Well I was playing on a server yesterday, wake island as a pilot.
Basically flying around I was first awards special opps basic then an aeiral service ribbon or some such followed by the vet special ops. Got shot down then back up in the air got basic sniper???
How the heck did this happen? After the round ended I was booted for having modified content, odd.
Perhaps when I purchse SF I'll have a bunch of badges and unlocks already.
Either that or I'll never get these thanks EA.
Basically flying around I was first awards special opps basic then an aeiral service ribbon or some such followed by the vet special ops. Got shot down then back up in the air got basic sniper???
How the heck did this happen? After the round ended I was booted for having modified content, odd.
Perhaps when I purchse SF I'll have a bunch of badges and unlocks already.
Either that or I'll never get these thanks EA.