first of all lets keep it clean, do not go flaming and do no swear to other people who think different then you do.
(so BF2S admins do not close this topic)
What EA/Dice or whoever created this idea about mixing BF2 players with SF players in the same server, i think they just made the whole thing worse then before. i spend my 45 euros to play BF2 and i was planning to play it for a loooong time coz i like it a lot .. but now EA brings out the SF edition. so there goes my BF2 pleasure.... and for other people 2 i think.
I have played a while on 1.12 and have red a lot of complainments about this BF2 and SF mixing thing. why would EA do such thing? I know to make more money, but it seems that pisses people of that just wanted to have there BF2 pleasure....(i,m one off them) , i thought before SF came out that SF is going to get his own SF version only servers. well i could live with that. coz i have my BF2 game, but now it seem that the whole thing just flushed down the toilet. so cant EA have a agreement ? to stop the mixing and create 2 sections for BF2 and SF servers. BF2 means BF2 feats, wanna play SF then join ur SF server and have fun?
coz i dont know if i,m going to continue my BF2 fest with that disadvantage in the gameservers right now..i hope that EA thinks about and seperate the BF2 players from the BF2SF players.
(so BF2S admins do not close this topic)
What EA/Dice or whoever created this idea about mixing BF2 players with SF players in the same server, i think they just made the whole thing worse then before. i spend my 45 euros to play BF2 and i was planning to play it for a loooong time coz i like it a lot .. but now EA brings out the SF edition. so there goes my BF2 pleasure.... and for other people 2 i think.
I have played a while on 1.12 and have red a lot of complainments about this BF2 and SF mixing thing. why would EA do such thing? I know to make more money, but it seems that pisses people of that just wanted to have there BF2 pleasure....(i,m one off them) , i thought before SF came out that SF is going to get his own SF version only servers. well i could live with that. coz i have my BF2 game, but now it seem that the whole thing just flushed down the toilet. so cant EA have a agreement ? to stop the mixing and create 2 sections for BF2 and SF servers. BF2 means BF2 feats, wanna play SF then join ur SF server and have fun?
coz i dont know if i,m going to continue my BF2 fest with that disadvantage in the gameservers right now..i hope that EA thinks about and seperate the BF2 players from the BF2SF players.