Nyte wrote:
Sgt.Gh0st wrote:
Am I the ONLY ONE wich never had any problems whatsoever with BF2 or BF2: SF?
You and me, we have the only 2 copies of BF2 and BF2SF that work apparently. Everyone else got the bad ones.
I feel the same way - I have had relatively few issues with the games (knock on wood), hence why you barely ever see me posting in here except to comment on other people's bitch-fests.
My feeling on the bugs and shit is that, you know what? I dont give a flippin' rat's ass.
For example, I rarely encounter the name glitch, and when I do, I recognize who the person is and I try to make sure that I dont TK them or whatever. And if I do? I just explain myself, nicely, as such:
DrDestruction [Teamkills] TheNameGlitchGuy
DrDestruction: Sorry man, had the name glitch. Won't happen again.
TheNameGlitchGuy: *DEAD*No worries, shit happens, I forgave.
This is usually the case, the rare times Ive ever encountered the glitch (I'd say 75% of the time). And if that's not the case? Then I've long accepted the fact that BF2 is filled with smacktards who place their dicks on the "punish" key and pleasure themselves every time they get the opportunity (they must sit mighty close to the keyboard, haha).
The problem many people have is that they don't explain themselves. It usually goes something like this:
Dumbass [Teamkills] TheNameGlitchGuy2
You were punished for a teamkill!
Dumbass: wtf u ub3r n00b it wuznt my fault fuker!!!!1111!!!!!
In which case, hell yeah, I'd punish your ass too, not for the tk but because you are acting like a retarded 3-year old.
There are very few things in the world that piss me off as much as incompetance.
Besides, I challenge you to find me a game without bugs. Bugs are a fact of life, and I bet many games have just as many. I know personally that games like MOHAA, CoD, etc., have many bugs, and just as many people bitch about them. But when it boils down to it, these games are very entertaining and I love playing them, and thus, I don't bitch about it.
I pity the dumbass that bought this game and the expansion thinking "Boy, this is going to be completely bug free and absolutely perfect gameplay." Im glad its not - I love laughing whenever someone whines about being pwned by a guy in a jet, or about (insert bug here). Get over it. I don't like it either, and if you check these topics, you'll see that I've expressed that opinion, but tough shit. I still play the game, and because I still play the game, I know that I don't have the right to bitch.
Everyone here is entitled to their opinion, I'm not taking that away. Im simply saying that I think some of you who bitch about bugs should sit back and think, "Is this really the worst the game could be?" And after all that, if you STILL have problems, then just stop playing. EA Games/DICE/whoever else isn't out to make just you happy. No one is forcing you play, and fact is, the majority of gamers still enjoy the game whether or not you do.
In short, you have three options. Present your arguments in a valid way, stop playing the game, or sit down and shut up.
Ryan_Mercury, that was one of the best posts Ive seen here. I completely agree.