I think it's amazing watching as this site slowly gets updated piece by piece. Like before our award sigs where just blank. Now they are really big pics. Also looking at my Stats page, I see all the new stats but all at 0 for the moment, and I look at the new SF Awards. It's amazing (I think) watching this site slowly grow, piece by piece.
But I guess that's only because I'm in calsses like Web Mastering II, and stuff like that. And knowning that I have a few (non-popular) websites up myself, I think that's why I find it so cool.
I think it's like watching a birth. Truley amazing.
Flame me, if you wish (wont be the first time..... and more than likley not the last), but I just like watching this site grow with SF.
What do any of you think?
But I guess that's only because I'm in calsses like Web Mastering II, and stuff like that. And knowning that I have a few (non-popular) websites up myself, I think that's why I find it so cool.
I think it's like watching a birth. Truley amazing.
Flame me, if you wish (wont be the first time..... and more than likley not the last), but I just like watching this site grow with SF.
What do any of you think?