Ok, so I created my own squad. I didn't want to be bothered by other players and miss out on squad leader time. So I'm up on a roof pickin' off ppl tryin' to take CP's. Everything is goin' fine, but then someone joins my squad and then used me as a spawn point. He thinks he's tough enough to scale down the same ladder that I've got my claymore mine parked on. He dies. He punished me. I'd expect a First Sgt. to be a lil' smarter than what was displayed.
- If you don't want to be bothered with squad members you don't trust there's squad lock.
- Expecting rational behavior based on rank is foolish. Just because someone puts in 300 hours more than someone else doesn't mean they are more skilled and not stupid.
Yeah, I hate it when the SL is either in a plane or a sniper. A sniper is supposed to be hiding, you don't want people to spawn on you when in the thick of playing, they give away your cover. But sometimes its okay; when in the middle of your flag and thiers that way it cuts down on walking.
- A sniper a reliable spawn point is actually pretty beneficial sometimes, my clan will often employ this tactic to have a halfway point between two flags so the offensive can be pressured to one, and then a couple sneak off to the other and take it while the enemy is engaged.
- It's nice to be an SL in a jet that has a passenger seat as a either a very fast and mobile spawn point or just being able to get a gunner/bomber co-pilot.