+6|7047|In a van down by the river
Here are my reasons why SF is a ripoff.
We all know how big the modding community for BF2 is.  EA's greed has made them release an expansion that allows people to get extra weapons and smack the crap out of everyone who hasn't bought SF, for a mere 30 bucks.  EA knows how big the modding community is so they had to hurry to release SF before the mod rush came through.  Frankly, they haven't added enough in my opinion to warrant a 30 dollar purchase.  Oooo grappling hooks, how impressive.  Now i can zip from building to building with my zip line.  Wow, I'm glad to hand EA 30 bucks for it.  So what, a few new weapons, a few new maps.  This was all stuff that could have been added in a mod.  But no, EA has to be greedy.
why your point isn't valid at all...

BF2 has cost you 23 cents per hour of play. shut up about being ripped off already, I can't think of many other forms of entertainment that cost 23 cents per hour.
EA = Business
Business = Need Money To Pay Workers/Bills(Yes, companies have bills)
Mod = No Money
No Money = Sad EA.

Nuff said.  Stop this SF was a waste bs and buy it.  My job pays 8 an hour and it only takes me one 4 hour shift to pay for the xpack, which I will be playing for more than 4 hours.
Paper Is My Hobbyhorse

NamelessMarine wrote:

EA = Business
Business = Need Money To Pay Workers/Bills(Yes, companies have bills)
Mod = No Money
No Money = Sad EA.

Nuff said.  Stop this SF was a waste bs and buy it.  My job pays 8 an hour and it only takes me one 4 hour shift to pay for the xpack, which I will be playing for more than 4 hours.
Well said.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

Here are my reasons why SF is a ripoff.
We all know how big the modding community for BF2 is.  EA's greed has made them release an expansion that allows people to get extra weapons and smack the crap out of everyone who hasn't bought SF, for a mere 30 bucks.  EA knows how big the modding community is so they had to hurry to release SF before the mod rush came through.  Frankly, they haven't added enough in my opinion to warrant a 30 dollar purchase.  Oooo grappling hooks, how impressive.  Now i can zip from building to building with my zip line.  Wow, I'm glad to hand EA 30 bucks for it.  So what, a few new weapons, a few new maps.  This was all stuff that could have been added in a mod.  But no, EA has to be greedy.
want a tissue? oh nd can you please email me the ranked servers running mods?
IMO it's not a ripoff and I hope they make another.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
I've only played SF about 3 times, the rest of the time I am in Karkand with the new unlocks. The unlocks weren't made for SF, because you start out with the default anyway, what made it nice is that you can use them in the original BF2!! They should have given the Grapple and Zip Line also, not just a Flash Bang.  It is not a ripoff at all, they are trying to make better I guess, like in BF42, they had expansions, most of the people that played that stuck with the original. I am just hoping someone puts new maps and mods out like Desert Combat did with BF42.. Just think..a big tankfest in El Alamien, where EVERYONE has a tank. But of course you could say go play desert combat then... but that's not the point.
Well I dont have SF yet... I might get it for christmas or somethign but what I do know it that although it seems sort of unfair with the SF players having their weapons in normal game play, I can still kill them like slicing bread. and hte flash bang was interesting when one went off although I could sitll see a bit...I had lag at the time mind you.
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland

imdead wrote:

I've only played SF about 3 times, the rest of the time I am in Karkand with the new unlocks. The unlocks weren't made for SF, because you start out with the default anyway, what made it nice is that you can use them in the original BF2!! They should have given the Grapple and Zip Line also, not just a Flash Bang.  It is not a ripoff at all, they are trying to make better I guess, like in BF42, they had expansions, most of the people that played that stuck with the original. I am just hoping someone puts new maps and mods out like Desert Combat did with BF42.. Just think..a big tankfest in El Alamien, where EVERYONE has a tank. But of course you could say go play desert combat then... but that's not the point.
Now that would be cool, 16 tanks vs 16 tanks in a huge desert.
We gotta have that
And im not even a tankwhore!

I was just thinking about that... they appeased all of us infantry whores with SF, nice close quarters maps with interesting environments (though, they didn't exactly help us with the attack choppers)...  I think a sweet idea would be a LARGE scale expansion, your team has to operate as a whole armor division, trying to secure a city or make a bridge crossing.

There would still be plenty of work for the footsoldiers, ie engineers need to clear minefields, etc etc. I think that would be pretty cool. I also think it would be sweet if they had urban siege maps... lets say the US gets multiple armored vehicles, a few blackhawks and apaches. The insurgents don't get any of that but they have a butload of RPGs, a heavily urban environment, and in a full 64 player server a 2 to 1 troop advantage.

ah, the wish list... move this to improvements if you like modders.

imdead wrote:

I've only played SF about 3 times, the rest of the time I am in Karkand with the new unlocks. The unlocks weren't made for SF, because you start out with the default anyway, what made it nice is that you can use them in the original BF2!! They should have given the Grapple and Zip Line also, not just a Flash Bang.
Do you know how fucking ridiculous that would be? EA and DICE should respect the balance of their games rather than whoring for a little change. They shouldn't have even put in flashbangs to regular BF2. They're saying "You can have an advantage over other players if you pay us 30 bucks!" The thought of the implimentation of grappling hooks and ziplines is just ridiculous. That would give people that bought the expansion the ability to LITERALLY sit on top of other players and pick them off, or travel accross the map with little or no hindrance or threat. Think about balance before saying "I want I want I want!!"

With all that said I love the expansion
Aliens Ate My Babysitter
Can I point out the painfully obvious: if you don't think it's worth the money, don't pay. Quit whining like a little baby and go back to waiting for your mods to come along.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Okay you both are idiots.

Why do people not read between the lines? One: wasn't crying about anything, just merely stating that it would be fun in my opinion to make mods....different maps.... El Alamien was just a statement because that was everyones favorite map in BF42. Personally I don't care what happens, seems like people like the expansion because of what?  It's fucking different, that's why. Is it a mod? Two: it would be ridiculous to do that, again, merely stating that it would be different. I like playing BF2, and if I was crying I wouldn't play it. See I have a different perspective on this, I play for fun, it's not my life. Also isn't picking people off what we do anyway?? The game is balanced I think the way it was, true about the flash bangs though and people TKing for weapons, other than that it's just a statement, wasn't serious and not a wish. Take it as you want. Both basically said you don't like my opinion and I respect that. Didnt know I was going to get flamed just stating something that would be maybe fun for two minutes.
To Keen: This is the complaint forum.

To imdead: The absence of balance in a game with hundreds of thousands of people playing isn't fun. If you think    it's fun to have an advantage over other people in a game, you're a coward.


Last edited by ApathyCrusade (2005-11-26 17:07:42)

Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
haha....sorry... Um..
The game is balanced I think the way it was, true about the flash bangs though and people TKing for weapons, other than that it's just a statement, wasn't serious and not a wish
I was agreeing with you there and you still flamed me again. Read man. Just a statement. Sorry again for the feelings. I guess I am a coward anyway, I go full bore into firefights, hence the name Human Meat Shield
Knife Whore
I still dont see why people are so up-in-arms about this expansion pack. It's not like they have a gun to your head, making you buy the game. There are about a thousand other BF2 servers out there. The whole point of an expansion pack is to get you to PAY for the privledge of new weapons and stuff. Why should they let others have them when they didnt pay? It defeats the purpose. And remember-EA cant live off of "praise" they might get for passing out a free expansion pack..They dont get paid by the number of servers that are out there =P
The Kid
I've said it once, I'll say it again:  The SF weapons are VARIATIONS, not IMPROVEMENTS.  The MG36 is the opposite of the PKM.  Since I got the PKM I thought "Wow, wouldn't it be cool for a weak weapon that fires really fast," and I got it.  I love SF, it's 7 new weapons (not including the RPG-7), 4 new accessories, and (I think) 9 or 10 new maps.

Although I agree, zip lines and grappling hooks WOULD ruin BF2 by giving SF users a huge advantage.  In SF, almost all the places you can hook/line, there is a ladder or other way to get up there.  In BF2, if you can't get up there without a ladder, you can't get up there.
imdead: Sorry if I flamed you, but EA/DICE's lack of respect for it's games and and customers really piss me off. And if it's not a serious complaint, don't post it
Δ > x > ¥

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

Here are my reasons why SF is a ripoff.
We all know how big the modding community for BF2 is.  EA's greed has made them release an expansion that allows people to get extra weapons and smack the crap out of everyone who hasn't bought SF, for a mere 30 bucks.  EA knows how big the modding community is so they had to hurry to release SF before the mod rush came through.  Frankly, they haven't added enough in my opinion to warrant a 30 dollar purchase.  Oooo grappling hooks, how impressive.  Now i can zip from building to building with my zip line.  Wow, I'm glad to hand EA 30 bucks for it.  So what, a few new weapons, a few new maps.  This was all stuff that could have been added in a mod.  But no, EA has to be greedy.
If you don't like the game, take your copy back to the store for a refund.  And naff off out of these servers.
+6|7047|In a van down by the river
The only reason EA made this was to squeeze as much money out of it as they could.  They could care less about the consumers.  You can say what you want about how it "only costs 30 bucks, its not anything", but it is more principle than anything.  And the comment about "show me the ranked mod servers", EA won't allow them to be ranked so that people would rather buy the expansion pack than download free mods.  Stop being EA fanboys and realize that you'll stop playing BF2SF in a week (figuratively speaking) and say, okay I'm bored.  Oh and I like BF2... I just think SF is a waste, and that's why I haven't bought it. Expansion packs have always been there just to squeeze extra money out of the game.  If you don't think that's true, you are naive.

Last edited by =NAA=TheTaxidermist (2005-11-26 19:50:59)

The Kid
What?  My Diablo 2 expansion gives me another 25% of game, as well as 20% more classes to choose from, and a whole brigade of weapons.

My WC3 expansion gives me a whole new campaign, as well as a better modding program, and more units.

My BF2 expansion gives me 7 new guns, 4 new accessories, 9 or so new maps, a new AT weapon, and more vehicles.

Also, there is no ranked mods, because somebody could rig it so some pistol has a 1-shot kill, and the creator runs around racking up kills.  Is that fair?
Mass Media Casualty

Well, mods can be buggy, and unprofesional. What's my point you ask? EA has slightly less buggy, and slightly less unprofessional mods. See, they are being paid to make something good. If they don't make something good, they get shot, (or fired, or something.) The incentive is there for them to do a better job then some clown with a good computer and no life.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
just nothing

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

The only reason EA made this was to squeeze as much money out of it as they could.  They could care less about the consumers.  You can say what you want about how it "only costs 30 bucks, its not anything", but it is more principle than anything.  And the comment about "show me the ranked mod servers", EA won't allow them to be ranked so that people would rather buy the expansion pack than download free mods.  Stop being EA fanboys and realize that you'll stop playing BF2SF in a week (figuratively speaking) and say, okay I'm bored.  Oh and I like BF2... I just think SF is a waste, and that's why I haven't bought it. Expansion packs have always been there just to squeeze extra money out of the game.  If you don't think that's true, you are naive.
Okay, you think it's a waste, we get it, let it go. What do you hope to accomplish by saying all this? What do you hope to accomplish by stating facts that everyone already knows?

Let. It. Go.
sorry taxidermist...

but at 23 cents per hour, I could argue you have been ripping EA off. don't get mad at me, its the principle!

NamelessMarine wrote:

EA = Business
Business = Need Money To Pay Workers/Bills(Yes, companies have bills)
Mod = No Money
No Money = Sad EA.

Nuff said.  Stop this SF was a waste bs and buy it.  My job pays 8 an hour and it only takes me one 4 hour shift to pay for the xpack, which I will be playing for more than 4 hours.
good argument, but 30 bucks for 4 hrs of work seems like bad times to me

Last edited by DeltaForceWarrior (2005-11-27 01:38:02)

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