy.  in fact, neither does anybody else. i normally dont get pissed by peoples complaints, but u didnt even put it in the 'complaints' forum. 

you said juts twice in the same line.  and then you get offended that someone is speaking 'computer game talk' (while talking about a computer game). 

get an EA tattoo on your face and punch it until you feel better.

Last edited by Kr3G (2005-11-24 22:03:20)

"It's Recharging!"
EA is the publisher, not the developer. They make the pretty packaging and avertise and handle all the money.

Dice are the people who made the game.

The people who developed the expansion didn't make the origional BF2

Blame Dice for not fixing the bugs beforehand.

Oh, and I know someone is gonna say that EA rushed the developers so in theory, its also EA's fault.

While this is partly true, it's the developers fault for picking a money hungry publisher to begin with, even before Battlefield 2 as it's publisher.

It's also due to the mass demand of USERS need for entertainment these days. They know you want it. And they're smart to suck that money out of your wallet. You think they care? No they don't. And if you were in their position to make the kind of money they do, I'd be god damned if you didn't. You all say you wouldn't, even I say it.

And wouldn't that be peachy keen? It sure would. But then again, choosing a wad of cash over time constraints and the effort to iron out all those little annoyances to please jack ass whiners like you .. deep down inside I would probably choose the money over it if I was in that position.

Now if the majority of gamers wasn't composed of little 12 year old kids, and they certainly know the figures, then maybe I would try and please the decent majority of mature gamers who actually earn there money to pay for the game.

Unfortunately things will never be as we'd like and we all suffer because of the masses.. masses such as yourself who post childish and ignorant statements.

Now maybe if you posted a constructive and well detailed thread outlining the behavior of all of the known bugs and issues and coming up with facts and figures and sounding like you had an IQ of at least 2, maybe someone would actually take your opinion and statements seriously enough to warrent anything other than flames and the assumption that you are nothing more than bitched up little jackass kiddie who's about as retarded as a mule.

Last edited by Ryan_Mercury (2005-11-24 22:36:21)

ArmChair Warrior
+4|7069|NH - USA

Kobrakai wrote:

At least I haven’t seen any spelling mistakes in battlefield 2.

(Sorry triggahappy, I had to do it)

Why do people target spelling instead of the topic at hand? Is it because its the only thing you have in your ammo belt?

Re: the topic, well, EA and Dice are pretty much like many establishments in the world. SNAFU.

Last edited by VirtuaLResistancE (2005-11-24 23:13:13)

[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|7054|United States

Nyte wrote:

What red/blue bug?
What red/blue bug?  The one that makes enemies have friendly tags, and friendlies have enemy tags.  That bug.  I wouldn't even call that a bug.  I call that a big problem.
+2|7055|United Kingdom

Ryan_Mercury wrote:

EA is the publisher, not the developer. They make the pretty packaging and avertise and handle all the money.

Dice are the people who made the game.

The people who developed the expansion didn't make the origional BF2

Blame Dice for not fixing the bugs beforehand.

Oh, and I know someone is gonna say that EA rushed the developers so in theory, its also EA's fault.

While this is partly true, it's the developers fault for picking a money hungry publisher to begin with, even before Battlefield 2 as it's publisher.

It's also due to the mass demand of USERS need for entertainment these days. They know you want it. And they're smart to suck that money out of your wallet. You think they care? No they don't. And if you were in their position to make the kind of money they do, I'd be god damned if you didn't. You all say you wouldn't, even I say it.

And wouldn't that be peachy keen? It sure would. But then again, choosing a wad of cash over time constraints and the effort to iron out all those little annoyances to please jack ass whiners like you .. deep down inside I would probably choose the money over it if I was in that position.

Now if the majority of gamers wasn't composed of little 12 year old kids, and they certainly know the figures, then maybe I would try and please the decent majority of mature gamers who actually earn there money to pay for the game.

Unfortunately things will never be as we'd like and we all suffer because of the masses.. masses such as yourself who post childish and ignorant statements.

Now maybe if you posted a constructive and well detailed thread outlining the behavior of all of the known bugs and issues and coming up with facts and figures and sounding like you had an IQ of at least 2, maybe someone would actually take your opinion and statements seriously enough to warrent anything other than flames and the assumption that you are nothing more than bitched up little jackass kiddie who's about as retarded as a mule.
Now that's

Nyte wrote:

Fucking bwned.

Nyte wrote:

What red/blue bug?
The fucking bug that the game has had since release they they have failed to fix with any of the patches.  With how much you've played the game I don't see how you haven't noticed it.  You've never seen someone wearing the gear for the side you're on with a red nametag?  If you kill him it won't even say you teamkilled him.  It will just deduct 2 from your score.   Maybe its because you're a sniper so much you never notice the uniforms.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
what does bwnd mean? sorry I am old and retarded in this new slang vocabulary. I need to get hip. Seriously.

But anyway I've seen over the years that when a game is released and doing good people will complain about this and that to make it better, then they come out with another patch/release and its the same and so on. Look at BF42 for example. Gotta take the good with the bad. It's a fun game. I like it.


close up.. HA HA HA whats wrong with this picture


Last edited by RadeonII (2005-11-25 15:28:04)

Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Am I the ONLY ONE wich never had any problems whatsoever with BF2 or BF2: SF?
Member since 2005
+44|7089|Kansas, USA
I think it is hillarious that there are people complaining like this is the worst game ever made, but their stats show that they have 50, 100 or more hours playing the game.

I'm not suggesting that there aren't some problems with the game that need to be fixed (the reb/blue one being #1), but c'mon. Are you not having fun? It's one hell of a bargain. Look at your stats here on BF2s and take a look at the CPH stat under Miscellaneous. That's your cost per hour. Mine is down to about 18 cents. Hell of a lot better bargain than a movie!

making a rant here does no good. As one previous poster suggested, you need to lay out the particular issues you have in a well though out response, but then, send it to EA! Businesses treat one response as representing the thoughts/feelings of many, many customers.

And, if this game was such a piece of cr@p, you wouldn't devote your time to posting on a forum dedicated to the game.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Am I the ONLY ONE wich never had any problems whatsoever with BF2 or BF2: SF?
You and me, we have the only 2 copies of BF2 and BF2SF that work apparently.  Everyone else got the bad ones.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

Sgt.Gh0st wrote:

Am I the ONLY ONE wich never had any problems whatsoever with BF2 or BF2: SF?
You and me, we have the only 2 copies of BF2 and BF2SF that work apparently.  Everyone else got the bad ones.
I feel the same way - I have had relatively few issues with the games (knock on wood), hence why you barely ever see me posting in here except to comment on other people's bitch-fests.

My feeling on the bugs and shit is that, you know what?  I dont give a flippin' rat's ass.

For example, I rarely encounter the name glitch, and when I do, I recognize who the person is and I try to make sure that I dont TK them or whatever.  And if I do?  I just explain myself, nicely, as such:

DrDestruction [Teamkills] TheNameGlitchGuy

DrDestruction:  Sorry man, had the name glitch.  Won't happen again.
TheNameGlitchGuy: *DEAD*No worries, shit happens, I forgave.

This is usually the case, the rare times Ive ever encountered the glitch (I'd say 75% of the time).  And if that's not the case?  Then I've long accepted the fact that BF2 is filled with smacktards who place their dicks on the "punish" key and pleasure themselves every time they get the opportunity (they must sit mighty close to the keyboard, haha).

The problem many people have is that they don't explain themselves.  It usually goes something like this:

Dumbass [Teamkills] TheNameGlitchGuy2

You were punished for a teamkill!

Dumbass:  wtf u ub3r n00b it wuznt my fault fuker!!!!1111!!!!!

In which case, hell yeah, I'd punish your ass too, not for the tk but because you are acting like a retarded 3-year old.

There are very few things in the world that piss me off as much as incompetance.

Besides, I challenge you to find me a game without bugs.  Bugs are a fact of life, and I bet many games have just as many.  I know personally that games like MOHAA, CoD, etc., have many bugs, and just as many people bitch about them.  But when it boils down to it, these games are very entertaining and I love playing them, and thus, I don't bitch about it.

I pity the dumbass that bought this game and the expansion thinking "Boy, this is going to be completely bug free and absolutely perfect gameplay."  Im glad its not - I love laughing whenever someone whines about being pwned by a guy in a jet, or about (insert bug here).  Get over it.  I don't like it either, and if you check these topics, you'll see that I've expressed that opinion, but tough shit.  I still play the game, and because I still play the game, I know that I don't have the right to bitch.

Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, I'm not taking that away.  Im simply saying that I think some of you who bitch about bugs should sit back and think, "Is this really the worst the game could be?"  And after all that, if you STILL have problems, then just stop playing.  EA Games/DICE/whoever else isn't out to make just you happy.  No one is forcing you play, and fact is, the majority of gamers still enjoy the game whether or not you do.

In short, you have three options.  Present your arguments in a valid way, stop playing the game, or sit down and shut up.

Ryan_Mercury, that was one of the best posts Ive seen here.  I completely agree.

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