God i had to laugh, just been on a server with a couple of chopper whores, i manage to get in the gunner seat at the start of the round, pilot started spamming me to jump out, i said why should i, so his clan mate on the ground say to the polit to crash the chopper which he did, lucky not before i manage to bail out.
His buddy on the ground did teamkill in the water, man there wasnt much chance of me getting back to land before the chopper spawn back, so this shows you the type of player.
They both start going on at me how it was my fault we losted the last game, because the enermy chopper was really owning us on the map with the carrier, even though i wasnt even flying and i was on there side.
Then they start swearing at me, the server kicks em both for doing it.
Man i laughed they teamkill me for the chopper and get kicked for swearing, man there is a BF2 SF god.
These guys are all that is bad with the BF2 game, at lest for once they messed up and got what they deserved.

His buddy on the ground did teamkill in the water, man there wasnt much chance of me getting back to land before the chopper spawn back, so this shows you the type of player.
They both start going on at me how it was my fault we losted the last game, because the enermy chopper was really owning us on the map with the carrier, even though i wasnt even flying and i was on there side.
Then they start swearing at me, the server kicks em both for doing it.
Man i laughed they teamkill me for the chopper and get kicked for swearing, man there is a BF2 SF god.
These guys are all that is bad with the BF2 game, at lest for once they messed up and got what they deserved.