@ Sleazell:
-nice SPM
-pretty nice K/D ratio
-nice WL ratio
-you should play Commander more... it's good for the soul...
-Support guy like me!!!
-Toss those ammo bags out a bit more though , i'm not very good at it either, but i also didn't know i had them until i'd played support for like 20 hrs lol
-i love your LMG ratio, i'm jealous
-great job overall with infantry weapons, pretty good
-hurray for tank whore's!!
work on your awards though, you need more SHINY PIXELS!!
nice job m8 , and good luck getting Major!
-nice SPM
-pretty nice K/D ratio
-nice WL ratio
-you should play Commander more... it's good for the soul...
-Support guy like me!!!
-Toss those ammo bags out a bit more though , i'm not very good at it either, but i also didn't know i had them until i'd played support for like 20 hrs lol
-i love your LMG ratio, i'm jealous
-great job overall with infantry weapons, pretty good
-hurray for tank whore's!!
work on your awards though, you need more SHINY PIXELS!!
nice job m8 , and good luck getting Major!