I really didn't noticed there was a knew community server around
but I noticed so many tags from lately at every server where I came in.

So I came last night to hop by in your sever and I most say.
it is nice server overall all , but that baseraping rule I don't like
because I love to baserape(alone) with gun or anything and it doesn't really affect me
(know how to avoid baseraping)

by the way would be great if you had Battlerecorder for the server on.

Greetsz from  -={DG}Krysiss to all bf2s players
Somebody know a nice screen recorder (free) no fraps because I get fps drops ?
I´m not a BF2S regular but it is a very well admined server which is nice for a change. I saw you in the EU server tonight, you did a good job with the tv-guided from what I could tell.
Cool member
glad you like the server, but dont think you really had to create a new topic for this.

You could have just posted something in the Praise topic or the Chatter topic.

dont want to sound bad, but maybe you could just copy your original post, then delete this topic and re-post it back in one of the other topics.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are


I may be wrong but it seemed as if you were attacking the US-carrier on Dalian with the chopper's TV-missile today...
If that was the case, everyone of us would be grateful if you did not do this again. Just because you don't like our baseraping rule, doesn't mean you can violate it.

(Btw you DID attack the China-base in the round before.)

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:


I may be wrong but it seemed as if you were attacking the US-carrier on Dalian with the chopper's TV-missile today...
If that was the case, everyone of us would be grateful if you did not do this again. Just because you don't like our baseraping rule, doesn't mean you can violate it.

(Btw you DID attack the China-base in the round before.)
Lol you where there. you where flying that chopper for me hahahah
I did not attack stationary ground targets at the carrier (you where there)

I took only  BH who where trying to go up very high or wantend to get away(so no baseraping really), by the way the exxes could take us down if you would  fly in the 300m zone (range of the AA) and the range of the t.v guigded is 300m so.

Nop, I didn't attack China base but  more tank rapping with a buddy of me, if you are both enigneer and there is no teamwork on the other side then they just loose hard.

also sometimes taking a fully loaded BH/humvee is nice and be  medic to.

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-06 14:45:03)

+75|6795|Birmingham UK
how do u earn the right to have bf2s tag
or can u just hav it if u post of forums

stoneisland wrote:

I´m not a BF2S regular but it is a very well admined server which is nice for a change. I saw you in the EU server tonight, you did a good job with the tv-guided from what I could tell.
Tanks dude, but also tank my chopper eagle23 because it's hard to find people like him on a public server who can hold the chopper long then 1 minute in the air.

no offense eagle23    

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-06 15:04:00)

+263|6836|North Norway

02fxnmaurer wrote:

how do u earn the right to have bf2s tag
or can u just hav it if u post of forums
+75|6795|Birmingham UK
cheers for the link
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Krysiss wrote:

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:


I may be wrong but it seemed as if you were attacking the US-carrier on Dalian with the chopper's TV-missile today...
If that was the case, everyone of us would be grateful if you did not do this again. Just because you don't like our baseraping rule, doesn't mean you can violate it.

(Btw you DID attack the China-base in the round before.)
Lol you where there. you where flying that chopper for me hahahah
I did not attack stationary ground targets at the carrier (you where there)

I took only  BH who where trying to go up very high or wantend to get away(so no baseraping really), by the way the exxes could take us down if you would  fly in the 300m zone (range of the AA) and the range of the t.v guigded is 300m so.

Nop, I didn't attack China base but  more tank rapping with a buddy of me, if you are both enigneer and there is no teamwork on the other side then they just loose hard.
Ehr, no, I did not fly your chopper, I was Commander all the time. Your pilots name was something with eagle, right, but it was defenitly not me, I just watched you

So I saw that you drove with an APC into their base, but  well, you were killed so fast

Last edited by Mike<Eagle23> (2006-08-06 17:23:55)


Mike<Eagle23> wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:


I may be wrong but it seemed as if you were attacking the US-carrier on Dalian with the chopper's TV-missile today...
If that was the case, everyone of us would be grateful if you did not do this again. Just because you don't like our baseraping rule, doesn't mean you can violate it.

(Btw you DID attack the China-base in the round before.)
Lol you where there. you where flying that chopper for me hahahah
I did not attack stationary ground targets at the carrier (you where there)

I took only  BH who where trying to go up very high or wantend to get away(so no baseraping really), by the way the exxes could take us down if you would  fly in the 300m zone (range of the AA) and the range of the t.v guigded is 300m so.

Nop, I didn't attack China base but  more tank rapping with a buddy of me, if you are both enigneer and there is no teamwork on the other side then they just loose hard.
Ehr, no, I did not fly your chopper, I was Commander all the time. Your pilots name was something with eagle, right, but it was defenitly not me, I just watched you

So I saw that you drove with an APC into their base, but I well, you were killed so fast
Yeah Mike was commanding the whole time. "eagles1106", another BF2S member, was piloting for you. Someone said on TS that you were attacking the carrier with TV-missiles, I flew over to see in a J-10 but couldn't get a visual on any attack helicopters (friendly) and was more concentrating on flying and dogfighting than my minimap.

k30dxedle wrote:

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

Lol you where there. you where flying that chopper for me hahahah
I did not attack stationary ground targets at the carrier (you where there)

I took only  BH who where trying to go up very high or wantend to get away(so no baseraping really), by the way the exxes could take us down if you would  fly in the 300m zone (range of the AA) and the range of the t.v guigded is 300m so.

Nop, I didn't attack China base but  more tank rapping with a buddy of me, if you are both enigneer and there is no teamwork on the other side then they just loose hard.
Ehr, no, I did not fly your chopper, I was Commander all the time. Your pilots name was something with eagle, right, but it was defenitly not me, I just watched you

So I saw that you drove with an APC into their base, but I well, you were killed so fast
Yeah Mike was commanding the whole time. "eagles1106", another BF2S member, was piloting for you. Someone said on TS that you were attacking the carrier with TV-missiles, I flew over to see in a J-10 but couldn't get a visual on any attack helicopters (friendly) and was more concentrating on flying and dogfighting than my minimap.
I swear
I did not attack stationary targets, I only attack the famous going high up 400 m with the BH or people or where flying off the carrier. (eagle can confirm that)

you can't count that as baseraping if I not attack stationary targets on carrier but I want to ask a admin about this, is there a problem with my tacktick.

now battlereorder would be handy 

and about the apc joke.
I did not really entererd the base, I was standing just out of the of the entery wtth my apc..
baseraping is for me, getting myself to base zone where the spawn zone of there vihicles and there self are.

Good example:

you have a nice spot where you have cover but clear sight on the airfield of gulf of oman the mec side.
say it's about 350/400M away from the airfield.

I always ceck if there is plane standing there and if there I will take it out from of 350/400M how can be that baseraping?¿ I'm not even near or in the base

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-07 00:10:26)


it's hard to cross the line, but waiting for the BH to be filled and then wait till he is 100 feet up (above the carrier) and shoot him down... dunno, I guess it's oke if they are at 400 feet high, but I usually wait till they left the carrier area.

Shooting from 400 feet away to kill the enemy jets in uncap is not allowed, you take out the vehicles without giving them a chance to take off, you push a tv missile in them so vehicles can't be used. So you attack the uncap, that's not allowed. (cause most of the time before your tv hits, some guy jumped into the jet.

first you say:

Krysiss wrote:

I swear
I did not attack stationary targets

Krysiss wrote:

I always ceck if there is plane standing there and if there I will take it out from of 350/400M
Since when are planes STANDING there no stationary targets

So conclusion: stop attacking the uncap, even if it's from far away. If you snipe the uncap to kill people that spawn, that's spawnraping/attacking the uncap too, even if you are 200 feet out of it.

De_Jappe wrote:

it's hard to cross the line, but waiting for the BH to be filled and then wait till he is 100 feet up (above the carrier) and shoot him down... dunno, I guess it's oke if they are at 400 feet high, but I usually wait till they left the carrier area.

Shooting from 400 feet away to kill the enemy jets in uncap is not allowed, you take out the vehicles without giving them a chance to take off, you push a tv missile in them so vehicles can't be used. So you attack the uncap, that's not allowed. (cause most of the time before your tv hits, some guy jumped into the jet.

first you say:

Krysiss wrote:

I swear
I did not attack stationary targets

Krysiss wrote:

I always ceck if there is plane standing there and if there I will take it out from of 350/400M
Since when are planes STANDING there no stationary targets

So conclusion: stop attacking the uncap, even if it's from far away. If you snipe the uncap to kill people that spawn, that's spawnraping/attacking the uncap too, even if you are 200 feet out of it.
and that I didn't do with the chopper, attaking planes or heli's who where standing on carrier.
I attackd all moving targets who where trying to go upp 400 feet or trying to get away.

simple as that,
It's shame there is no howetizer ingame (pixelshooting)

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-07 03:11:21)


Simple m8 just dont spawn/base rape at all these servers are for fun if you dont like the rule play elsewhere.If you carry on like you are you risk being banned very quick and that not fun at all because these guys are so fun to play alongside.

Also just waiting for them to take off is very lame and DOES count as baserapeing on the server .

Last edited by Knight`UK (2006-08-07 03:16:21)


Knight`UK wrote:


Simple m8 just dont spawn/base rape at all these servers are for fun if you dont like the rule play elsewhere.If you carry on like you are you risk being banned very quick and that not fun at all because these guys are so fun to play alongside.

Also just waiting for them to take off is very lame and DOES count as baserapeing on the server .
but was is baseraping :S
let them fly until they reach land or something.

I killed those guys when they where of the carrier so they had change how can you say that is baseraping
guys who where:
going to the left/right/straight or up

you can't tell me that tcan't not see t.v guided mislle coming from 300m away when thy are flying.
if you fly you look stright to the t.v guided. :S

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-07 03:29:29)

Not going to argue with you ,just warning you that if you dont like the server rule play elsewhere or face a very quick ban from there.

Its meant to be a fun game but people like you ruin it for others.To be honest i suggest you find another server to carry out your favorite thing of baserapeing because its not welcome here.

Knight`UK wrote:

Not going to argue with you ,just warning you that if you dont like the server rule play elsewhere or face a very quick ban from there.

Its meant to be a fun game but people like you ruin it for others.To be honest i suggest you find another server to carry out your favorite thing of baserapeing because its not welcome here.
Guy I'm not searching for a fight.

I'm  asking you how far most the enemy fly for you can say it's clear we can shoot now..
I ask : if BH is going high up and the only way to get him down is with t.v guided how can be that baseraping if they are flying up.

and I repeat I didn't attack ground targets who where trying to take of or standing still.
I shoot literal BH who fly straight up or did move away from the carrier so they did already take off.

also curious what eagle think of my actions he was the guy who pilot the Helli so he had clear view what I was doing. did already send a PM so.(waiting)
soup fly mod

Krysiss wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

Not going to argue with you ,just warning you that if you dont like the server rule play elsewhere or face a very quick ban from there.

Its meant to be a fun game but people like you ruin it for others.To be honest i suggest you find another server to carry out your favorite thing of baserapeing because its not welcome here.
Guy I'm not searching for a fight.

I'm  asking you how far most the enemy fly for you can say it's clear we can shoot now..
I ask : if BH is going high up and the only way to get him down is with t.v guided how can be that baseraping if they are flying up.

and I repeat I didn't attack ground targets who where trying to take of or standing still.
I shoot literal BH who fly straight up or did move away from the carrier so they did already take off.

also curious what eagle think of my actions he was the guy who pilot the Helli so he had clear view what I was doing. did already send a PM so.(waiting)
I think on our server this would be baseraping because you are attacking a target that is still very vulnerable.  The slow climb of the blackhawk over the carrier is probably the only way that the BH can have a chance to get to the mainland.  wait for it to start moving away from the carrier and has picked up speed before you fire on it.
BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Well, this is going to become a debate on principles about the question how far you can go until you reach a point that is considered baseraping. Shooting planes and choppers that just took of is not much better than shooting them at the carrier as they are not really able to defend themselves in that situation and allowing this action is just a step away from allowing baseraping.
As long as they are not attacking you with TV missiles etc. from the carrier, wait until they left the carrier area not only the carrier.
Quite simple I think. The rules were made to guarantee fun to for everyone on the server, and most of the players don't see being baseraped as fun and I don't think that it really makes a difference to them if they are killed on the carriers deck or a few feet higher.

superfly_cox wrote:

Krysiss wrote:

Knight`UK wrote:

Not going to argue with you ,just warning you that if you dont like the server rule play elsewhere or face a very quick ban from there.

Its meant to be a fun game but people like you ruin it for others.To be honest i suggest you find another server to carry out your favorite thing of baserapeing because its not welcome here.
Guy I'm not searching for a fight.

I'm  asking you how far most the enemy fly for you can say it's clear we can shoot now..
I ask : if BH is going high up and the only way to get him down is with t.v guided how can be that baseraping if they are flying up.

and I repeat I didn't attack ground targets who where trying to take of or standing still.
I shoot literal BH who fly straight up or did move away from the carrier so they did already take off.

also curious what eagle think of my actions he was the guy who pilot the Helli so he had clear view what I was doing. did already send a PM so.(waiting)
I think on our server this would be baseraping because you are attacking a target that is still very vulnerable.  The slow climb of the blackhawk over the carrier is probably the only way that the BH can have a chance to get to the mainland.  wait for it to start moving away from the carrier and has picked up speed before you fire on it. … =base+rape

I'm asking you this is! Are not all flying object who leave the carriere vunreble because of the long distance t.v guided 100 m or 400 it doesn't really make a difference or doesn't?

I'm  curious what people  opinion is about because
BH is not carrier but flying high up why would it count baseraping if it's already longer then 20 seconds in mid air and try to flee away to land.

20 seconds ( is around 100 m or more high )
and what if they reach 400m I know they are still there.

Mike<Eagle23> wrote:

Well, this is going to become a debate on principles about the question how far you can go until you reach a point that is considered baseraping. Shooting planes and choppers that just took of is not much better than shooting them at the carrier as they are not really able to defend themselves in that situation and allowing this action is just a step away from allowing baseraping.
As long as they are not attacking you with TV missiles etc. from the carrier, wait until they left the carrier area not only the carrier.
Quite simple I think. The rules were made to guarantee fun to for everyone on the server, and most of the players don't see being baseraped as fun and I don't think that it really makes a difference to them if they are killed on the carriers deck or a few feet higher.
you do have point.

look at my other post.
The fantastic Mr. Antichrist
Knock it off !

We won´t start a discussion about velocity and altitude and whatnot, when it comes to baseraping.
In the end it´s an admin desicision, and admins don´t draw a magical, imaginary and stationary line around uncaps.
If players complain about baseraping, we check the accusation and depending on the present admins and given situation we will make a desicision.
Live with and stop discussing or change the server.

HellHead wrote:

Knock it off !

We won´t start a discussion about velocity and altitude and whatnot, when it comes to baseraping.
In the end it´s an admin desicision, and admins don´t draw a magical, imaginary and stationary line around uncaps.
If players complain about baseraping, we check the accusation and depending on the present admins and given situation we will make a desicision.
Live with and stop discussing or change the server.
heee we are discussion here,
that why we call it a forum.

you don't  hear about me that I against the rule (or would spamn the forum with that they most make it non rule server)

I just want to find the magical line because it's not really clear between admins itself it seems.
because the admins could take good look at my tackticks yesterday, so why I'm not kicked is my question.

Last edited by Krysiss (2006-08-07 05:26:40)

BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Krysiss wrote:

because the admins could take good look at my tackticks yesterday, so why I'm not kicked is my question.
Nobody did really see you, k30 was fighting and did not really take a look on your helicopter and I noticed that you had a lot of chopper kills, so I wanted to find out what was going on and I found you in the chopper, looking into the direction of the carrier After a few scans I came to the conclusion that there were not enough targets on the ground to give you that much kills and that you were attacking the carrier, but I still had no prove.
The fact that Varegg who was admining the server at that time did not warn/kick you was just a result of nobody being sure what was going on before the round was over.

Last edited by Mike<Eagle23> (2006-08-07 05:27:43)

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